Wilmslow Half Marathon

  • Rated 83%
  • 13.1mi
  • Road
Entrants (45) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
RunningBob Managed to bob a pb. 

There was a fair wind behind on the way out and in the face coming back leading to some interesting splits:

2 miles: 10:45
5 miles: 27:05
10 miles: 55:59
Wilmslow RC 1:11:29 1:14:13 1:16:00 1:14:13 82.51
Trackster Northern Veterans AC, Preston Harriers 1:09:57 1:10:57 1:10:57 81.95
pugheaven 1 Mile = 5:47
2 Mile = 5:52 (11:39)
3 Mile = 5:49 (17:29)
4 Mile = 5:47 (23:16)
5 Mile = 5:46 (29:03)
6 Mile = 6:01 (35:05) Slightly Up Hill
7 Mile = 5:52 (40:46)
8 Mile = 6:15 (46:58) Uphill Section
9 Mile = 6:12 (53:13)
10 Mile = 6:01 (59:25) Slight Invlince through town...
11 Mile = 6:13 (01:05:26) Head Wind and Inclined
12 Mile = 6:13 (01:11:39) Head Wind and Inclined
13 Mile = 6:13 (01:17:53) Head Wind and Inclined
0.1 Mile = 37.64 (01:18:30)

Finish Time [b]1:18:30[/b] (5:59 m/m)

As for me at Wilmslow... well, decent conditions, apart from the 

wind picked up from 10 mile to the finish (and it wasn't just me, 

everyone lost time)...

However, went out steady, holding back, holding back... got to 

[b]2 mile[/b] and thought right, I'm in a rhythm here, and feels 

decent... couldn't feel twinge in butt cheek that I've had all 

week... so pushed onwards...

Could see a women called Gill I think her name is, who's a solid 

solid runner... and made an effort over the next 2 mile to just 

close onto her and stick with her for as long as possible... 

caught the pack at [b]4 mile[/b]... tucked in behind her wonderful 

arse... and settled down... went through [b]5 mile[/b] quicker by 

40 seconds than I wanted to, but even then, felt very very easy... 

and confidence was starting to rise... and wanted to blast past 

them and push on, but [b]held back[/b] which as you all know, 

isn't the usual Puglet!

So, basically the next 2-3 mile upto [b]8 mile[/b] was 

uneventful... and churning out nice miles... as I went past 

[b]8[/b] though, I noticed my breathing was a little heavier... 

and knew this was when the work had to start to maintain any kind 

of pace. Also, the second half of this course (which I HATE by the 

way) is tough... with a couple of nasty hills...

Went through 10 mile in bang on 59:25 which was smack on 5:57 pace 

which is what I wanted... however, the wind started picking up on 

the run in... which was a bugger...

So dug in, tried to catch a couple of runners, went past them... 

but deep down knew my 1:17:50 attempt was slipping away... 

however, instead of giving up and throwing me dummy out the 

pram... carried on... and just worked at a slower pace, making 

sure I lost the least amount of time possible...

At this point, 11 mile, could see Helen Lawrence suffering (she 

did Trimpell with me in 2:03) and knew I might get her over the 

last 2 mile... kept an eye on GILL's arse though to bring me 


The last mile was torture, as it's just one long curving road... 

that you can't see the end.... times flashing by, and you can't 

see the end, hard to keep your head together... but did it... and 

trotted over the line... (no sprint though, unusal for me!!!)...

Not sure of positions as it's a good quality field... but I'm 

happy with that run and the pacing... on a flatter course? Who 

knows... however I can only do what I did...

over all... a 9/10 race... and the best I've raced since New Year 

and know has banished a few doubts and I can move onwards and 

upwards from here. Ellesmere Port Running Club 1:18:16 1:18:53 1:17:50 1:18:53 73.51
jmc Set off well, reached 10 miles at 60:12 but then lost it due to headwind in last 2 miles... bummer Stockport Harriers & AC 1:17:05 1:19:30 1:19:30 73.33
jonah Stockport Harriers & AC 1:21:43 1:24:59 1:24:59 72.66
Sully PB by 2 and half mins so happy.
Sub 1 20 would have been nice
Kirk Hallam AC 1:20:24 1:20:24 1:20:00 1:20:24 72.51
caterpillar girl Unaffiliated 1:31:30 1:31:30 1:29:59 1:33:31 71.23
ChrisDig Unaffiliated 1:27:17 1:27:17 1:26:00 1:27:17 67.64
Is@@c Gun time or watch time - thats the real question - PB'd whichever one you look at but need to drop below that 90 minute smark so lets go off the watch time. Stockport Harriers & AC 1:26:48 1:28:53 1:29:30 1:29:48 67.64
Nexus Icon Stockport Harriers & AC 1:09:56 1:23:15 1:25:49 67.56
Redchilli Unaffiliated 1:17:05 1:24:31 1:25:59 67.51
Jezzer Chorlton Runners 1:28:25 1:32:51 1:38:12 67.34
RobH Quite a tough day at the office. Was shooting for 1:25 and was on that pace for the first 5 miles but had to ease off. Miles 6-8 were tough but started to feel OK again and tried to up it at the end, only to get hit by the headwind on the last 2-3 miles. Anyway, PB by 2 minutes so it's not too bad I suppose! Manchester Tri 1:18:45 1:27:29 1:27:29 66.27
podrunner Chorley Athletics and Triathlon Club 1:31:03 1:31:27 1:37:41 66.00
Jasper* Scunthorpe & District AC 1:41:48 1:44:50 1:44:50 65.98
xhosa Unaffiliated 1:39:07 1:42:35 1:42:35 65.04
Tri Foxy Mersey-Tri 1:36:07 1:37:33 1:40:00 1:37:33 63.83
brock Warrington Road Runners 1:33:09 1:33:09 1:33:09 63.38
ste Vale Royal AC 1:33:20 1:36:22 1:36:22 61.63
clairster oh what a horrible day, had to fight for every step :( Stockport Harriers & AC 1:41:11 1:49:25 1:45:00 1:49:25 58.99
Wheabs My last race as a senior and on home turf as well!

All was going well until the last 2 miles - not really sure what happened but I don't think I should have taken on water after mile 10. Wilmslow RC 1:35:23 1:36:38 1:38:00 1:42:59 57.67
Philippe Flop Unaffiliated 1:43:36 1:43:36 1:47:04 57.20
missvivvy Swinton Running Club 1:49:21 1:54:13 1:54:13 56.51
Homer My first half and what a day. Great course, great support and a nice goodie bag. Everything just seemed to work. Big blister, sore legs and very very tired but on top of my little world! FERC 1:31:53 1:37:03 2:00:00 1:43:32 56.06
mackers2 FERC 1:37:15 1:49:37 1:49:37 55.87
wensleydale took 2 mins to get over the start line, not chip timed. Saddleworth Runners 1:54:05 1:58:17 2:00:00 1:58:17 54.53
contraflow Unaffiliated 1:43:48 1:47:13 1:48:27 54.44
1justin1 Unaffiliated 1:39:51 1:39:51 1:47:11 54.09
Gez Sunderland Strollers 1:31:44 1:38:37 1:48:20 53.52
Mrs Seagull Stockport Harriers & AC 2:05:25 2:05:25 2:05:25 53.45
now andyk2708 Knee pain got severe at the 8 mile marker, forcing me to slow down a touch.
Unaffiliated 1:40:17 1:50:07 1:55:00 1:50:07 53.34
Ehlne This was a tough race.  I hadn't trained properly, and had struggled to motivate myself to run for months prior to this.  I really wanted to do this half marathon though, since I'd entered a few years previously and sprained my feet in training the week before (from trying to run in ordinary trainers!), so I couldn't do the race.  Then last year the race was full when I came to register, so this year I was determined to do it.  The last 3-4 miles were a real struggle.  I vow never to run a race again without adequate training.  It's very unpleasant and unsatisfactory! Manchester Harriers & AC 1:52:54 1:58:04 2:00:00 2:01:33 53.27
running26 Unaffiliated 1:42:10 1:56:57 1:56:57 52.80
Runtrue Really pleased  - a pb.
Found the last 2 miles tough  but excellent race & organisation. Bramhall Runners 1:55:56 2:08:48 2:08:48 52.41
nandez First big race after giving birth to Alexandra last September.  Did fairly well. Was motivated to run a bit faster at the end when I noticed solicitor/shoes just behind me. I was not going to let her beat me, whether I just had a baby or not :o) Unaffiliated 1:49:48 1:53:40 1:53:40 52.07
whereisjen Unaffiliated 2:02:00 2:10:00 2:10:00 49.60
Cazmo Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC, Congleton Harriers 2:02:23 2:12:33 2:12:33 48.64
baggio71 Congleton Harriers 1:40:44 1:41:30 2:00:39 48.32
Luiz I'd really like to manage under 2:15 for this one, but this would mean knocking around 10 mins off my PB, so may be a tad optimistic.**update** Really dissapointed with the time - was on for a 2:10 finish, then my calf went *pop* at 11 miles. Limped home in 2:18 Unaffiliated 2:17:04 2:18:04 2:20:00 2:18:04 46.70
JillyB Manchester Harriers & AC 2:09:40 2:28:00 2:28:00 44.75
tri-harder Unaffiliated 2:07:04 2:18:36 2:18:36 42.70
Fompungs Unaffiliated 2:05:37 2:18:00 2:20:00 2:18:00 42.39
snogard Walked the first 10km, 3 x 3 intervals for the rest. Had difficulty running over the line Stockport Harriers & AC 2:00:02 2:46:12 2:57:00 2:52:00 41.01
Ghilington Super Doggy No.1 Unaffiliated 1:53:16 1:57:17 2:00:00 1:57:17
Bew Unaffiliated 2:10:00


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