BUPA Great Capital Run

Listed by rooooley
Entrants (64) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Aitchbee This is a month and a bit after the 2 castles and I want basically to monitor my progress! If all goes well would like to get near the hour and five mark, but am being realistic in my prediction.  RACE UPDATE: PB!!!!!!!!!!!! fantastic day, fabulous fetchies, lovely course - what more can I say!!! Unaffiliated 1:09:42 1:09:42 1:10:00 1:09:42 42.64
aitchmac Stubbington Green Runners 55:36 55:36 55:00 55:36 52.99
AJPAR Under 40 minutes please. 
Objective acheived and really enjoyed this race. Will be back next year. Unaffiliated 36:20 37:27 39:59 38:56 69.43
Am So So My first ever 10k!! Beautiful day! Very pleased with time - great for motivation which has been low. Ran all the way!! Unaffiliated 1:04:29 1:04:29 1:04:29 47.36
Annie123 Unaffiliated 58:30 1:01:13 1:05:00 1:01:50 50.59
BABOY Reading Roadrunners, Serpentine RC 36:08 36:08 38:20 38:28 68.73
beffrey Scaaaaaary. My first race this year and just want to do myself justice.

A bit disappointed. Took on too much liquid. Was going along nicely but got one hell of a stich between 6km and 8km and even had to stop twice. Finished with a marvellous sprint to finish though and actually ran the last km in 3:30. Unaffiliated 38:02 38:58 38:30 39:22 67.06
Bex66 Women on the Run 1:00:50 1:07:58 1:00:00 1:09:27 45.05
Bod Unaffiliated 55:05 1:07:13 1:07:13 39.64
Ceaser Unaffiliated 50:01 53:12 55:00 53:12 49.64
Chevy Unaffiliated 42:14 48:48 48:48 54.41
Cuddy Unaffiliated 58:52 1:02:21 1:05:08 46.13
Dan1006 Fife AC 37:58 43:44 45:02 61.31
dd2411 London Heathside Runners AC 52:13 57:00 59:59 57:47 51.84
dog house Run through Hyde Park, really pleasant run Unaffiliated 1:09:20 1:09:20 1:10:00 46.17
dswaterman Unaffiliated 38:37 38:37 40:36 65.89
Fast&Furious Only my second ever 10k race, so hoping I will have learned some lessons from my Yateley run earlier in the month.

Very pleased to beat my PB by 15 seconds. Finished 4th in my age group and 34th overall. Woking AC 36:29 36:51 39:00 36:51 77.36
Ghengis Redhill Distict Royal Mail AC, Striders of Croydon AC 41:35 46:02 49:26 55.86
gill_kj Unaffiliated 1:09:08 1:09:08 1:14:00 35.96
Gunderful Hungover! Unaffiliated 49:45 49:45 51:06 51.66
HelenJane Unaffiliated 49:06 54:23 54:23 57.52
HOPPY Got held up at the start but most of the course was clear to keep up pace Unaffiliated 57:52 57:52 57:00 57:52 45.69
Icedancer Striders of Croydon AC 52:28 54:13 58:00 56.25
Jelly Baby Unaffiliated 38:55 38:55 39:04 76.07
jenniefarmer Fulham RC 48:39 59:31 59:31 49.97
JPB72 Thought it would be easier than this - pretty warm day and not enough water stations Unaffiliated 52:30 52:30 54:00 54:30 62.51
jules67 A new p.b ...went off a little too fast....but managed to keep going! Unaffiliated 49:02 49:02 49:00 49:02 63.37
K8 ok considering dodgy leg. Ealing Eagles Running Club 52:05 56:45 57:05 52.35
kaybear Wimbledon Windmilers 52:27 54:35 57:00 54:35 55.95
Kevk TENTATIVE Unaffiliated 1:02:00 58:00
LadyBee Bit disappointed I wasn't quicker. Unaffiliated 46:50 49:40 51:20 57.89
Laidlow Wetherby Runners 47:50 56:12 58:00 56:12 47.05
linsblake Unaffiliated 49:42 53:58 53:58 56.89
Lizzybagwash Ran this last year I'd love to break an hour for this, but think it's unlikely now as for some reason they sent me a pink number instead of green and they will not change it so I will have more work to do to get my time under an hour Unaffiliated 58:56 58:56 1:04:00 58:56 53.90
Lumsdoni DO NOT BET ON ME - will be pacing Mrs Lums round to hopefully a 60minute time.

Well we revised the time to beating her 1:12 PB, with a second target ob sub 70 mins - we did it!! Stotfold Runners 46:14 47:17 1:05:00 1:09:47 37.96
MattJ My first ever race.  Should be able to get in under the hour, provided I can start at a reasonable pace.  Really looking forward to it! did it in under an hour whih is great, but managed to tear ankle ligaments and cant walk right now ... oh well, pleased I finished it Unaffiliated 53:40 58:30 59:59 58:30 46.83
Mickey1960 Unaffiliated 1:05:14 1:05:14 1:05:14 44.79
Mrs Lums Stotfold Runners 1:07:03 1:07:03 1:10:00 1:09:47 43.20
nick_evans Unaffiliated 42:25 43:24 45:00 43:24 61.32
nixter71 BBC RC, Mornington Chasers 42:42 42:42 42:59 42:45 62.87
normanom Fabulous day. Great atmosphere, well organised and nice goodie bag. Second race for me, managed to take a couple of mins off my previous best, so happy with that. Orpington Road Runners 59:41 1:09:24 1:09:24 40.75
oceanspirit I'm hoping to improve upon my first 10k. Even taking a few minutes off my first 10k race and I'll be happy. Betting is at your own risk. Swindon Striders 1:00:53 1:07:06 1:10:00 1:11:38 41.52
OnceATexan Unaffiliated 55:50
oneronaldo Well pleased to get under 50 mins Bearbrook Joggers RC 46:39 48:26 49:59 48:26 69.56
Peejay69 Unaffiliated 1:00:00
plodmonster Unaffiliated 1:02:39 1:02:39 1:08:28 43.44
Race Jase Leeds City AC, Orpington Road Runners 32:05 41:52 42:18 62.41
RedShift Unaffiliated 47:59 51:00 52:28 50.32
Robbo29963 Unaffiliated 1:00:00 1:08:52 1:10:00 1:12:38 43.73
rooooley Very good race, good course, well organised Unaffiliated 38:41 46:33 55:00 49:46 57.28
runningtink Unaffiliated 1:06:15 1:24:38 1:25:54 34.72
sallykate My first post-marathon race -- 8 weeks after Edinburgh marathon doesn't give me a lot of time to train but I'm looking forward to short fast sessions after all those long runs :-) FERC 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:05:00 1:02:30 49.41
SCOOBY1964 Unaffiliated 1:01:30 1:01:30 1:00:00 1:04:09 43.73
SpankyChan This was a nightmare from the point of view  of the number of other people taking part versus the size of the track. I think I ended up running an extra 0.5 to 0.91 km because of having to go around other people. 
Never mind having to shout at people who got in the way when I was coming up to the finish - why are people so stupid??? Unaffiliated 1:01:36 1:01:36 58:00 1:02:51 43.28
spinkle Unaffiliated 1:20:52 1:34:00 1:34:00 32.20
Sting Ray I ran this race on less than 4 hours sleep. not the best way to start a race! but it is my PB now. Dagenham 88 Runners, Pitsea Running Club, Flyers Southend 44:48 51:46 53:00 52:10 50.61
Stokie Well, I wanted to try and get below 50 mins but I was ill most of the week and unsure whether to run. I decided to run yesterday but then nearly ruined everything by sleeping in and nearly missing the race - I got there just in time. All things considered I'm happy with another 53min (just!) 10k.

Unaffiliated 51:06 52:04 55:00 53:58 49.57
stu8 well not bad time considering i was raving the night before!! 1 hrs sleep :P sorry to who bet on me i did say i was gonna be slow in thread :( well to the race lovely day, well organized, medal n t shirt n stuff,nice park good atmo  most AP me is Thetford AC 37:31 37:31 39:14 68.51
susanG run whole course non stop, weather was good Unaffiliated 1:06:00 1:06:00 1:06:00 45.52
TheBeetroot Unaffiliated 1:06:52 1:10:32 1:10:00 1:10:32 45.82
Tiny Runner Fife AC 38:37 48:28 49:50 48:28 61.31
Treacle Would like to consolidate at sub 60 for this one, but I doubt it will be a PB as it will be too busy and likely to be hot.  So don't bet unless you like giving away all your points!

*update* flipping heck!  A most unexpected and enormous PB! Unaffiliated 52:29 56:17 59:59 56:17 54.00
Vin Rouge Striders of Croydon AC 38:40 38:40 41:19 66.31
Whippet123 Unaffiliated 59:59 59:59 1:02:46 53.07

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