Kent Roadrunner Marathon

Listed by TZ
  • Rated 89%
  • 26.2mi
  • Road
Entrants (25) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
*Michael* Sandbach Striders 3:27:16 3:27:16 3:43:35 56.50
AdminLiz Brilliant event, couldn't fault the organisation, support, venue etc...maybe flatten the hill a little for next time? ;-) Harwich Runners 4:25:12 4:53:30 5:59:59 4:57:03 49.60
angelis Unaffiliated 2:55:06
becca7 100 Marathon Club, VEGAN RUNNERS UK, Wigston Phoenix, LDWA 3:27:17 3:40:02 4:00:47 56.99
Bellers DNF - torn calf muscle - pulled out after 1 km. TENTATIVE Springfield Striders RC 3:57:52 4:27:00 4:05:00
DPBadger Was going well until mile 14  about 4 hour time. Then my broken toe started giving me pain so the last half took me 3 hours. I have entered for next year. Unaffiliated 4:05:00 4:05:00 5:00:27 40.51
DTs Unaffiliated 3:00:28 3:12:59 3:12:59 64.96
emdee 100 Marathon Club 3:04:56 3:13:40 3:13:40 63.11
Evil Peter Andover AC 3:04:54 3:04:54 3:24:44 60.46
garkbit Slinn Allstars 3:53:21 4:30:04 4:55:00 4:51:03 43.07
hellen 100 Marathon Club, Barrow Runners 3:12:21 3:19:10 3:23:32 67.06
hopisen Gun time 4h 6m 51s - but I'm claiming my garmin time of 4h 6m 29 - those 21 secs matter to me! Great event. Already booked for next yr. 

Beginning to think with more effort & less weight, sub 4 cld be possible. Looking forward to lap splits. Reckon I got 2 min neg split and think last two laps were quickest of the race. Think could have worked bit harder, bit earlier. Unaffiliated 4:02:14 4:06:51 4:06:51 50.44
Joe Hawk Datchet Dashers 2:56:05 3:10:09 3:12:08 3:29:45 58.27
melfloyd69 Unaffiliated 4:26:48 4:46:46 4:50:00 4:46:46
mr immune 25th Overall Unaffiliated 3:12:47 3:12:47 3:12:47 63.88
Njord Wirral AC 2:42:05 2:49:34 2:52:32 73.21
plodding hippo 100 Marathon Club 4:16:46 4:27:16 4:27:16 54.48
Roofus Collingwood AC 3:57:55 4:05:22 4:05:22 58.70
Silent Runner Unaffiliated 2:52:44 2:52:44 3:01:39 72.47
Speedie Unaffiliated 3:03:52 3:03:52 2:59:59 3:03:52 66.98
Surrey Phil FERC 4:32:57 4:39:24 4:39:24 45.21
Teknik Went off too fast 1h51 Half...2h58 at 20 miles, already fading and cramping... Serpentine RC 3:34:46 3:49:40 4:03:09 54.14
TZ 100 Marathon Club, Winchester & District AC 2:39:36 2:44:34
Ultra Kanga Kazzaaaaah!! 100 Marathon Club 4:06:30 4:21:58
wozzlehunter Portsmouth Joggers Club 2:59:47 3:07:45 3:07:45 74.51

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