Brighton Marathon

Listed by WineRunner52
  • Rated 78%
  • 26.2mi
  • Road
  • Asc 64m
Entrants (191) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
2btiny Felt so much better than last year. Good to run with no injury. Not as fit though. A PB was still on until hit by a dodgy tummy towards the end of the race! Thanet Road Runners AC 4:50:32 4:51:48 4:51:48 49.36
a.k.a Billy 10/5/10 going back for a bit more PB chasing......
11/4/11 Get in! 3 minute PB and 1st sub 3.30 Dunstable RRC 3:29:33 3:29:33 3:29:33 59.07
AdrianB1066 V hot vest and adidas climacool shorts plenty of suncream, vaseline etc. 5 gels slowed down between 20&23m then picked up again. Urine good colour no aches pains or walking! Unaffiliated 3:50:32 4:05:43 4:00:00 4:05:43 51.02
am001 Arrrgghhh 20 degrees in April ! Unaffiliated 4:44:41 4:48:32 4:30:00 4:48:32 44.50
andyb Ely Runners 3:29:30 3:43:34 3:47:04 56.55
atrain247 Liss Runners 3:43:20 4:13:30 4:13:30 49.12
Baboushka Northbrook AC 4:05:35 4:05:35 4:05:35 66.46
Beep Maidstone Harriers 3:12:55 3:21:12 3:19:59 3:21:12 61.21
BradCordell Unaffiliated 4:00:00
Brookers MK Lakeside Runners 3:01:00 3:12:19 3:17:46 3:14:56 62.36
BWhelan Bracknell Forest Runners 3:46:15 3:46:15 3:46:15 56.75
catwoman Unaffiliated 4:25:00 4:25:00 4:25:00 54.95
Cazaroo Cambridge & Coleridge AC 3:29:46 3:31:47
Cheese Unaffiliated 3:58:59
Choccy Unaffiliated 5:15:34 5:16:09 5:16:09 43.68
ck1 Canterbury Harriers 3:14:08 3:49:52 3:15:00 3:49:52 56.80
Closer 100 Marathon Club 3:38:59 4:01:31 4:29:13 52.97
Colourtelly Unaffiliated 4:07:56 4:17:09 4:17:09 60.22
comahon Thames Turbo Triathlon Club
CornishEva Unaffiliated 4:23:51 4:39:44 4:39:44 47.89
D.Lloyd Unaffiliated 4:19:19 4:35:49 4:55:00 4:35:49 48.55
Dalpho Unaffiliated 3:08:36 3:08:36 3:08:36 65.63
dbtw Wrekin Road Runners 3:54:00 4:13:28 4:30:00 4:17:29 47.22
decembers_spawn Unaffiliated 3:24:30 3:24:30 3:14:59 3:24:30 59.44
Deejay8 This was one of the best days of my life.I had trained hard and prepared well through a very cold winter for my first marathon.Then on the weekend of the race the south of England was hit by a heatwave and the temperature soared to 25 degrees.As i hadn't trained in the heat,it did slow me down a bit,and i missed out on my 5 hour target,but i finished and really enjoyed the whole experience.I can't believe it,but i am a marathon runner. Unaffiliated 5:25:58 5:25:58 5:25:58 38.07
dianecann Unaffiliated 4:31:15 4:31:15 5:09:00 43.64
Didds Bexhill Runners 3:46:35 3:47:08 3:55:00 3:52:39 56.12
dim80 Unaffiliated 3:26:28 3:26:28 3:26:28 58.88
dingdong* Werrington Joggers 3:58:18 3:58:18 3:58:18 58.79
Dips Brighton & Hove Women's Running Club, UKnetrunner 4:14:22 4:41:23 4:29:20 4:41:23 54.34
dizzi Dulwich Park Runners 4:01:05 4:01:05 4:01:05 56.62
Doice Unaffiliated 3:13:48 3:31:54 3:25:00 3:42:27 55.65
Dowse Birmingham Running, Athletics, & Triathlon Club (BRAT), Malvern Joggers 3:57:29 5:31:04 5:31:04 36.72
Dowsey Unaffiliated 4:28:57 4:28:57 4:28:57 53.95
E! (The Renaissance) Unaffiliated 4:38:22 48.80
Eleanor Serpentine RC 3:58:08 4:13:06 4:13:06 52.94
elio Incredible race for me today with massive PB. Great weather, a little too hot but OK, amazing crowd support. I found this marathon very well organized with plenty of water and powerade stations and enjoyable course throughout. Unaffiliated 2:54:47 3:29:48 3:29:48 57.94
emdee wow that was hot. Blistered really badly too. Still managed a 12 minute PB though! 100 Marathon Club 3:04:56 3:25:01 3:20:00 3:41:31 55.03
emzley Unaffiliated 3:12:18 3:27:35 3:59:24 55.96
Enaoslm Well organised.  Park and ride system was very good.  Support was fantastic and gave me a real lift especially around half way mark.  Very hot though for April up to 23oC.  Felt good until about 17-18 miles and stated to lose form and slow down.  Managed quite a pacey shuffle though to record a great pb. Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC 3:02:51 3:12:54 3:30:00 3:12:54 63.58
Fat Dave Truro RC, Truro Running Club 3:56:35 4:40:52 4:43:11 43.05
Fattyatitagain Fittleworth Flyers 4:38:25 4:38:25 4:38:25 44.24
Fionina Unaffiliated 4:04:08 4:08:43 4:08:43 54.22
firerob1 Boston & District AC 4:27:00 3:45:00
Fitz Here goes, my first mara. Welcome to a whole new world of pain!

Actually, that was fun! Ran too fast to 16-17m, blew up a bit but still made sub-4, partly because I refused to be beaten by the bloke in the Chewbacca outfit.

Great crowd, plenty of encouragement, especially along the prom to the finish. FERC 3:51:40 3:57:15 4:00:00 3:57:15 54.57
Fizzy Unaffiliated 4:56:42 5:02:52 5:13:55 42.71
Footpad Ouch... owww... hobble ..... Urgh! - comments from the day after! Unaffiliated 4:12:06 4:16:08 4:16:08 51.40
Forest Faerie Thetford AC 4:10:56 4:32:52 4:32:52 51.78
Foxster 100 Marathon Club 3:33:20 3:56:35 4:12:21 54.95
FurryFeet Damn hot. Unaffiliated 2:48:09 3:12:09 3:14:59 3:14:16 64.53
garkbit Slinn Allstars 3:53:21 4:04:18 4:08:57 50.02
Gobi Official Clif Bar Pace Maker for 3.10 

Safe to say people suffered in the heat. 1.34 ish at halfway. More exact splits in my log Cannock & Stafford AC 2:38:57 2:56:28 3:09:52 66.03
Godzilla Ranelagh Harriers 4:14:25 4:54:00 4:54:00 41.47
gojosiego Fairlands Valley Spartans RC
golfbravo Unaffiliated 3:14:20 3:52:01 3:52:01 53.67
greenzed Unaffiliated 4:59:59 5:01:15
Grey Tornado Lewes AC, West 4 Harriers 2:55:38 3:23:00 3:30:00 3:23:00 60.98
greybouy Lonely Goat RC 5:25:06 5:53:41 5:53:41 39.55
gribb0 FERC 4:12:52 4:42:56 4:30:00 4:42:56 51.47
Hackett Unaffiliated 3:35:30 4:00:28 4:00:28 52.53
Harerunner Northampton Road Runners 4:33:00 4:33:00 4:33:00 49.17
HCParker Warwick University AC 5:15:20 5:16:29 5:16:29 42.33
Helegant This will be my last race in current age category, my first marathon for 7 years, and my come back to running complete with lots of the phiggles and niggles associated with basic old-age. Planning to run with PinkSparkie. 
Crashed out at 14miles with asthma. Too much other stuff going on too Unaffiliated 5:54:53
hope to... PB! Unaffiliated 4:55:00 4:55:00 4:55:00 47.49
HowHardCanItBe Collingwood AC 3:03:52 3:27:43 3:27:43 66.16
iRunSmartPhil Very pleased to have run so well in such hot conditions for April. Really enjoyed the route and the superb marshalling and support. Chineham Park Running Club, Zombies, Run! 4:45:06 4:45:06 5:00:00 4:45:06 46.57
JamieKai *chameleon* Unaffiliated 3:13:29 3:17:21 3:30:00 3:29:49 57.94
Jay Mccardle Great day ... Always sunblock I didn't lobster arms .. Suffered from powerstation back to finish .. Tuff Fitty Triathlon Club 3:19:10 3:28:12 3:40:30 3:28:12 59.81
Jessica88 Unaffiliated 3:45:00
Jim Rock Unaffiliated 4:15:57 4:33:37 4:35:30 4:33:37 44.83
jmiles11 Seaford Striders RC 3:17:20 3:46:13 3:46:13 53.74
Joan Unaffiliated 4:01:01 4:50:45 4:50:45 57.69
joehappe Orion Harriers 2:57:30 3:07:51 3:07:51 67.25
johnny-the-eagle Hot.
Poor race - run walk from 14 miles. Crowborough Runners 3:31:40 3:44:05 3:44:05 58.75
johnnyl Brighton Marathon 2011. Tough going. Undulating first half (organisers said flat!). Sea front tremendously hot - ended up run walk run between water stations to cool down with water all over body

First half was around 1:33. Second half (an embarrassing!) 1:50

Must have been temperature as able to jog back the two miles to hotel afterwards! Pleased with time given conditions.

Am walking today (Monday) and in better condition than after London last year so hopefully better conditioned this time round. Quads slightly stiff and calfs feel fine.
San Domenico RC 3:05:15 3:23:24 3:23:24 61.22
JohnnyO Unaffiliated 2:57:56 3:28:24 3:28:24 59.40
JonCPRC Chineham Park Running Club 3:43:28 3:53:15 3:59:00 3:53:15 53.39
Kamlesh Unaffiliated 3:39:30 3:39:30 3:39:30 55.38
katiecom Ridiculous hot day, very slow start, 7 minutes to cross the line! Unaffiliated 3:38:58 3:38:58 3:38:58 61.18
kink bunny minus 10 minutes for Q for loo!! 
walked from mile 16 VEGAN RUNNERS UK 4:11:42 5:50:00 5:50:00 38.30
Kitty Serpentine RC 4:37:10 4:39:50 4:39:50 47.87
KKKKKarl Unaffiliated 3:42:20 4:13:00 4:13:00 50.75
lake Thanet Road Runners AC 3:32:04 4:14:06 3:37:00 4:14:06 49.00
leg-iron Unaffiliated 3:46:08 3:52:04 4:00:00 3:52:04 54.02
Little Nemo This is *absolutely* the last marathon I train for. If I don't make it to the start line in one piece I will be retiring.

UPDATE: Hope I'm not jinxing myself but there are less than 2 weeks to go and I'm not broken yet! :-)

RESULT: Finished but with a PW. Retiring from marathons for at least a year. Serpentine RC 4:54:17 5:53:22 5:30:00 5:53:22 39.65
loopy_laura_jane Worthing & District Harriers 4:26:35 4:26:35 4:19:00 4:26:35 45.63
Lorne First 13 mile very hilly and a very warm sunny day Unaffiliated 2:55:58 3:26:55 3:30:00 3:26:55 60.59
Lottie140 Dulwich Park Runners 5:11:35 6:05:38 6:05:38 41.30
lozza This is not a PB attempt - plan to run / walk. Collingwood AC 4:01:27 5:14:34 5:00:00 5:14:34 46.29
Lucy Claire TeamBath AC 3:29:51 3:29:51 3:45:00 3:45:12 59.49
luis Unaffiliated 3:27:40 3:36:13 3:25:00 3:36:13 58.42
Maggs81 it was so hot! Hottest day of the year Unaffiliated 1:42:00 3:31:45 3:31:45
Magpie Rob Matlock Athletic Club 3:24:17 3:56:25 3:59:59 4:05:27 51.46
malboul Unaffiliated 4:27:05 4:27:05 4:27:05 61.94
Man Hot!  Knee and foot now sorerer Thames Turbo Triathlon Club 3:12:57 3:12:57 3:22:00 3:12:57 64.54
Mandymoo Whitecliffs Athletics and Running Club 4:43:04 5:13:14 4:55:00 5:13:14 45.11
MarkyJ Chichester Runners & AC 3:28:49 3:49:51 3:50:00 3:49:51 53.18
MartinTheCat Sandbach Striders 3:12:42 3:20:42 3:36:53 58.24
MaT.T Unaffiliated 3:29:04 3:48:47 3:30:00 3:48:47 54.11
mava Sevenoaks AC 4:50:26 4:55:00
Melksham runner Very warm day. Set pace at 7:45 minute miles but in retrospect this was too ambitious for the conditions. Cramped up at 20 miles and didn't get my pre-match feeding right. Managed slight pb but another disappointing marathon. Avon Valley Runners, Redway Runners 3:35:52 3:44:11 3:44:11 57.75
meschee Wells City Harriers, shapwick runners, mendip triathlon club 3:53:59 4:13:55 4:20:00 4:13:55 54.38
mile muncher Thetford AC 3:52:18 4:46:30 4:46:30 50.27
Miser Warminster RC 2:50:14 3:01:51 2:59:59 3:04:01 66.06
MK hatter Milton Keynes Lakeside Runners 3:25:18 3:49:31 3:50:26 56.18
morebeer Tadworth AC 4:06:36 4:06:36 3:59:59 4:49:26 43.32
Mr Beet Unaffiliated
Mr UE Unaffiliated 3:30:04 3:47:59 3:47:59 55.41
Mr Woo This may be a bit speculative at the mo - we'll c how things progress between now (may'10) n the build up to race day, Abo to do 1st :-)

well abo never happened and the training for this fell on it's arse so ran as a get you round. was very happy to meet up with a fellow club runner and help her to a sub 4hr PB. it was nice for once to run without that Striders of Croydon AC 3:25:05 3:58:50 3:15:00 3:58:50 51.35
mr_andy_r Unaffiliated 4:11:01 4:52:33 4:35:00 4:52:33 41.67
Mrs Winkle Ranelagh Harriers 3:36:03 3:44:12 4:15:00 3:55:08 57.77
Naomi P Unaffiliated 3:28:37 3:38:37 3:35:00 3:58:49 56.10
nearly there Ashford and District RRC 3:28:50 3:28:50 3:30:00 3:28:50 61.49
Nerianne Clayton le Moors Harriers 3:49:22 4:16:25 4:16:25 53.85
nicolag Headington RoadRunners 3:20:00 3:20:00 3:22:33 67.07
Norrin Radd Was aiming to try 3:30 in London but y not! Unaffiliated 3:30:38 3:30:38 3:30:00 3:30:38 58.77
Norrthwestarm Unaffiliated 3:18:22 3:40:23 3:40:23 58.75
Nuno_b Bloody hot Unaffiliated 4:45:17 4:45:17 4:45:17 42.64
officebased Unaffiliated 4:40:59
ollie20 Arena 80 AC 4:00:00
OllyW Unaffiliated 2:59:01 2:59:01 3:05:59 3:06:00 65.35
paul a 100 Marathon Club 3:01:26 3:08:37 3:17:22 65.60
Paul Salmon Wootton Bassett Hounds RC 3:49:20 3:49:20 3:49:20 55.53
paulajoanne Braintree & District AC 5:01:33 5:01:33 5:00:00 5:01:33 45.26
PaulaMc Hot, but a great race for me nevertheless Unaffiliated 4:21:03 4:27:53 4:30:00 4:27:53 52.30
PIN 01 Sandhurst Joggers 3:41:28 3:41:28 3:45:00 3:46:00 59.25
PinkSparkie Unaffiliated 6:00:03 6:17:05 6:35:00 6:17:05 35.53
PlodderK Wadhurst Runners 2:54:35 3:45:24 3:41:21 3:51:54 66.92
plodding hippo 100 Marathon Club 4:16:46 4:23:15 4:32:23 52.35
Pootle Unaffiliated 4:16:28 4:16:28 4:16:28 52.34
PostmanPlod Northbrook AC 3:28:20 3:28:36 3:40:00 3:30:44 68.22
prolaps hot
Unaffiliated 4:47:31 4:47:31 4:30:00 4:47:31 42.31
puddles Cambridge & Coleridge AC
RayCool Running Forever 3:36:57 4:18:00 4:18:00 50.18
Razkatz Unaffiliated 5:33:22 5:33:22 5:33:22 45.30
redblueeagle East Grinstead & District AC 4:27:04 4:27:04 3:59:59 4:27:04 46.94
rjbutler Ashford and District RRC 3:08:22 3:08:22 3:10:21
Rob W Looking forward to doing this again, not sure about my time prediction, after 4.01 in 2010 hope to be under 4 so I don't have to do it again!
Update - it was just too hot!  Was on target at the half way point but then decided it was more important to finish than risk having to pull out so backed off a bit... lets hope 2012 is a bit cooler! Unaffiliated 4:01:56 4:17:15 3:59:59 4:17:15 49.91
Robinp The hottest Marathon I've done Unaffiliated 3:35:41 3:48:45 3:29:59 3:59:03 51.31
Rod the plod Cambridge Harriers 2:47:46 3:00:27 3:00:27 67.38
Roma This is now a double with London so modest time estimate :-)

Update - toooo hot, had to conserve my energy :-)) Thetford AC 4:39:08 4:51:45 4:55:00 4:51:45 53.08
Roobarb Too bloody hot! Suffered :( Lonely Goat Running Club 5:05:00 5:12:09 5:29:32 46.99
RSB Unaffiliated 3:50:59 3:50:59 3:50:59 52.63
Ruggy Dunstable Lions RC 3:17:50 3:28:16 3:28:16 63.21
RunLikeYouStoleIt Unaffiliated 4:30:00
runnerbean1963 Too damn hot to run! Hamstring cramp at 19 miles, resulted in disappointing time Garden City Runners 3:20:05 3:39:53 3:20:00 3:39:53 60.38
Runningmachine Wadhurst Runners 3:22:53 3:43:20 3:22:53 3:43:20 65.58
scaff75 Portsmouth Joggers Club 3:45:00 3:30:00
scollins78 Unaffiliated 3:39:12 4:11:24 4:11:24 48.36
Seagrave Birmingham Running, Athletics, & Triathlon Club (BRAT) 3:40:48 3:53:35 3:53:35 52.04
Seemorerunning Unaffiliated 3:57:44 3:57:44 4:15:00 3:57:44 56.33
SH_UK Very tough from 15 as I'd been carrying a knee injury for last few weeks 100 Marathon Club, Swanley & District AC 3:15:06 3:32:59 3:45:00 3:39:33 57.54
shady Thurrock Nomads, The T.I.T.S 4:00:03 4:00:03 3:59:07 4:00:03 54.39
sharla Worthing & District Harriers 5:11:12 5:11:12 5:11:12 43.13
SharonD Ranelagh Harriers, St. Mary's University College AC 4:37:15 4:37:15 4:37:15 49.00
Siddy Hot day, Springfield Striders RC 3:11:28 3:23:46 3:10:00 3:23:46 60.44
Slow Duck 3:36:39 official time 3:35:53 chip time 100 Marathon Club, Dorking & Mole Valley AC 3:15:53 3:35:53 3:59:59 3:35:53 59.97
Smartie Harpenden Arrows 3:45:21 3:45:21 3:45:21 59.42
Southcoastpete Unaffiliated 4:33:30 4:53:03 4:53:03 43.11
SouthendAl Flyers Southend 3:43:46 3:57:49 4:03:29 50.37
SpeedyBrear Unaffiliated 3:50:37 4:03:19 4:07:00 4:03:19 51.18
Spiggot Unaffiliated 3:31:28 4:36:50 4:36:50 48.39
Spleen Southville Running Club 3:40:01 3:49:51 4:00:00 3:49:51 52.89
Stegsy Unaffiliated 5:14:10 5:14:10 5:14:10 38.69
Stellameister 100 Marathon Club 3:40:08 3:40:08 3:55:28 56.38
sticklebrickchick first ever marathon!!! 5 days before my wedding... will be hobbling down the aisle!!! Unaffiliated 4:30:00
stuarthatcher Petts Wood Runners 3:25:34 4:38:10 4:38:10 44.09
sue y BRJ Run and Tri
Surrey Phil A very warm but enjoyable day.  Managed to run the first seventeen miles but ran out of steam later on.  Calves seized up after the race and fell on my face at the pier entrance - only pride damaged!  Saw a few ambulances and paramedics assisting runners today.  Thankfully I was not one of their casualties. FERC 4:32:57 4:41:56 4:41:56 44.47
swerver Just finished Edinburgh Mara 2010 and thought that was bloody hard work, so did the sane thing and entered another marathon !
Awesome race, great course and organisation, massive pb by nearly 27 min even though was long at 26.43 what more can I say, I am a happy swerver at the min :) Werrington Joggers 3:39:24 3:39:24 3:50:00 3:39:24 55.57
Sy. Didnt train for 2 months as injured. Ran/Walked it. Unaffiliated 3:49:43 5:20:00 5:20:00 38.33
Tatty Bogle Trentham RC 4:52:21
Ted just need to transfer a place into my name. ;) Ramsey Cycling Club 3:31:51 3:48:51 3:48:51 55.65
terrycook Serpentine RC 3:36:19 3:36:19 3:55:00 3:36:19 67.07
The Plodder Fairly evenly paced though had to stop for a wee in first half; at least I wasn't dehydrated
last few miles v hard Victory AC 4:39:17 4:55:13 4:55:13 48.30
the vicious chicken Unaffiliated 4:52:35 5:26:53 5:34:59 39.99
TheDuke Oh dear! This was tough!! Think I went off to quickly for the first dozen miles and didn't take into consideration the race day heat. Near enough crawled over the line at the end. Brilliant support along the way even though I was a bit oblivious to it towards the end. Unaffiliated 3:27:56 3:56:26 3:45:00 3:56:26 55.22
Ticker Unaffiliated 3:45:53 3:28:00
Tiger Epsom Oddballs RC, Reigate Priory AC 4:04:04 4:29:25 4:29:25 54.69
Tracey G Harwich Runners 5:06:34 5:17:12 5:17:12 45.41
tropicofrutland Unaffiliated
Trying Hard Unaffiliated 4:40:40 5:02:59 5:00:00 5:02:59 47.54
TWK FERC 4:13:09 4:13:09 4:13:09 49.52
TZ Clif Bar Pacing Team with Saucony 100 Marathon Club, Winchester & District AC 2:39:36 2:53:25 3:29:00 59.23
Ultra Kanga Kazzaaaaah!! 100 Marathon Club 4:06:30 4:20:42 4:59:02 48.70
UltraMrsR Unaffiliated 4:28:00 4:38:20 4:38:20 48.45
Wardie74 Unaffiliated 5:35:00 4:30:00
WeV Unaffiliated 3:27:38 3:54:29 3:40:00 3:54:29 51.90
worthingrunner Unaffiliated 3:08:57 3:08:57 3:15:00 3:30:30 57.82
Yasmin Unaffiliated 4:37:13 4:43:15 4:43:15 52.66
Zopo Unaffiliated 4:00:31 4:00:31 4:00:31 56.06

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