NSPCC Milton Keynes Half Marathon

Listed by ChrisThePuma
  • Rated 74%
  • 13.1mi
  • Road
Entrants (51) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
acorndan Eastern Veterans AC, Higham Harriers AC 1:16:54 1:20:28 1:25:44 67.70
alipally Mornington Chasers 1:25:00
Becfleck Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers RC 1:50:08 1:57:42 2:14:53 47.80
bignosher Unaffiliated 2:08:05 2:08:05 2:08:05 49.44
CanaryYellow Unaffiliated 1:40:48 1:40:48 2:14:00 2:11:27 44.23
Chaz Sub 1.30 attempt on the road back to fitness..
Satisfied with this, good to be back racing again. A really fun race. Wootton Road Runners 1:22:52 1:25:19 1:29:58 1:28:37 65.78
CheekyP Gade Valley Harriers 1:25:01 1:25:01 1:26:00 1:25:01 68.19
Dave A Unaffiliated 1:19:41 1:21:57 1:25:25 67.87
DeanOr Unaffiliated 2:09:30 2:09:30 2:09:30 45.15
Demeer Unaffiliated 1:47:58 1:47:58 1:55:00 1:51:10 52.15
Dubbya Abingdon Amblers AC, Hillingdon AC 1:27:30 1:27:30 1:26:59 1:29:48 67.64
evanspre Unaffiliated 1:36:14 1:42:25 1:43:19 56.28
Gaubfar looking at going better than at St Albans but depends on whether I can shift this bug...

UPDATE - did better than expected, although knee is sore now, happy with splits and also time Yaxley Runners and Joggers 1:35:01 1:35:01 1:46:50 1:44:16 55.61
gavine1976 Real Buzz RC 1:34:42 1:36:28 1:36:52 59.92
GrahH Well - only what I should expect I guess with very little training and a dodgy foot! Harpenden Arrows 1:36:40 1:39:01 1:59:00 1:54:42 57.65
Gritts! 100 Marathon Club, Orion Harriers 1:19:36 1:26:09 1:25:00 1:26:09 67.90
hatterfan A good well organised event.  The sun stayed in and made it near perfect condiitons to run in.   Not too disappointed with my time, but still room for improvement! 100 Marathon Club 1:31:29 1:49:35 1:56:07 1:52:08 52.17
howe2 1st half Milton Keynes AC, Redway Runners 1:36:35 1:56:29 1:56:29 56.27
icemaiden Official chip time - course PB by about 4 mins - nice :-) Unaffiliated 2:02:55 2:10:56 2:15:00 2:11:34 52.12
Jo-bee Chip time 2.03.34.  Garmin time 2.02.42.  Garmin distance 13.16.  Found this tougher than expected, was NOT flat and lots of twists and turns with many narrow places to run in.  Some of it very scenic some of it not.  Disappointed in myself. Unaffiliated 1:48:15 1:56:09 1:55:14 2:03:34 53.91
kelvinsdrift Unaffiliated 1:53:58 2:02:00 2:04:00 52.40
KoughKandi Unaffiliated 1:45:21 1:45:21 2:11:26 52.63
LaurentD Unaffiliated 1:35:42 1:35:42 1:35:42 62.48
LemonTree Unaffiliated 1:55:08 1:55:08 2:13:39 48.24
Lieutenant Lucerne Pleased with a PB; particularly as my last three miles were the fastest three. Although it's generally a flat course, it has a lot of twists and turns and one or two undulations. The narrow start requires patience, but a slow start in a long race is not necessarily a bad thing. Unaffiliated 1:25:52 1:27:11 1:27:58 72.60
Littlefoot Unaffiliated 1:44:41 1:44:41 1:45:10 1:44:41 62.94
Lorenzo Dorking & Mole Valley AC 1:26:32 1:31:25 1:33:00 1:31:25 65.90
M1nty Unaffiliated 1:41:23 1:41:23 1:43:43 59.54
mackfly Unaffiliated 1:24:01 1:24:01 1:29:19 65.76
Menna Good run, horrid incline at the end but another one down!! Unaffiliated 1:47:37 2:11:15 2:15:00 2:16:33 47.22
Mrs Columbo Unaffiliated 2:07:58 2:20:41 2:22:22 48.16
Murray1201 Did it .... just! Splits as follows: 
1) 9.21 
2) 8.32 (17.52)
3) 9.13 (27.05)
4) 9.03 (36.08)
5) 9.59 (46.07)
6) 9.06 (55.13)
7) 9.11 (1.04.23)
8) 9.11 (1.13.35)
9) 9.03 (1.22.38)
10) 9.10 (1.31.48)
11) 9.09 (1.40.59)
12) 9.00 (1.49.59)
13) 9.00 (1.58.59)
13.1) 0.30 (1.59.29) Unaffiliated 1:59:38 1:59:38 1:59:59 1:59:38 48.46
nice and slow Alchester RC (Bicester) 1:44:07 1:54:18
NikW Unaffiliated 1:44:03 1:52:27 1:53:45 1:52:27 55.83
Paul W Not rying to do a fast time. Just wanted to try out my marathon pace to see how much energy I had left after 13 miles. Answer - not much! Back to drawing board? Unaffiliated 1:41:09 1:42:39 1:52:00 1:54:19 59.97
portly Prior to the entry I thought this could be a 1.50, however the usual amount of training occured......

Good start then pulled back as a bit over pace. Knee played up about half way and got worse, the last few miles were slow with no power in my left leg. Unaffiliated 1:59:35 1:59:35 1:50:00 1:59:35 49.37
Red Scouse MK Milton Keynes AC, schuhwiedu-oberaudorf Baveria 1:43:44 1:47:22 1:51:21 54.55
Rootmaster Dunstable RRC 1:34:28 1:34:28 1:44:00 1:37:44 70.15
Runner Martin Redway Runners 1:38:46 1:53:54 1:57:22 55.85
running jester Shenley Striders 1:41:47 1:49:16 1:49:16 54.72
Scott S Unaffiliated 1:41:19 1:51:57 1:51:57 52.47
Simo And nobody please dare to say that MK was flat! It was also longer than a regular half too! Still quite pleased. Ealing, Southall & Middlesex AC 1:41:17 1:45:26 1:49:00 1:45:26 64.51
sootyward Northampton Road Runners, MK Lakeside Runners 1:59:19 2:00:00 2:00:00 2:02:38 49.13
Strawbs78 Harpenden Arrows 1:40:04 1:51:17 1:51:32 57.83
superdog Unaffiliated 1:38:53 1:50:12 2:00:08 52.26
theOtherRichard FERC 1:37:38 1:37:38 2:07:01 46.48
Tim of Fife NSPCC MILTON KEYNES HALF MARATHON  -   1:51.49 (Chip)  -  511TH OF 1,223 FINISHERS   -   I was still considering dropping out as late as a minute before the start gun sounded.   But went ahead in the end.     I tried to keep my heart rate very low and my pace very 'relaxed'.     All went OK until around the 10 mile point,  where I started to feel somewhat drained and my legs started complaining.  So,  slotted in the odd irregular walk break to keep from getting overtired.    My time wasn't  impressive,  to say the least !  But,  on the positive side,   I 'tabbed' around and earned my medal without killing myself.    I guess that there are perhaps two learning points.   The first is not to do a 'flat out' 5kms race just four days before a half marathon.   The second is that there is a limit to how many months you can get away with no long training runs and still run this kind of distance.
Unaffiliated 1:39:33 1:40:54 1:51:49 57.11
Turkhish With how training didnt progress through May / June due to illness and work this is a good result. Unaffiliated 1:44:22 1:48:52 1:47:00 1:48:52 55.79
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB) Buckingham & Stowe RC 2:00:57 2:03:53 2:12:28 52.72
wendy woo Dunstable RRC 1:39:40 1:56:58
Yorkshire Pie Unaffiliated 1:40:11 1:43:15 1:50:00 1:50:23 58.47

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