Great South Run

Listed by Mr. K.
  • Rated 82%
  • 10mi
  • Road
Entrants (132) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
#Mrs G# Team Green, Tividale Trotters 1:44:11 1:44:11 1:51:00 1:44:11 47.74
5hep Farnham Runners 1:22:27
aitchmac Stubbington Green Runners 1:32:36 1:36:35 1:35:00 1:36:35 51.74
AndrewJ Please oh please let the weather be nice - why I come back for more every time I do not know! Time estimate is based on my 10 mile spilt of 1:17 at 10 miles at Reading..... Unaffiliated 1:21:33 1:16:00
angela2 Unaffiliated 1:37:53 1:42:09 1:54:00 1:42:09 59.13
Bailey84j Winchester & District AC 1:24:20 1:24:20 1:25:00 1:24:20 51.88
blokewotruns East End Road Runners 1:20:47
Bob! Maldon Soul Runners 1:16:42 1:32:11 1:45:00 1:37:05 51.02
Bod Unaffiliated 1:28:37 1:31:03 1:31:03 48.77
bubbles69 Littledown Harriers RC 1:24:00 1:29:00 1:29:00 58.19
Buzzer1975 Unaffiliated 1:09:35 1:09:37 1:10:09 62.79
bwslee1 Was really happy.  Had some niggling calf strains, following from the marathon.  Need to start stretching more.  Can't wait to push my times down!!! 1:06:46 1:06:46 1:07:00 1:06:46 65.53
CaniRuna Looking forward to racing in this my local BUPA Great Run. Training has been going well so lets hope the weather is better than it normally is i.e. no gale force winds or driving heavy rain! Stubbington Green Runners, Royal Navy AC 59:33 59:33 59:59 59:33 75.41
catcat London City Runners 1:33:17 1:43:04 1:40:00 1:43:04 43.57
Cazmo PB So Pleased! :-) Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC, Congleton Harriers 1:30:12 1:32:23 1:40:19 1:32:23 53.23
Cheg Flyers Southend 1:10:39 1:12:05 1:12:30 1:12:05 60.69
chris m w Unaffiliated 1:43:47 1:43:47 2:00:00 1:43:47 43.58
ChrisHurk Cambridge & Coleridge AC, Canicross Cambridgeshire 1:14:45 1:27:52 1:30:00 1:27:52 51.11
chynah Unaffiliated 1:31:34 1:31:34 1:31:34 55.76
Colourtelly Unaffiliated 1:22:32 1:22:32 1:22:41 68.71
comfortablynumb Unaffiliated 1:52:14 1:52:14 2:00:00 1:52:14 47.88
Cormorant Cranleigh Tortoise & Hare Runners 1:15:16 1:23:05 1:23:05 60.68
Dave744 Unaffiliated 1:39:44 1:39:44 2:00:00 1:39:44 44.52
devpatel 4th Marathon in 21 days.  Tried to make it a full marathon but only managed 14 miles before the main race due to time constraints.

Total time for 24 miles: 4h 15 Hinckley Running Club 1:29:00 2:03:00 2:03:00 36.51
dianecann Unaffiliated 1:22:49 1:37:49 1:37:49 50.66
Dina Mo Stubbington Green Runners 1:22:00 1:23:00 1:23:00 59.92
Disco Dave Red Lodge Runners 1:27:10 1:30:48 1:30:00 1:30:48 49.46
DIY Diva Nice gentle LSR as part of the Medoc Gang's girls weekend away :-) Ranelagh Harriers, Vets AC 1:14:49 1:18:12 1:34:14 55.89
dpfleet Fareham Crusaders 1:04:19 1:13:27 5:00:00 1:20:20 54.46
dswaterman Unaffiliated 1:06:25 1:07:31 1:07:31 66.11
dungey2002 Avon Valley Runners 1:19:47 1:28:18 1:28:18 52.45
eMpTy Wishful thinking perhaps but it's a target ;-)

Wishful thinking and no wind & rain win :-))) Denmead Striders 1:10:55 1:11:27 1:12:00 1:11:27 70.56
emuslushy Unaffiliated 1:49:20 1:49:20 1:45:00 1:49:20 44.82
Enaoslm Took Lucy Doyle's race number a week before the race.  Perfect conditions on a flat course.  Felt good, ran well and got a pb.  Still feel there's more to come though.

Position: 312th/14891 Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC 1:01:25 1:07:24 1:05:00 1:07:24 65.35
F4rley Longstanton Limpers 1:22:15 1:22:15 1:30:00 1:25:32 51.49
Fattyatitagain Fittleworth Flyers 1:17:21 1:30:00
Fleet Girl Unaffiliated 1:38:42 1:38:42 1:45:00 1:38:42 50.05
fleety Fareham Crusaders 1:11:43 1:14:40 1:16:00 1:18:21 55.87
frogeyes Unaffiliated 1:21:25 1:27:54 1:27:54 52.69
Ginger Chicken Faded a bit towards the end, but what a beautiful day for it. Canterbury Harriers 1:04:37 1:04:37 1:06:05 66.65
gray Died on my arse in the last two miles. Also not sure whether one should be offered jelly babies and vaseline at the same time - could confuse a stupid person. Cranleigh Tortoise & Hare Runners 1:25:02 1:38:32 1:38:32 50.27
greenzed Unaffiliated 1:41:14 1:41:14 1:41:14 48.57
grumbleweed Unaffiliated 1:22:00 1:22:00 1:22:00 53.35
GuyG East Hull Harriers & AC 1:12:29 1:23:54 1:23:54 56.11
gwalters New Forest Runners 1:03:32 1:06:51 1:10:00 1:06:51 67.65
hanparker Unaffiliated 1:17:45 1:17:45 1:20:00 1:17:45 57.11
happy_ann Was really pleased with this as first real run, and kept at the same pace throughout. Unaffiliated 1:42:03 1:57:31 2:00:00 1:57:31 48.92
hilts Published finish chip time 10 seconds slower than watch. Video also shows me finishing 2 seconds faster than the chip time which is impossible. British record was set in the same race which is a little worrying given the problems with the timing. Apart fromt his is was a great day. Elmbridge Road Runners, Kingston AC & Polytechnic Harriers 1:04:04 1:06:08 1:05:00 1:06:08 68.38
honeyrunner Poole Runners 1:18:09 1:19:27 1:19:27 61.89
Hop Nice race. Had major trouble at mile 2, almost stopped running. Lack of eating properly and had been sick for the past few weeks. Still, I overcame the issues and pressed forward for a strong run and finish. Unaffiliated 1:28:27 1:28:27 1:30:00 1:28:27 49.66
Iain82 Unaffiliated 1:26:02
iRan First race 10 weeks post knee op, just hoping to get to the start line really. Unaffiliated 1:18:35 1:35:32 1:59:59 1:35:32 50.11
iRunSmartPhil Another new event for me, looking forward to this one :-) Chineham Park Running Club, Zombies, Run! 1:26:09 1:26:09 1:30:00 1:26:09 55.10
JimO66 East London Runners 1:07:55 1:25:17 1:25:17 51.30
jimonion Unaffiliated 1:14:51 1:21:24 1:21:24 57.37
JonCPRC Chineham Park Running Club 1:15:38 1:16:20 1:20:00 1:16:20 58.83
JP2KME first flat road run over 10k but less that a half Unaffiliated 1:27:11 1:34:05 1:38:00 1:34:05 53.33
JPK Reading Joggers 1:20:30
karenbdav Unaffiliated 1:24:50 1:33:01 1:33:01 57.71
KazzaBum Unaffiliated 1:27:51 1:27:51 1:27:51 56.09
kenerz Hayle Runners 1:10:21 1:10:21 1:10:21 69.65
knotty80 Unaffiliated 1:36:06 1:36:06 1:36:06 50.99
L0z Name	Race Number	Club	Overall Position	Age Group Position	Gender Position	Age Group and Gender Position	Finish Time	5k Time	10k Time	15k Time	Gun / Chip
Lawrie Baker	644	Woking Athletic Club	216	123	204	113	01:05:35	NA	00:40:22	01:01:15	Chip Time Haslemere Border AC 1:03:47 1:05:35 1:05:35 66.83
lennoxr Nice chunk off best for me. Time revised after query to the timing people at gsr. Maidenhead AC 1:01:48 1:02:16 1:03:00 1:02:16 73.19
Love Swimrun ðŸŠâ€â™‚ï¸ ðŸš´â€â Unaffiliated 1:05:30 1:05:30 1:05:00 1:05:30 74.97
Lucy Claire TeamBath AC 1:09:06 1:17:05 1:17:05 63.57
martin K NOT HAPPY WITH MY PERFORANCE on the last 5 mile as i got a Sodding Stich twice London Underground AC, Runnymede Runners 1:15:16 1:15:33 1:10:00 1:20:05 60.80
MB3 Unaffiliated 1:12:47 1:12:47 1:17:00 1:12:47 60.22
MDrewett Milton Keynes AC, Redway Runners 1:09:05 1:22:45 1:22:45 59.21
Mikey Mel Unaffiliated
Miser Everyone seems to have lost 12 seconds on their chip time. Bummer. Warminster RC 56:57 1:02:46 1:04:00 1:02:46 69.70
monkey harris Unaffiliated 1:24:46 1:32:19 1:32:19 49.76
morganpeet Great weather but was put in Green wave and spent most of the race weaving in and out and getting stuck behind slower people.  However enjoyed it and will be back next year to PB Unaffiliated 1:23:11 1:25:48 1:25:48 59.51
Mr G - #thatrunguy Team Green, Tividale Trotters 1:02:48 1:02:48 1:10:00 1:02:48 74.36
Mr. K. Garmin time 01:27:34 (Chip time 01:27:48 !!) Aimed for 01:30

Splits - 9:02, 9:15, 8:29, 8:54, 8:38, 8:40, 8:36, 8:29, 8:18, 8:12, 1:03 (0.15M)
Cove Joggers, Windle Valley Runners 1:13:56 1:17:31 1:27:34 52.04
Mykey 9 min PB. :-) Unaffiliated 1:25:49 1:43:35 1:43:35 43.35
nenevalleyharrier rjonesy Nene Valley Harriers 1:03:35 1:03:35 1:03:35 77.12
NLeather Unaffiliated 1:13:13 1:15:29 1:12:00 1:15:29 59.49
nutty1974 Unaffiliated 2:17:34 2:17:34 2:45:00 2:17:34 36.15
oiyou Unaffiliated 1:35:17 1:40:30 1:40:00 1:40:30 53.47
oldbirdhead My fancy dress Craig David outfit was more tiring than I expected! Winchester & District AC 1:03:33 1:06:06 1:28:20 50.27
OlderSharkrunner I feel good about this one , i am enjoying my running and recently smashed my 10K pb by over 7 mins! I am also a stone and a half lighter than last year. Unaffiliated 1:32:35 1:32:35 1:37:00 1:32:35 47.96
Pegg FERC, Fitmums and Friends 1:34:47 1:50:44 1:54:46 43.18
phil5477 Looe Pioneers 1:13:35 1:42:26 1:30:00 1:42:26 42.79
poppyH Unaffiliated 1:43:20 1:51:29 1:55:00 1:51:29 44.45
princessdave Chineham Park Running Club 1:20:14 1:21:12 1:22:51 59.14
richisbradders Unaffiliated 1:31:11 1:31:11 1:31:11 47.98
Robbo29963 Unaffiliated 1:50:00
roz Portsmouth Joggers Club 1:21:51 1:21:51 1:21:51 62.38
RunLikeTheWind Unaffiliated 1:45:11 1:45:11 1:50:00 1:45:11 55.33
running bear Unaffiliated 1:31:37 1:31:37 1:33:00 1:31:37 47.94
runningtink Unaffiliated 1:48:43 1:48:43 2:30:00 1:48:43 45.32
Runs4beer Unaffiliated 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:10:00 1:09:52 62.62
runs4wine Lichfield RC 1:39:59 1:39:59 1:39:59 49.01
SailorSteve Gg Gosport Road Runners 1:07:13 1:09:28 1:09:28 70.09
Santis Unaffiliated 1:15:06 1:15:06 1:20:00 1:15:06 68.33
Sarahlmm Eynsham RoadRunners 1:40:12 1:40:12 1:40:12 49.02
scaff75 Looking back i could have pushed my self a lot harder Portsmouth Joggers Club 1:09:23 1:09:23 1:10:00 1:09:23 63.48
scotty Unaffiliated 1:28:44 1:28:44 1:28:44 50.97
shady Thurrock Nomads, The T.I.T.S 1:14:30 1:17:17 1:20:30 1:17:17 60.92
Sir Noel Plum PB! Perfect sunny, warm conditions. Ran for Rainbow Trust with Mark Osgood. Race number 6196

415th out of 23500 - not bad!

Name	Race Number	Club	Overall Position	Age Group Position	Gender Position	Age Group and Gender Position	Finish Time	5k Time	10k Time	15k Time	Gun / Chip
Mathew Sibley	6196	Denmead Striders	415	70	386	68	01:08:41	00:22:26	00:42:56	01:04:05 Denmead Striders 1:07:53 1:08:29 1:15:00 1:08:29 65.18
Slimster Stubbington Green Runners 1:11:54 1:17:51 1:17:00 1:17:51 57.34
Sorry I just FARTleked Unaffiliated 1:17:34 1:24:15 1:24:15 51.93
Sparklerunner Had been ill with cold/cough a week before, so not 100%. Unaffiliated 1:34:38 1:34:38 1:39:00 1:34:38 52.37
SpeedyBrear Unaffiliated 1:17:24 1:17:24 1:10:21 1:28:26 50.48
Spidey fun Unaffiliated 1:08:53 1:10:22 1:10:22 63.82
Sporthound start in last wave so had to run fast for first two miles. lots of weaving so could have been slightly faster. my watch time 1.17.08 Unaffiliated 1:17:27 1:17:27 1:20:00 1:17:27 56.52
Stevce International Maraton Klub Delta 1893, Gordonian Runners 1:25:56 1:25:56 1:25:56 55.71
Struggers68 Unaffiliated
strut 25 Unaffiliated 1:19:05 1:32:06 1:32:06 49.88
SuperCaz Portsmouth Joggers Club 1:38:33 1:38:33 1:39:18 50.09
SuperSooks Fab day, though not racing flat out and took it steady ish with 4 miles to go as this was not a target race and I have been training for shorter distances. Winchester & District AC 1:05:46 1:05:46 1:10:13 70.35
Sy. Unaffiliated 1:15:31 1:20:14 1:20:14 54.90
TallRob UKnetrunner 1:12:43 1:15:26 1:15:26 60.41
The Jackal Death or Glory 1:33:20 1:20:00
The Plodder Took it steady as I had the Snowdonia marathon the next week Victory AC 1:33:17 1:41:48 1:41:48 51.73
TheArrow Vocalink Racing Club 1:35:34 1:35:34 1:35:00 1:35:34 49.26
TheBeetroot Unaffiliated 1:53:54 1:53:54 1:53:54 47.63
Theselbyexpress Quantock Harriers 1:07:28 1:12:59 1:17:58 60.38
Tiptoes Reading Roadrunners 1:11:54 1:13:33 1:10:00
tonytherunner great race good weather not much wind last 2 miles  
felt good  all the race Ilford AC, Pitsea Running Club 1:02:40 1:03:10 1:05:00 1:03:10 74.53
tricky dicky Great Day MK Lakeside Runners 1:33:09 1:34:31 1:38:03 1:34:31 54.79
TZ 100 Marathon Club, Winchester & District AC 57:17 59:58 1:01:28 72.62
vicxter Unaffiliated 1:22:59 1:22:59 1:00:00 1:29:03 55.34
weewees Quantock Harriers 1:30:16 1:30:16 1:30:16 56.27
welshy76 San Domenico RC 1:24:08 1:24:08 1:24:08 52.20
WestCountryLad Dulwich Park Runners 1:07:43 1:11:59 1:10:00 1:11:59 60.78
WineRunner52 Road Runners Club 1:06:01 1:33:36 1:30:00 1:33:36 56.36
WineRunner53 Road Runners Club 1:27:46 1:33:36 1:33:36 64.53
wombat02 Unaffiliated 2:00:00
wshippin UKnetrunner, Redway Runners, Sweatshop Running Community - Milton Keynes 58:41 1:18:28 1:15:00 1:18:28 55.76
Zehnderboy Looking forward to this one, training has been going well and I've lost weight to boot! Hope the wind doesn't blow too strong but will enjoy all the same.  I'll be running in my Fetch top, hope to see all other fetchies on the day and say hello.
*Update* Posted watch time as offiicial time is 15 secs slower. Happy with the time, I think I could have gone a bit quicker but was held up along the route, hopefully a start in White or Orange next time would be better. Great day, super weather and well supported by the locals. Eastbourne Rovers 1:14:11 1:18:54 1:18:00 1:18:54 57.76

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