Great North Run

Listed by knoxy
  • Rated 79%
  • 13.1mi
  • Road
Entrants (228) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
TrailingTortoise Fordy Runs 1:58:38 2:33:51 2:20:00 2:33:51 41.91
Raisty Raist Felt fairly comfortable all the way round and didn't really push it. 
will run faster in other halfs so just tried to enjoy the experience. Unaffiliated 1:38:00 1:38:00 1:50:00 1:47:30 53.93
Fat Boy Felt I was in shape to run around 76 / 77 mins so to run 81 I'm disapointed.  Felt fine over the opening few miles but fell to pieces at 8 miles and struggled over the final 5.  Finished 185th overall.  Carnegie Harriers 1:12:31 1:19:20 1:21:27 72.48
Hollywoof! Hollywood's GNR report...

Hotel on Saturday night was interesting... classy kind of joint... remind me to check next time I book a hotel that it doesn't run a needle exchange.

Race on Sunday was rather well organised :-) 10 minute delay to the start wasn't a nice surprise when we were already trapped inside the assembly barriers... could see a few peeps were desparate for a pee but there was no way out. Being in red start was nice for me - just 35 seconds from the gun to me crossing the start line was a nice surprise. Shiraz back in the second green pen had somewhat more of a battle though...

First mile felt slow but was still sub-8 - the organisers did put a few charity and celeb runners up in front of everyone else which was a tad daft really.

Stuffed up the photo opportunity on the Tyne bridge - sadly I was about a minute and a half ahead of the red arrows... I maybe should of hung around to get in the picture with them...

Then the race was more up and down than I'd really expected... and the weather was gawgeous - definitely unexpected.

Got through half way in about 47 minutes. Perfect.

Spotted some kids having fun throwing bottles of water at peeps just after one of the water stations... got myself a full 500ml bottle... got within 50 cm of one of them... and supersoaked the little lovely's face... really really satisfying :o) (but probably makes me a big bully)

Just before eight miles, K9 sped up alongside me, said hello, then only 7 days after her Berlin marathon she zoomed off ahead - I briefly tried to catch her, but there was no way I was keeping up and she was off. Sorry I couldn't make more conversation! (And more of a race of it too!)

Between 9 and 10 miles my right knee went. I kind of knew it was coming. Had deliberately taken two weeks off to give it a chance, but clearly Almere is still with me... Shame as I went through mile 10 in 1:12:07 which meant I was in the hunt for a PB... Miles 11 and 12 were hard - had plenty in my lungs and heart but every right leg landing was painful. Tried all sorts of compensation strategies with my left leg but I think they generally made it worse... Knew from Almere and from recent training runs that stopping and walking would mean I wouldn't be able to restart... Sorely tempted by the Hash Harriers refereshment station - offering Unaffiliated 1:33:30 1:35:02 1:35:39 60.79
Rhino Trail Running Association 1:44:00 1:52:12 2:05:05 51.55
Fat Man Runs What more can you say about the GNR - best mass participation event there is - better than London. Unaffiliated 1:48:32 1:48:32 2:16:51 42.41
racheybabes Realised I wasn't going to get a PB by mile 5 so just enjoyed it from then on!! Unaffiliated 1:39:27 1:39:27 1:42:29 62.91
shoeless Want to go sub 2:45...  much training needs to be done...!  :/  UPDATE:  Never going to happen.  Having had much trouble with ITB over last couple of weeks, training (and morale) has dwindled and this will never be speedy - even for me.  But, hey - I'm just going to enjoy it - I'm going to be so chuffed to complete this distance at all, I rather say 'hang the speed'...  :)

POST RACE:  well well well – I did it!!  My first Half!!  And I feel great!!  well, a bit sore, but great.  Hip blew up at mile ten, but I did first ten miles in 2:10, which is great for me, and although I walked (or should that be hobbled?) the last three miles, I still came in so close to my revised target of 3 hrs.  Happy bunny.  And, more importantly, determined to beast this race next year.  I loved it!!
Unaffiliated 3:02:00 3:02:00 3:00:00 3:02:00 35.43
K9 Heaton Harriers & AC 1:33:08 1:36:30 1:36:30 67.46
Rob A Great race really enjoyed it apart from being really slow and unfit! I think this should mark a turning point in my lazyness. I've decided it's time to get out there and start logging my times again. I can become a quicker runner! Unaffiliated 1:44:45 1:54:33 2:15:17 42.85
GAZGIB As last year the sun came out and took its toll on me and others. After the year I've had with injury I was looking for 2 hours but was happy to treat it as a training run for New York and came in at 2:09. Although its dissapointing to be a massive half an hour off my best it was nice to finish feeling fresh and have no aches or pains. Was sorry to hear about the fatality but runners should remeber that the UK daily death rate is 1.37 per 50,000. SO KEEP ON RUNNING. Bracknell Forest Runners 1:35:38 1:41:17 2:00:00 2:09:01 45.18
JPS Great Run Unaffiliated 2:13:12 2:13:12 2:15:00 2:13:12 44.59
Hourglass First half marathon - blimey, onwards and upwards!!! Unaffiliated 2:30:53 2:36:09 2:36:09 41.69
Rob After my disappointing run last year I was determined to try and beat 02:00:00.

Following a 10Km time of around 00:50 I could have posted a much better time had I not had real problems from about mile 8-9 upwards. No matter how much you expect it, it always seems to be mostly uphill for the second half. As always felt I should have done better but at least I improved my PB by about 17 mins and I am at least satisfied. Ripon Runners 1:53:51 1:58:12 2:00:00 1:58:12 49.32
neve2old Unaffiliated 2:12:26 2:12:26
Bazza Ran all way with our big un, he had done no training and had a heavy cold so needed to make sure he got round in one piece.
Took around 20 mins off last years time, maybe sub 2 hours next year. Unaffiliated 1:43:41 1:54:10 2:15:55 42.65
Greenstuff good race up to 10 mile when i got cramp in legs,well done to r kid bazza who ran with me all the way ... cheers bro... see what we can do next year eh? Unaffiliated 1:57:31 1:57:31 2:15:25 43.38
shorty25 Had a great race apart from being full of cold. Had to stop twice between 4&5m to stertch my calf's as they were very sore. But overall very pleased after a bad couple of races previously. York Knavesmire Harriers 1:43:05 1:43:29 1:45:49 60.93
sanddancer A slight improvement over Bristol two weeks previously but my various injuries and consequent lack of training continue to take their toll. 'Sorry' to anyone who bet on me :-( Vale of Aylesbury AC 2:13:40 2:17:00 2:00:00 2:51:03 34.34
oldbirdhead Without a doubt the hardest half marathon course I have ever felt like the whole course was uphill!! Was not very well prepared for this having not been able to train as much and having very little sleep due to 12 week old son teething! 

Great atmosphere though Winchester & District AC 1:23:16 1:29:07 1:35:00 1:36:30 60.15
philbo Do not bet no way a PB. update, a slightly better run than last year, cramp at 7 miles which stayed with me all the way,at least i didnt blow up at 9 miles this time ( gels worked ),    So very sorry to hear that a runner has died again. Time should be 02.28.02 but the site wont take it , giving me a time of 2 secs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   hell of a run !!!!!!! Unaffiliated 1:57:38 2:09:17 2:20:00 2:28:02 42.77
Grey Badger A great event but i had a terrible run. Suffering from the flu for the last 2 days and had a start number of 23246(i put 1hr 25m on my entry) so it was just imposssible to get moving, even by mile 6 and 7 i was still trying to dodge round runners in front of me. The crowds were wonderfull and the wife saw me on tv so not all bad. Northumberland Fell Runners 1:22:00 1:22:00 1:28:00 1:28:52 71.25
BenDy Bishops Stortford RC 1:44:01 1:45:15 1:55:00 1:47:53 53.74
makkem Considering no training since Bristol two weeks ago, well pleased with this time (4 mins quicker). Barnet & District AC, Westbury Harriers 1:19:12 2:03:07 1:50:30 2:03:07 51.00
B Rubble Great race but I was terribly prepared.  Sore throat, upset stomach and 2hrs sleep. Would have pulled out if I hadn't travelled so far to get there. But the race had a great atmosphere, friendly people and fantastic supporters. Bit of dodging around but the number of people make this the race that it is. Dursley Running Club 1:25:12 1:31:56 1:35:00 1:36:12 62.63
GASH Enjoyed the biggest half marathon and was lucky enough to get a decent start to avoid the crowd. Quite disappointed with the goody bag. Really sad news about the fatality! Unaffiliated 1:35:43 1:35:43 1:35:43 60.57
jonah Stockport Harriers & AC 1:21:43 1:24:00 1:27:02 70.36
beders hamstring went before the 2 mile mark, jog hobbled the next 3 miles then gradually managed to speed up to finish just outside 2 hours. Actually felt more satisfaction from this one than any of my other GNR's, will be aiming for a lot better time next year. Ilkley Harriers AC 1:42:38 1:43:38 2:04:48 51.62
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) 1.59 so no PB! never mind it was a great run and I enjoyed it Unaffiliated 1:31:50 1:56:13 1:54:00 1:59:03 62.78
gray Arriving late - not advisable as you have to start from the back - the leaders had passed halfway before I got to the start line! However, this meant I was running along the front at S/S with the Red Arrows performing overhead, so it was well worth the wait. I see Motty beat me again by a matter of seconds but there's always next year..... Suggestions on how to make a quickish getaway after the race would be most welcome.....once again, however, a great weekend..... Cranleigh Tortoise & Hare Runners 1:50:59 1:57:16 2:00:00 2:22:40 44.38
BigG Managed to get through the crowds quite easily and despite not feeling too good in the couple of days before the race I had a great race and knocked 1 min 30 secs off my PB.
Great atmosphere which more than made up for the scenery Newcastle, Gateshead and South Shields have to offer. North Yorks Moors AC 1:17:26 1:17:26 1:18:00 1:17:26 74.87
Cormorant It is a great race, if a bit like trying to run in Harrod's sale - you're weaving in, out and away all the time - and with an eccentric baggage system. Great support - is it true some Geordie said as 50,000 people ran past him 'There must be a job in South Shields'? It was fantastic to catch sight of the sea and know that you were near the finish; it was less fantastic trying to get back  - it took longer being driven back from South Shields to Newcastle than it had to run from Newcastle to South Shields. I felt OK, though I hadn't really trained properly and felt the pens had more or less worked. I'd love to do this event again. Cranleigh Tortoise & Hare Runners 1:35:24 1:35:24 1:45:00 1:44:41 61.53
Hev Unaffiliated 2:13:00 2:33:03 2:40:00 2:33:03 42.13
Lakes Bedford Harriers AC, Rushden Runners 1:59:27 1:59:58 2:19:20 44.69
Runner Martin Redway Runners 1:38:46 1:44:43 1:51:56 57.05
tramps Ran for ASTHMA UK this year.      
11 min improvement on last year's GNR, but a minute or so outside a half-marathon PB.  Sorry to the 6 people who bet on me.       
Fantastic race. The Tyneside crowds were outstanding.  'High-fived' 100+ kids and received alot of attention for my vivid green wig.       
It was an honour to be part of this event.       

3 mins faster and I would have made it into the top 1000.  Sounds like a challenge for 2007.       

Despite the hanging around, delays, congestion, traffic jams, runners in the wrong pens etc, this is truly a magnificent event.       I didn't even notice the hills or that we were running on a dual carriageway.    

If you don't take it too seriously, are laid back about the logistics and get into the party spirit, then you cannot fail to be overwhelmed by the Great North Run.

Saffron Striders RC 1:30:31 1:36:29 1:33:30 1:37:18 60.68
ellew My best race ever. I ran all the way, didn't stop and never felt so strong. Thanks Zoe for my introduction to carbo gels!! Didn't hit 2hr target but didn't cross the start line for 33 mins which meant I was constantly dodging and weaving,so now think 2hrs is definitely possible.  11 mins faster than last half-marathon. Support from the crowds was fantastic - having my name on my vest made such a difference.  Loved the atmosphere and loved running with 4 fellow fetchies for the first bit of the race. Must start nearer the front next time. Unaffiliated 1:54:50 2:05:30 2:05:30 51.43
LambChop Great day. Really struggled the first 5 miles as so hot, but then the rain came and gave me a second wind. Happy that I achieved sub 2.30 which is what I set out to do. Hermitage Harriers RC 1:55:56 2:22:24 2:30:00 2:29:02 43.31
neems I am taking a wild guess at my time for this one, being my first half marathon I don't really know what to expect.  I think I may be a little over this though due to the crowds and my inexperience at pacing at such a long distance.  I'm just going to enjoy it though!
Am thrilled to have got so near my target time!!  I enjoyed every second of this, even when it started to hurt like hell between miles 10 and 11.  I think this could be the start of a half-marathon addiction... Unaffiliated 1:44:01 2:16:05 2:15:00 2:16:05 47.38
Toks i hope i can run just under 3 hrs, not sure i can beat my reading time but fingers cross, the crowd would get me through!!

so pleased to run under my predicted hrs of 2.50.  loved it very much but there was tooo much of hanging about in the beginning.  would love to do it again but too expensive maybe in the next 5 years!!

great crowd, hi-fiving the children is always my favourite.  not a happy bunny when i wanted to get back to durham, walked around a mile in agony!! FERC 2:35:06 2:41:20 2:50:00 2:48:06 38.52
Vi Ninety Day Challenge Good race until 8 to 9 miles where i spent 5 mins on ambulance after injuring right knee before completing the race.Great day and weekend though. Burton AC 2:14:27 2:20:11 2:15:00 2:37:56 36.82
Firestarter Hermitage Harriers RC 1:26:36 1:30:35 1:41:45 60.69
Scooby Dave Unaffiliated 1:31:01 1:39:47 1:39:47 58.42
Karate Chop Slower than predicted but much more rewarding. It was the race of my life. I ran all the way round without stopping or having to walk. Im very proud of myself indeed. Started off with ellew, hev, ZoeW and with a kiss from rich1974. 5 Fetchees all in one place. I started at a good pace and kept it up with a very strong confident sprint finish at the end. Once again, the event had a brilliant atmosphere. Newcastle is a very friendly place indeed.  Chorlton Runners 2:10:49 2:57:16 2:30:00 2:57:16 36.37
two_tailed_pasha My first half marathon!!  Stomach ache until 7miles which then eased off and I got into the last half.  Enjoyed it but would have preferred to start a bit nearer the front - couldn't get into the pink pen where I ought to have started...maybe next time?! UKnetrunner 2:51:37 2:51:37 2:51:37 37.61
RichMallaber Started the race with a kiss from the grafter, then went off for the first few miles with ellew. My first GNR & for some reason I was expected it to open up at some point, it never did, so I must strat further forward next time, as I'm sure I could have gone under 2 hrs. All the same it was a great day & brilliant atmosphere - I'd definatley do it again. Unaffiliated 1:37:41 2:03:27 2:15:00 2:03:27 46.96
Lump Brilliant!  Enjoyed - bit of a downhill since then! Unaffiliated 2:07:58 2:07:58 2:15:00 2:07:58 50.38
Scrumpy Jack Hermitage Harriers RC 2:24:16 2:24:16 2:30:00
Bubbles Unaffiliated 1:45:00 1:48:43 1:54:50 56.15
TriGuy Hermitage Harriers RC 1:43:46 1:52:38 1:52:38 51.53
Treacle So chuffed!  Got way under my target time of 2.30 - wahey!  Felt fab till about 8 miles - was on track for a 2.15 at half way, but those second half hills really start to take their toll!
Second half was about 7 mins slower than the first, but felt really strong at the end and still had a bit in the tank, which was great news for future runs (didn't want to overdo it in my first half mara and risk burning out or not finishing).

Beat both my best friend and hubby, both of whom are in theory faster than me, so well pleased! Unaffiliated 1:57:52 2:22:32 2:30:00 2:22:32 45.67
Rubberman Started at the front of greens and had no trouble at start, in fact went off too fast (as usual). Great fun as first attempt for GNR, smashing atmosphere, long queue for Metro after helps you to steady down afterwards. 2 mins of PB for HM so well happy with result. Hermitage Harriers RC 1:31:12 1:37:18 1:35:00 1:37:18 60.37
Pllumby Absolutely gutted I missed getting under 2hrs... can't remember much about the finish so I don't know why I didn't notice. Brilliant day and a wonderful atmosphere. Unaffiliated 1:43:14 2:00:01 2:15:00 2:00:01 49.19
Durbat Fantastic atmosphere but how hot was it!!!! Killamarsh Kestrels RC, Tickhill Velo 1:46:51 1:47:11 1:45:00 1:57:01 53.21
Running Beard Sad news about the fatality - 29 years old accoring to the BBC site.

I knocked 9 mins off my PB so was pleased although disappointed that I faded in the last couple of miles - it took forever to get to the 800 to go on the Coast Road and then that last 800 went on and on and on........... Elvet Striders 1:40:38 1:40:38 1:50:00 1:40:38 61.36
Cheese Unaffiliated 1:45:01 1:45:01 1:56:11 57.34
martymcfly Unaffiliated 1:37:30 1:37:30 1:40:00 1:37:30 59.46
Lincsfella wow, what a day, bit warm as sun came out for duration of the event but a brill day and not a bad time. UKnetrunner 1:28:14 1:32:50 1:38:52 59.71
Jenson Felt like horse manure. I take back what I was saying about it not being very hilly (which it isn't really) but it just seemed like stupidly hard work. Ha. As a 'fun runner' I was expecting shits and giggles!! ; )
Coloured starts = great idea
being penned in with no chance to have a wee = bad idea

Had a 4 min wait (how can it take people sooo long) for first portaloos and was chasing to pick up time from then on.
Love the red arrows (my geekness grows). Seriously querying if Cumbrian HM is a good idea. Then again, my stupidity knows no bounds. 
esk vally fell club 1:44:46 1:51:57 1:51:57 57.66
cathrobinson Really enjoyed it, but there was really heavy people traffic as I started from the back, so never got into a rhythm.  The organisation is excellent, so I think it's a great first HM to do!  Looking forward to beating this PB! Unaffiliated 2:37:33 2:37:33 2:30:00 2:37:33 41.32
Dingus i got a PB !!! Asco Jogworks 1:48:12 1:48:12 2:15 2:02:08 49.33
Pink Shoes Had a fantastic time!  The hills weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be.  Very crowded!  I certainly could not have increased my speed easily as I started right at the back in the charity zones and the roads were way too crowded to pass people easily. Unaffiliated 2:29:10 2:29:10 2:29:10 45.25
Emmie-Lou Hermitage Harriers RC 2:31:17 2:40:00 2:40:00 40.61
Bramble FERC 1:42:39 1:58:44 1:58:44 54.30
Gibster Stainland Lions RC 1:42:59 1:52:45 1:55:00 1:52:45 54.31
Whispering Wasp Unaffiliated
dizzi Dulwich Park Runners 1:52:53 1:56:52 1:55:00 1:56:52 55.70
lady_westcliff Yay got a PB! Felt fine up until mile 10 when legs kicked in and the final mile was a killer but hurray I did it and I even beat some people too! :o) Unaffiliated 2:03:12 2:13:53 2:13:53 48.16
now andyk2708 Found this an easy course, just too many runners. PB potential if you're at the front and get a clear run!!!   Unaffiliated 1:40:17 1:40:17 2:15:00 1:47:29 54.65
Becfleck Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers RC 1:50:08 2:13:42 2:19:40 46.16
DAVEWALLSEND good steady run stayed in the comfort zone for the whole distance and felt stronger at the end as a result. Unaffiliated 1:22:38 1:22:38 1:22:38 73.50
wensleydale I enjoyed it.  It WAS rather warm (20 degrees apparently), but I thought it was well organised and fun.  Apart from the toilet queues. Saddleworth Runners 1:54:05 1:54:05 1:55:00 1:59:43 53.87
horsehay I  really enjoyed this race, i know everyone was packed in like sardines, but everyone was polite and the atmosphere was wonderful. Telford Harriers 2:13:31 2:13:31 2:18:05 48.24
Bul Clapham Chasers 1:12:36 1:21:24 1:23:38 69.33
Miss Sweden My previous PB in this race wass 02:18 so I was absolutely chuffed with my time today. In fact I finished feeling quite strong and know I could have done even better if I had just been brave enough to push on a little earlier. It was extremely difficult trying to do the last mile along the seafront and I didn't get up the head of steam I was aiming for! North Shields Polytechnic AC 1:55:02 2:09:02 2:10:00 2:09:02 50.09
Marmotte Please with the time given the lack of mileage and long runs due to calf problems and the warmer than expected day. Crowds great as always.  Great day and weekend. Steyning AC 1:37:33 1:43:43 1:40:00 1:43:43 57.26
Wheabs Wilmslow RC 1:35:23 1:42:23 1:40:00 1:42:23 58.01
(Mama) Pigeon What a wonderful day! I really enjoyed the whole experience. Anstey Amblers and Runners 1:52:47 2:22:35 2:30:00 2:25:18 44.37
Bettsy A great weekend as usual, but they've really got to do something about the start. Perhaps have one carriageway for club runners, the other for fun runners ? Norwich Road Runners 1:18:26 1:20:50 1:30:36 64.18
Pegg Aimed for 2hrs 40 and tried to run to the splits on the pace band.  First mile was quicker (9:40) then settled to between 10:15 and 11:15 each mile which was ahead of the targets.  Thought halfway through I could maybe do it in 2hr 30 or thereabouts.  Worried about when it would start to hurt but kept going steadily.  Lost H at 8miles but carried on.  2:21something on the watch 400m from end so sprinted to the finish.  Can't believe I knocked 32 mins off last years time! FERC, Fitmums and Friends 2:23:21 2:23:21 2:30:00 2:23:21 45.03
Johnny Blaze Very pleased with my new PB, which is a lot faster than I've ever done. But those pesky 9 seconds. Must take a stopwatch next time.... Unaffiliated 1:51:02 1:57:32 2:00:00 2:00:09 52.70
sister UKnetrunner 1:39:58 1:59:38 2:00:00 1:59:38 57.82
Inertia Unaffiliated 1:45:51 1:45:51 1:50:00 1:45:51 56.11
Kev Scone What a fantastic atmosphere, people told me it was but yoy never really knew what they meant, i do now!

Should have stuck to race plan may have come in under 2 however i felt so good at 8 (73 mins) carried on pushing 10 (91 mins) found 10-11 very hard but crowd pulled me through the last LONG MILE

Raised over £600 for Alzheimers in memory of my Grandad, tears in my eyes when red arrows flew over at the end as he used to take me to see them as a kid, Cheers matey! Howgill Harriers 1:48:39 1:55:06 2:00:00 2:02:43 47.38
PrudhoePlodder Unaffiliated 2:06:27 2:06:27 2:15:00 2:13:10 46.37
biru Started really far back in the field.... much of the race was a bit like an obstacle course, but what a fantastic atmosphere. The spectators, band, drummers, red arrows etc really get you going! Felt great until about the last mile of the race when I hit the wall!! Edinburgh Athletic Club 1:16:06 1:20:07 1:25:00 1:25:09 68.09
Slickchicks York Knavesmire Harriers 1:28:54 1:50:31 1:50:31 52.61
Metal Martin Thorney Running Club, Thorney RC 1:47:37 2:16:16 2:16:16 44.21
Beccals Unaffiliated 1:43:12 1:54:12 1:55:00 1:54:12 56.83
treeman a lot hillier than I remembered it Unaffiliated 1:58:56 2:23:48 2:10:00 2:23:48 41.90
Alex B Fareham Crusaders 1:38:26 1:45:51 1:45:51 55.07
Forest Faerie Thetford AC 1:43:35 2:08:53 2:08:53 51.39
Lisrun Walked all the way because of calf injury. Quite pleased with my time ! 100 Marathon Club, North East Marathon Club 1:42:36 1:42:36 3:07:14 36.29
DaveG Birkenhead Athletic Club, Strathearn Harriers 1:38:25 2:04:37 2:04:37 46.52
Runner5 Lincoln & District Runners 2:19:56 2:42:18 2:25:00 2:42:18 38.36
Feathersmcgraw Unaffiliated 1:26:07 1:26:38 1:27:24 66.35
Just1 Unaffiliated 1:42:27 1:55:17 1:45:00 1:55:17 50.30
SJS Tynedale Harriers & AC 1:45:01 1:51:01 1:50:00 1:51:01 58.08
B I wasn't actually racing this one - just using it as a long training run - sio I was pretty happy with this time. (Especialy as I stopped for a leisurely loo stop!) Heathfield RRC 1:29:28 1:35:31 1:35:31 69.34
POB1976 Unaffiliated 1:54:33 2:58:32 2:58:32 32.47
E Bedford Harriers AC 1:57:39 2:06:03 2:06:03 55.40
FaeryImp Unaffiliated 2:11:16 2:23:04 2:23:04 46.86
hatstand Unaffiliated 1:37:53 1:47:51 1:45:00 1:47:51 53.75
ChrisDig Poor run - travelled up in morning setting off very early - payed price for 2 hours sleep - fantastic atmosphere and day though. Unaffiliated 1:27:17 1:39:41 1:35:00 1:39:41 59.23
therunningpostie what a fantastic day out. Skegness & District Running Club 1:34:53 2:12:00 2:00:00 2:12:00 49.17
Is@@c Stockport Harriers & AC 1:26:48 1:30:57 1:30:00 1:33:23 64.52
Jim Royle Unaffiliated 1:34:58 1:42:07 1:47:30 56.97
RununMan Forgot how great the GNR really is! 16yrs since the last one. Really enjoyed the day. As usual it's always busy and difficult to find space to run in the first few miles but so what, crowds and fellow runners were 'great'. And raised 750quid for charity too. Role on next year. Pleased with time, but oh so close to Sub1.30 ... next time! Birtley AC 1:16:53 1:31:59 1:39:00 1:31:59 65.50
MissingPhoenix Unaffiliated 1:35:12 1:59:18 2:00:00 1:59:18 48.60
sami546 Northbrook AC 1:36:21 1:52:53 1:50:00 1:52:53 57.23
gosbag Very Crowded Now New Marske Harriers AC 1:27:47 1:29:34 1:31:34 68.57
mol Unaffiliated 2:07:58 2:24:00 2:24:00 51.90
Scooba Steve Second time running this, knocked 12 minutes off last year's time and had only ran about 5 times in 2006! Unaffiliated 1:53:16 2:22:30 3:00:00 2:22:30 40.68
Yorky Unaffiliated 1:44:45 1:48:37 1:54:57 52.41
Jenko Unaffiliated 2:00:26 2:25:42 2:28:39 39.72
MattyD Unaffiliated 1:46:29 2:09:04 2:09:04 45.05
tonyrich Unaffiliated 1:59:24 2:04:44 2:04:44 47.33
#runningman 🏃 Unaffiliated 1:36:13 2:07:15 2:00:00 2:07:15 45.56
chelsian Unaffiliated 2:08:31 2:12:00 2:13:00 43.64
Gonzales Elswick Harriers 1:56:03 2:25:59 2:25:59 44.17
rdr Unaffiliated 1:25:34 1:37:21 1:40:00 1:37:21 59.73
Rick OShay Harvel Hash House Harriers 1:40:08 1:52:00 2:00:00 1:52:00 52.71
Roxykit Ashford and District RRC 2:44:27 3:18:49 3:18:49 38.05
Skylonsthelimit Unaffiliated 1:31:48 1:31:48 1:34:00 1:31:48 63.50
Monster Feet Unaffiliated 1:44:57 2:20:49 2:20:49 45.79
Dandelion Unaffiliated 2:27:30 2:27:30 2:27:30 47.34
tiger-turnbull had a light hamstring strain from poor hydration in a training run,  too many people running it made it difficult to run a fast race.  good to have another pb Unaffiliated 1:36:39 2:00:39 2:02:00 2:00:39 48.48
SeasiderSue Unaffiliated 2:17:30 2:18:57 2:18:57 52.52
Chazzee Serpentine RC, Westbury Harriers 1:23:18 1:29:00 1:55:00 50.41
PloddinBuddah Unaffiliated 2:54:11 2:54:11 2:54:11 33.28
RUDEDOG Unaffiliated 1:42:15 1:42:34
Dave29 Bishops Stortford RC 1:40:36 2:03:57 2:08:24 45.16
gilbank Pickering Running Club 1:29:15 1:35:17 1:35:17 60.92
Northern Exile My third Great North Run and the only time I've had a ballot entry.  Felt good to be free of the burden of a charity place, particularly after my negative experience with one well-known charity the year before.  Enjoyed the race, but Newcastle is a bit chavvy and I hated all the brats hurling bottles at the runners.  I vowed not to come back in 2007 and sure enough I gave it a miss.  Felt better for it, it might be a big race but it's a bit overrated and a shite course. Settle Harriers, North Leeds Fell Runners 1:38:25 1:38:30 1:42:00 1:44:38 59.01
WineRunner52 Road Runners Club 1:29:23 1:51:03 1:51:03 60.63
Lucky Jim White City (Hull) RRC 1:35:58 1:37:17 1:43:03 65.93
Mr G - #thatrunguy 429/44,000 Team Green, Tividale Trotters 1:36:36 1:28:36 1:30:16 66.24
Rapid Snail Unaffiliated 1:38:33 1:40:17 1:40:27 58.03
knoxy Unaffiliated 1:52:02 2:02:23 2:02:23 52.68
PenW Unaffiliated 2:05:05 2:30:38 2:30:38 42.98
5hep First sub 2hrs Half!! Farnham Runners 1:47:51 1:50:21 1:57:00 51.10
bigal best time so far ,really hot Blackhill Bounders 1:33:47 1:39:43 1:40:00 1:39:43 58.46
northernrunner Blackhill Bounders 1:14:17 1:30:10 1:30:10 64.30
merlin Unaffiliated 1:51:00 1:51:00 2:00:00 1:51:00 53.32
Punkbilly Otley AC 1:44:23 1:57:27 2:00:00 1:57:27 51.30
Beware Of The Fish Datchet Dashers 1:25:15 1:41:48 1:42:12 59.92
2lesstoenails Unaffiliated 1:38:27 1:40:00 1:40:00 61.24
Pigpen Striders of Croydon AC 2:13:40 2:37:33 2:37:33 37.13
Fitguy Unaffiliated 1:33:02 1:39:29 1:39:29 70.21
Ghilington Super Doggy No.1 Unaffiliated 1:53:16 2:17:08 2:30:00 2:17:08
gderoux Horsforth Harriers 1:32:18 1:56:03 2:00:00 1:56:03 49.96
themawse Dreadful back injury, walked most of it. Unaffiliated 2:17:29 2:39:47 2:39:47 36.76
curlyrunner Blackhill Bounders 1:56:16 1:57:00 1:57:00 55.11
Didds Bexhill Runners 1:40:56 1:46:20 1:46:20 56.23
Runningmachine Wadhurst Runners 1:33:13 1:36:55 1:39:09 67.29
Billywhizz2b Unaffiliated 1:33:45 1:54:11 1:54:11 50.77
Milou Unaffiliated 2:20:19 2:20:19 2:20:19 46.96
JAnders Telford Harriers 1:16:41 1:22:20 1:24:06 68.94
Gez Sunderland Strollers 1:31:44 1:48:01 1:48:01 53.67
Brad22 Hoad Hill Harriers 1:24:42 1:24:42 1:37:31 65.49
Sloan Unaffiliated 1:48:58 2:12:27 2:12:27 49.32
j77ben Clapham Chasers 1:17:58 1:38:03 1:38:03 59.13
mittuck (I forget the seconds exactly!!!)
Didn't train too well, played a full football match on the Saturday.... Not ideal prep. 
Pleased to have beaten my previous time never-the-less Unaffiliated 1:24:27 1:33:30 1:33:30 62.01
Geococcyx Unaffiliated 1:32:17 1:43:30 1:45:52 55.25
Dave B Unaffiliated 1:27:05 1:49:10 1:49:10 53.11
Lame Duck Unaffiliated 1:25:06 1:37:27 1:37:27 59.50
jams Unaffiliated 1:47:35 2:02:50 2:02:50 47.20
IrishMike Canterbury Harriers 1:17:07 1:56:00 1:56:00 49.98
Coulson Elswick Harriers 1:33:42 1:59:18 1:59:18 48.60
Spotty Dog Newport & District RC, Newport Shropshire Cycling Club 1:45:54 2:13:16 2:44:00 2:13:16 43.50
georgenick Only able to walk round - with Son in law & brother in law. 9 months after more major surgery & 6 weeks after less serious abdominal hernia repair - even more grateful just to be there. Elvet Striders 1:37:51 3:36:30 3:36:30 32.26
joolzs Eccleshill Road Runners 1:53:28 2:41:42 2:41:42 42.41
HulaGirl Unaffiliated 2:03:36 2:16:59 2:16:59 47.07
zak n cody Unaffiliated 1:39:43 1:39:43 1:41:11 58.35
Caution contains mild peril Blackhill Bounders, Derwent Valley Trail Runners 1:43:17 2:26:53 2:26:53 39.47
Weestevie Very slow race - congested. Unaffiliated 1:31:33 1:36:00 1:46:00 58.25
Slow and Ultra Steady Ipswich JAFFA RC 1:39:10 2:11:16 2:11:16 44.22
spinkle Unaffiliated 3:17:30 3:39:30 3:39:30 29.57
ibarwick Unaffiliated 2:09:02 2:12:00 2:00:00 2:12:00 43.92
Hubrun Shelton Striders 1:29:06 1:43:08 1:43:08 56.95
BEAGLE79 Unaffiliated 1:44:00 1:45:00 1:45:00 1:45:00 55.21
james6161 Billingham Marsh House Harriers & AC 1:31:00 1:38:00 1:41:57 61.07
Mick the slug Heaton Harriers & AC 1:48:37 1:50:00 2:01:17 50.49
tim77 White City (Hull) RRC 1:48:59 2:14:22 2:14:22 43.15
zosie Unaffiliated 1:31:08 1:36:47 1:43:53 55.81
JoH Elvet Striders 1:44:00 2:25:00 2:25:00 44.47
saintjason Sale Harriers Manchester 1:19:14 1:38:52 1:38:52 58.65
RunFatBoyDunn North Shields Polytechnic AC 1:39:38 1:56:01 1:56:01 50.42
kopking steve Unaffiliated 1:47:22 2:05:27 2:05:27 46.35
loucass Dirty Daps, Muddy Tracks 2:11:45 2:11:45 2:11:45
emuslushy Unaffiliated 2:19:01 3:13:56 3:13:56 33.25
dabba Unaffiliated 2:15:36 2:42:25 2:42:25 38.66
PLJ Wallsend Harriers AC 1:21:33 1:59:49 1:59:49 48.39
CheekyP Gade Valley Harriers 1:25:01 1:40:00 1:45:00 55.21
Drew76 Stubbington Green Runners 1:41:58 2:09:00 2:14:00 43.26
comanda Nidd Valley Road Runners 1:47:30 2:10:00 2:15:00 2:10:00 51.57
nantesteve Unaffiliated 1:44:19 1:57:01 1:57:01 49.99
breezey Unaffiliated 2:06:43 2:46:24 2:46:24 36.80
dizzie1981 Elvet Striders 1:53:37 2:23:00 2:23:00 45.09
Middleman North East Marathon Club 1:34:01 1:44:08 1:40:00 1:44:08 55.84
handyfeet Heaton Harriers & AC 1:24:57 1:46:49 1:46:49 55.60
Narrow Feet Unaffiliated 1:27:06 1:34:45 1:34:45 61.53
Gee-Rizzle Unaffiliated 1:21:59 1:32:16 1:32:16 62.83
miefd Race Number: 19720 Unaffiliated 1:32:48 2:02:41 2:02:41 47.26
Tom76 Unaffiliated 2:03:35 2:03:35 2:03:35 46.91
Fats Elvet Striders 1:52:58 2:17:00 2:17:00 47.68
altyfc Unaffiliated 1:39:27
Karlos23 Unaffiliated 1:41:26 1:56:31 2:10:22 44.87
Suzyspice Just got back from America Unaffiliated 1:48:49 2:10:22 2:10:22 49.94
Ando 73 10 miles: 1.24.46 Unaffiliated 1:29:35 1:51:05 1:51:05 52.25
154 Rob Started at the back and did much more than 13.1 miles as you have to zig-zag around fancy-dressers & unfit people.  A mass run isn't the place to work on PBs ...its gotty be seen as a festival day.  Go for a good time  and enjoy the day out! Tyne Bridge Harriers 1:22:47 1:37:19 1:37:19 59.59
Uithoorn_runner Unaffiliated 1:55:00 2:25:39 2:25:39 44.27
johnnyboy Harmeny AC 1:38:50 1:46:02 1:57:00 55.06
bundleboy Unaffiliated 1:43:35 1:53:05 1:53:05 51.27
deevicpark Unaffiliated 2:17:00 2:19:00 2:19:00 46.39
marshbbad Stourbridge RC 1:44:25 2:23:00 2:23:00 40.54
BigMac9 Scottish Veteran Harriers Club 1:40:32 1:45:05 1:53:35 57.71
Corky 23 Cheltenham & County Harriers 1:28:42 1:44:00 1:44:00 55.74
richardskillen Kilmarnock Harriers & AC 1:31:33 1:31:33 1:43:22 56.25
EmilyJ Wallsend Harriers AC 1:41:28 1:59:49 1:59:49 53.81
mohawk sop Barnsley Harriers 1:40:15 2:23:10 2:30:00 2:23:10 40.49
Pintsize Bedford Harriers AC 1:45:06 1:50:07 2:20:40 49.17
YB Damn ! Blew it big time. Flying at 8 miles, but walking by 10
Very unhappy, and annoyed with myself North East Veterans AC 1:49:04 1:51:57 1:51:57 54.26
dja75 Vegetarian Cycling & AC, VEGAN RUNNERS UK, Tyne Bridge Harriers 1:28:33 1:43:56 1:43:56 55.78
Elkcib Redway Runners, Fitmk 1:26:51 2:03:46 2:03:46 46.84
The Mighty OFK Quakers RC 1:39:02 1:48:05 2:00:00 1:49:12 57.02
Mr Sparks Unaffiliated 1:54:26 1:59:59 2:01:11 53.18
GVC Unaffiliated 1:57:28 2:33:43 2:33:43 40.17

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