Chester Marathon

  • Rated 87%
  • 26.2mi
  • Road
Entrants (118) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
**slowguy** Been struggling with injury all the time I have been training for this race. Cant wait to get it done, my one and only Marathon for sure. Sandbach Striders 4:20:28 5:15:00 4:45:00 5:15:00 40.43
*Michael* Sandbach Striders 3:27:16 3:32:42 3:57:55 52.69
ABaxter Dumfries RC 3:07:11 3:27:42 3:27:42 59.05
alan l Marathon with no training Elswick Harriers 3:53:59 4:07:00 4:07:00 52.42
Alfie Tattenhall Runners 4:06:48 4:13:10 4:13:10 53.35
alirainsbury Manchester Tri 3:41:57 4:01:33 4:01:33 50.38
angleseyal Cybi Striders 4:34:34 4:34:34 4:43:00 4:34:34 44.40
Barky Hermitage Harriers RC 3:35:57 3:58:11 3:58:11 54.81
baz2 Dragons RC 3:44:45 3:57:34 3:59:00 3:57:34 56.85
Big Kahuna Great Yarmouth Road Runners 4:01:19 4:01:19 4:14:16 53.58
bigmunnki Bournville Harriers 3:08:10 3:45:41 3:45:41 55.18
BoomRumble&Roar Sandbach Striders 3:13:28 3:18:14 3:20:00 3:18:14 61.39
brnmcgn Middlesbrough & Cleveland Harriers 3:43:54 3:48:10 3:43:00 4:53:51 41.37
carrot top Wirral AC 2:44:05 2:52:47 3:05:22 67.18
caw Denby Dale AC 4:35:04 4:51:28 4:20:00 4:51:28 49.78
Cheg Flyers Southend 3:34:28 3:34:28 3:29:59 3:34:28 56.68
clairster Stockport Harriers & AC 3:53:47 4:22:30 5:00:00 4:35:36 48.93
corned beef keith chuffed to bits, my first full, happy days Barnsley AC 2:50:02 2:57:29 2:57:29 72.35
CottamRunner Prep for Marriott's Way Ultra - but hoped to PB / go sub 3.30 here.
Ended up with 3.15.44 (1st Half 1.35.46 / 2nd Half 1.39.58)!!
:-) :-) Northern Veterans AC, Red Rose RRC 3:15:44 3:15:44 3:29:59 3:15:44 62.66
crash Royal Sutton Coldfield AC 2:43:00 2:53:23 2:53:23 70.19
darkmattermike Quite tough with wind and hills. Cramp at 22.5 miles. Unaffiliated 4:00:13 4:06:15 4:12:09 60.34
dave99 Nantwich Running Club 3:29:15 3:56:10 3:35:00 3:56:10 52.41
deanmurley Harpenden Arrows 2:58:37 4:57:52 4:57:52 41.04
Dickie York Late(ish) season marathon, see how it goes, would be great to get sub 3 again (different course to last year).
Post race update: Was going well to about 17 miles, very consistent 6.40 min/mile, then crashed big time.  Enogh long runs in the legs to get me round, but need to work on my pace running and a few more long training runs.
95th overall 23rd in V40 cat, so not too shabby. Pocklington Runners 2:41:18 3:04:20 3:05:00 3:06:38 67.68
Doug K1664 Unaffiliated 3:58:50 4:04:05 4:04:05 52.61
DrDan Hyde Park Harriers 3:22:56 3:32:43 3:25:00 3:32:43 61.37
Fox on a run Well organised event but unless you have a stormer probably not a PB course. Stockport Harriers & AC 2:59:19 3:00:23 3:03:57 70.38
Foxster 100 Marathon Club 3:33:20 3:56:35 3:58:29 58.14
Gavvers Wrexham AAC 3:39:44 3:47:58 3:45:00 3:47:58 54.03
GazOC Unaffiliated 3:15:56 3:52:54 4:00:00 3:52:54 54.68
Generation X Unaffiliated 3:51:42 4:04:23 4:04:23 53.42
ginger2blonde Leighton Fun Runners 5:12:23 5:18:00 5:18:00 43.16
gingerbreadman Stockport Harriers & AC 2:55:15 3:03:57 2:59:00 3:03:57 69.23
Grumpy M Cramped badly for the last 8 miles was on for sub 3:30 until then Unaffiliated 3:37:39 3:37:39 4:00:00 3:37:39 59.48
Im A Runner Well what can I say about Chester........ I'll start with my only fault, it's not flat.

Well organised, well planned, great route, great support from the volunteers in fact fantastic support from them. The general public both in England and Wales were outstanding. The atmosphere was really good. At the end the organisation was superb, even got out the car park in a decent time. This is defo going to be and an annual event for me. 

This was only my third Marathon and after doing Edinburgh twice I think they could learn a lot from this set up. 

Thanks for a great experience and although not a PB that two sub 4's out of three Marathon's for me :) Unaffiliated 3:51:16 3:57:03 3:56:00 3:58:54 51.55
jasond Set off for 2:55, but strong wind put paid to that- still a PB by around 17 mins!! :) VEGAN RUNNERS UK 2:49:24 2:56:44 2:59:59 2:56:44 72.65
jayden West Cheshire AC 5:09:41 5:26:36 5:26:36
jexy St. Albans Striders 3:30:07 3:30:07 3:45:00 3:30:07 59.67
jmc 6:07
6:25 = 62:56 = 6:17
6:24= 64:39 = 6:27
8:41 = 44:54 = 7:14 Stockport Harriers & AC 2:42:21 2:47:36 2:52:45 72.57
Jogging Jon 100 Marathon Club, Wrekin Road Runners 3:44:35 4:03:27 5:47:19 37.90
johnnyb24 Unaffiliated 3:45:00
JohnnyO Unaffiliated 2:57:56 3:28:24 3:53:20 53.05
jonah Stockport Harriers & AC 2:49:59 2:55:57 2:55:57 76.10
JonnyK Unaffiliated 4:43:00 4:43:00 4:43:00 42.95
Keefley Unaffiliated 4:15:27 5:02:20 4:30:00 5:11:32 40.88
KelP Unaffiliated 3:40:24 3:54:57 3:54:57 57.02
Kendo! Unaffiliated 3:30:24 3:57:05 3:59:59 3:57:05 52.88
kevconchar Dumfries RC 2:55:21 2:57:03 3:05:00 3:04:35 67.06
kimfree Wellingborough & District AC 3:59:00 3:59:00 4:15:00 3:59:00 53.29
lesleyanne Unaffiliated 5:29:21 6:13:52 6:10:00 6:13:52 46.14
Lightning McQueen Unaffiliated 4:47:05 4:47:05 3:45:00 4:47:05 42.35
littletom Vale Royal AC 2:48:57 3:08:36 2:59:58 3:08:36 64.64
lizogical Ellesmere Port Running Club 3:58:43 4:47:15 5:05:00 43.92
LUFC1919 Wrekin Road Runners
MacDaz Unaffiliated 3:42:40 3:45:16 4:00:00 3:45:16 56.08
Malc26.2 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runners 3:06:03 3:20:33 3:32:11 60.02
markwinds Unaffiliated 3:14:02 3:14:02 3:14:02 62.65
Martin James Doncaster AC 2:58:53 2:59:26 3:00:00 2:59:26 68.12
MartinTheCat Sandbach Striders 3:12:42 3:20:42 3:20:42 63.45
Martyn first marathon, had foot injury  5 weeks prior to race so training tailed off, pb half 1:32:44 4 weeks before race

ran 1:42:10 first half as target

2:36:30 at 20 miles, still on target 

then abdominal muscles contracted and had to walk 5/6 times Newmarket Joggers 2:58:17 3:37:25 3:30:00 3:37:25 55.91
Mike_H Swinton Running Club 4:33:05 4:33:05 4:33:05 44.51
mikeymoo80 Considering i had sprained my foot 6 week previous i was over the moon with my time :-) Unaffiliated 5:46:00 5:46:00 5:15:00 5:46:00 35.13
milemonster Applied on line on 15/05/2011
Ben Fish: PB 2h20m
Shingirai Badza  won 10 city marathons. 2:29:11.  Carlsbad Marathon. Jan this year.  2:26:36 last year  Best: 2h23 (2003)
Richard Bellamy 2:39
James Corden 242
Jonathan Dabbs 237
Daniel Fisher 242
Timothy Hawkins 237
Stuart Hopkins 242
Richard Lowson 242
Ian McBride 240
Howard Mead 243
Stacey Morgan 243
Mark Neeld 241
Kevin Ogden 244
Paul Payne 238
Paul Rose 242 
Matt Shaw 225 (2005)
Rupert Shute 238
Stephen Thomas 240
Russell Whittington 240

Note: A loss of 1kg = 4 seconds per mile = 2m40s over the whole marathon. 

Bus home: 15 & 45 mins each hour. Last: 17:15

Step 1. About a week before the event, adjust your carbohydrate intake, if needed, so that it's about 50 to 55 percent of your total calories. Increase protein and fat intake to compensate for any decrease in carbohydrates. Continue training at your normal level. This helps deplete your carbohydrate stores and make room for the loading that comes next.
Step 2. Three to four days before the event, increase your carbohydrate intake to about 70 percent of your daily calories. Smaller athletes should consume about 4.5 grams of carbs per pound (kilogram) of body weight, while larger athletes should consume about 3.5 grams per pound of body weight to get adequate carbohydrate intake. Cut back on foods higher in fat to compensate for the extra carbohydrate-rich foods. Also scale back your training to avoid using the energy you're trying to store up. Rest completely the day before your big event. Wrexham AAC 2:33:30 2:37:31 2:29:00 2:37:31 77.19
MK hatter Milton Keynes Lakeside Runners 3:25:18 3:49:31 3:49:31 56.41
molarman Stone Master Marathoners 2:40:27 2:40:27 2:40:27 80.69
MountainGoat80 Great course and perfect conditions for a PB. Sadly I completely messed up on this race. Probably set off a bit to fast in all honesty, but main issue was stomach problems all the way around from breakfast/sports drinks on the route.

Splits were 10m 1.06, Half 1.26 and 20 miles 2.14.... then stopped at a portaloo to 'inspect' it. I knew that I had missed my sub 3 target after that, so mentally just crumbled and ended up jogging back in 3.13. Will need to do a few more longer runs before the next sub 3 attempt and get my hydration/refuelling strategy right! Cambridge & Coleridge AC 3:11:00 3:11:00 3:00:00 3:13:00 62.98
Mrs BTB Unaffiliated 4:11:16 4:18:00 4:30:00 4:18:00 53.19
MrsJJ Wrekin Road Runners 3:49:24 3:56:25 5:01:15 46.90
Nadders (aka monsenb1) Bramhall Runners 3:44:23 3:45:44 3:45:44 54.56
Nephi OW, I knew going in to this I was not as fit as I would have liked and short on the number of long runs, but was not expecting the slogfest I ended up with.  Went out just under 8MM as planned and all was good to 10 miles when the Quads (Medialis) started to tighten and cramp, it did not ease off and I had cramping quads all the way back.  Adopted a run walk strategy at 15 miles, but even that gave out at 22 when any attempt to move faster than a walk resulted in cramp.  BUT, main goal achived marathon done without the need of medical attention.  A modest PB rather than the aimed for but a PB never the less.  

Chip Time: 04:23:04
Gun Time: 04:23:42
Position: 1496 (top 40%?)
M45: 177

Good course through rolling countryside with a start winding through Chester which was good for keeping the pace steady in the early miles, shame I did not do it justice today as the conditions were almost perfect.
Unaffiliated 3:43:34 4:23:04 3:29:00 4:23:04 49.63
NickM1024 North Herts Road Runners 2:43:16 3:16:23 3:16:23 66.48
paulsamcymru Wrexham AAC 3:59:13 3:59:13 3:59:13 51.10
peachy Unaffiliated 4:33:22 4:33:22 4:33:22 45.55
Peteb69 100 Marathon Club, Serpentine RC 2:49:15 3:06:51 3:11:32 66.49
peter jay Saint Edmund Pacers 4:36:52 4:40:32 4:40:32 48.99
PJL Unaffiliated 4:06:19
Pottermiss Whitchurch Whippets 4:11:24 4:49:54 4:49:54 47.63
Pou Pou Unaffiliated 3:30:03 4:02:58 4:00:00 4:02:58
rdr Unaffiliated 3:33:30 3:30:00
rebel mc Unaffiliated 4:14:31 4:29:05 4:29:05 49.76
Redchilli Struggled with the last 10 miles Unaffiliated 2:44:23 2:57:23 3:04:27 66.77
RiaBrightGlimmerGearUltraRunner Denby Dale AC
RobH Manchester Tri 2:52:46 2:52:46 2:52:46 70.56
RobK650 Black Country Triathletes 3:21:20 3:25:10 3:25:10 64.16
RoBo63 West Bromwich Harriers 3:30:19 3:40:47 4:04:02 54.87
run fat boy run72 bit of a disaster today. really bad day at the office,had to walk and run from mile 18 onwards. just didnt feel good early on and the tank was running on empty!!!! Unaffiliated 3:36:12 3:58:01 3:55:00 4:18:34 48.16
running26 Unaffiliated 3:51:22 4:16:02 3:45:00 4:16:02 52.75
RunnyBunny Hinckley Running Club 4:23:42 4:23:42 4:23:42 52.04
SamBen Penny Lane Striders 3:56:00 3:56:00 3:56:00 60.42
Shadow 100 Marathon Club, Cybi Striders 3:58:17 4:06:46 4:15:50 59.02
Si1183 First Marathon Unaffiliated 4:00:00
simon_g South Cheshire Harriers 4:09:33 4:10:14 4:20:54 51.32
skips765 Pembrokeshire Harriers AAC
Spark 100 Marathon Club 3:36:03 3:47:02 3:55:22 56.92
spence62 Knowle and Dorridge Running Club 5:02:57 5:02:57 5:14:44 47.39
Spikey Mikey Lancaster & Morecambe AC 3:13:15 3:39:33 3:50:00 3:39:33 55.53
Stevierobbo Craven Energy Tri Club 3:55:26 3:55:26 3:30:00
Storey West Australian Marathon Club, Masters Athletics WA 4:24:05 4:33:38 5:00:00 4:33:38 45.24
StreetlyRoadRunner West Bromwich Harriers 3:51:20 3:51:20 3:51:20 53.24
tangledfeet Ivanhoe Runners 2:46:59 2:51:31 3:14:15 69.53
Tattooedrunner43 Didn't get the time I wanted but still got PB. Prestatyn RC 3:48:48 3:48:48 3:40:00 3:48:48 54.42
ThePenkethRunner Warrington Running Club 3:59:53 4:47:49 5:12:13 39.05
thesloth Doncaster AC 3:15:51 3:25:10
tpayne Chorlton Runners
trevm Wilmslow RC 2:57:58 2:57:58 2:49:00 2:57:58 76.56
tryfan Penny Lane Striders 4:25:01 4:25:01 4:25:01 51.86
UltraDunc Salford Metropolitan AC 3:17:35 4:03:39 4:14:00 4:38:45 48.88
Ultrahamster Sale Harriers Manchester 3:03:05 3:13:11 3:31:13 62.33
WarringtonRunner Warrington Running Club 3:58:16 4:45:32 5:11:31 39.13
webby1 Unaffiliated 4:57:00 3:29:00
WeebleNana York Knavesmire Harriers 4:11:59 4:58:05 4:58:05 48.32
Whoisdavidmagii? Third attempt at breaking 3.5 hours. Best so far 3:38. If I can last the distance this time without cramp or injury (that slowed me the last two years) I can do it. Pudsey Pacers RC 3:23:01 3:33:28 3:30:00 3:33:28 61.16
Wilks First 13.1 miles in approx 1:30 2nd half in approx 1:38. London Heathside Runners AC 3:08:03 3:08:03 3:29:00 3:08:03 67.72
woody2run Unaffiliated 3:14:43 3:32:51 3:42:22 63.48
WorkersPlaytime Whitchurch Whippets 3:58:08 4:02:51 4:28:33 49.44
wrexhamrob as im running Berlin 14 days earlier - my goal is finish in not a pw of 4:50, and enjoy the day with little expectations, having joined the looney 2 marathons in 2 weeks club. Buckley RC 4:17:30 4:24:00 4:40:00
wythenshawe stealth Unaffiliated 3:31:36 3:31:36 3:31:36
XB Ribble Valley Runners 3:55:13 4:17:41 4:40:00 5:14:45 42.91

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