Sheffield Half Marathon

Listed by Jameaters
  • Rated 71%
  • 13.1mi
  • Road
Entrants (48) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
10.13 SLEAFORD STRIDERS 1:49:31 1:53:07 2:04:16 51.39
adamd The heat killed me, really struggled. Unaffiliated 1:54:42 1:56:22 2:00:00 2:01:55 48.71
AlexL UKnetrunner 1:47:54 1:37:00
Bebbybackrabs Unaffiliated
becca7 100 Marathon Club, VEGAN RUNNERS UK, Wigston Phoenix, LDWA 1:38:37 1:42:18 2:15:00 1:52:42 59.11
beginner1 Disappointing. #
Warm today but not impossibly so. Not up to 9 mins pace consistently = not fit enough for this yet. Will keep trying. Unaffiliated 2:00:41 2:00:41 1:59:00 2:10:21 48.58
BlastItBob Unaffiliated 2:19:18 2:26:50 2:27:56 39.20
BunnyRunner Unaffiliated 1:40:16
Cavey Handsworth Roadhogs RC 1:37:46 2:15:04 2:21:37 41.16
caw Denby Dale AC 1:49:41 1:52:50 1:51:30
cguy5 Steel City Striders RC 1:25:00 1:28:03 1:32:35 62.97
cooper_21 Mansfield Triathlon Club 1:35:00 1:35:29 1:35:29
corned beef keith Barnsley AC 1:21:20 1:21:20 1:23:56 72.96
Flatb Kimberworth Striders RC 2:00:25 2:33:50 2:33:50 38.61
foofighter Sheffield RC 1:49:42 1:49:42 1:49:42 57.72
giggsy Kimberworth Striders RC 1:17:05 1:17:05
hgreav What a disappointment! Unaffiliated 1:48:36 2:15:16 2:15:16 47.98
Hinzy9 Unaffiliated 1:36:01 1:36:01 1:35:00 1:36:01 60.38
Hubrun Shelton Striders 1:29:06 1:35:59 2:20:36 43.20
jonotinx Hot & hilly; disappointed by time over 2 hrs.... Unaffiliated 1:41:42 2:03:14 1:50:00 2:03:14 48.89
koilowe Far too hot for me and a late start did not help having to pass everyone towards the rear of the field. Bingham Triathlon Club 1:43:08 1:56:58 1:42:59 1:56:58 53.23
madrocker74 Northbrook AC 1:38:56 1:38:56 1:39:59 1:42:50 57.12
Martin James Doncaster AC 1:23:48 1:29:59 1:29:59 65.01
mathschick Unaffiliated 2:48:00 2:48:00 2:48:00 40.81
Maxvaxine Too Hot but at least I didn't die! Unaffiliated 2:21:05 2:21:05 2:20:00 2:31:00 42.66
Mickey1 Rothwell & District Harriers
mohawk sop Very hot day! Barnsley Harriers 1:40:15 1:56:46 1:59:00 2:05:34 46.23
Nadders (aka monsenb1) Bramhall Runners 1:39:45 1:42:42 1:52:41 52.39
NellyMarcos Not sure if I am going to be good for this Damaged tendons left foot 11th March, 

It was as expected extremely hot. There were some poor runners collapsing in a few places. I went through a bad patch at 4 mile, overheating. Got rid of my cap and just threw water over my head at the next drinks station, from then on drank a bit, threw a bit and amazingly I bagged a PB by a minute! Well pleased, only ailment is a small blister on the ball of my foot. Well done to the water station people, demand was very high Unaffiliated 2:05:57 2:10:00 2:15:00 2:10:00 52.32
NortonFlyer Red hot. Beat one Camel but not the other!! Unaffiliated 1:38:40 1:42:00 1:40:00 1:47:00 54.25
payless Ashfield Tri 1:31:39 1:31:39 1:32:36 65.06
phantom ranch Unaffiliated 1:41:34 1:42:31 1:50:00 1:44:43 63.15
Pikelet A very warm day, did much better than I thought I would!! Really chuffed with this run even though it's mu slowest Sheff Half to date.
Handsworth Roadhogs RC 1:35:50 1:44:43 1:51:58 59.15
Pilch North Derbyshire Running Club, LDWA 1:51:58 1:58:51 2:00:00 1:58:51 52.39
Raquel83 Unaffiliated 1:51:05 1:52:25 1:56:38
richard1960 Sinfin RC 1:23:12 1:25:15 1:27:00 75.34
Richey Absolute Triathlon Club 1:33:58 1:33:58 1:36:52 60.39
RoBo63 West Bromwich Harriers 1:34:28 1:37:16 1:37:00 1:50:00 58.56
roger, may be the faster brother ag chip time, clock time 1:29:59 195th Steel City Striders RC 1:25:12 1:29:51 1:29:51 68.72
runcharlierun OH MY GOD, the HEAT!!! Could not run any faster today!!! Bang went my 2:00hr prediction! Unaffiliated 2:09:43 2:17:21 2:00:00 2:17:21 47.06
runFattyrun Unaffiliated 2:02:18 2:20:07 2:10:00 2:20:07 47.20
runningowl Penistone Footpath Runners AC 1:21:22 1:25:39 1:25:52 1:25:39 67.88
Slicker Unaffiliated 1:38:18 1:55:41 1:55:41 58.73
Slowstarter Unaffiliated 1:29:22 1:29:22 1:34:29
Steady Fast I actually broke 1.30 by a massive 3 seconds - get in! Penistone Footpath Runners AC, Fell Runners Association 1:25:56 1:29:57 1:32:00 1:29:57 64.53
SueJ1 Elvet Striders 2:04:05 2:04:05 2:05:00 2:15:00 49.26
Wangers Unaffiliated 1:39:28 1:39:28 1:39:28 60.11
WinnieBob Unaffiliated 1:27:59 1:59:54 1:59:54 48.35

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