St Ives 10k

Listed by april_runner
  • Rated 76%
  • 10k
  • Road
Entrants (30) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Andy h 46.12 on my garmin but offical result says my chip & gun time were 46.41 so my chip couldnt of worked at the start as i was near the back, 46.12 is a p.b. UPDATE there was problems with the chips the organisers got in touch & told me my offical time was 46.11 Unaffiliated 45:54 46:11 46:11 57.92
andyb Have just learned that 17 secs is long time time in running. Breezy first 5k and negative split. Ely Runners 41:36 47:02 47:01 47:18 58.38
april_runner Hillier than Bushy last week and windy out on the airfield - but PB nevertheless, even if only by one second! Feel very encouraged by result today as was fourth consecutive weekend of racing. Third lady too :) Cambridge & Coleridge AC 38:55 38:58 39:45 39:33 75.14
BlueWombat A PB by 1 second! Cambridge & Coleridge AC, Cambridge University Hare & Hounds 42:37 42:37 42:37 66.89
Brady Haverhill RC 43:23 47:08 50:00 48:40 54.97
brooksy Huntingdonshire AC 35:29 38:14 38:30 38:40 68.28
CanaryYellow Unaffiliated 46:08 51:43 1:03:12 1:02:12 42.58
Charlie Chaplin Very windy day on an exposed course. Everybody seemed to be 1-2 mins down on their expected time so generally happy with that. BRJ Run and Tri 46:52 49:09 48:00 49:16 60.30
Disco Dave Had some good training over the last few weeks so I really hope I can crack that 1hr this time.UPDATE: Managed to do a personal best considering the wind. Just remembered the last small hill between 8-9k which takes it out of you. Soooooo pleased. Thanks to Girlie for the support on the last bit. Red Lodge Runners 50:42 58:54 1:00:00 58:54 45.63
don ron Werrington Joggers 41:37 41:37 42:11 76.22
EarlyRiser Ran fine at 5k a few weeks back but hasn't been easy to prepare for this one. Let's just see how it goes. Unaffiliated 43:07 43:07 43:40 44:38 66.01
EO Suprised with new pb by just under a min. Day cool which helped although windy on the airfield on way out. Werrington Joggers 48:35 48:35 50:00 48:35 62.86
Foxster 100 Marathon Club 44:44 49:08 49:08 59.96
G Man Unaffiliated 50:08 52:20 53:29 54.18
Gem* This was my first race and I really enjoyed it!  I really wanted to do it 5.5 min kms andI just about made it.  1st 2 ks were pretty easy, I perhaps started a faction too fast but then feel into a comfortable pace by 3ks.  Began to find it really hard as it was slightly uphill and headwind - felt like I was going really slow.  However, as soon as I turned back this way found some spare energy and went for it a bit harder.  Was feeling really good until the last km which was tough, but made it comfortably.... very happy with my first time! Werrington Joggers 47:35 52:38 54:00 52:38 56.46
gingerwand Werrington Joggers 40:57 42:05 41:55 42:05 66.13
Girlie I am going to aim to take a few seconds off Bushy 10k if weather conditions are favourable.  I'm aiming to doing the best I can and trying to keep going at 9:30mi pace for as long as possible.
***UPDATE*** managed to keep to intended pace and got a better time than expected.  Really pleased to take nearly another minute off last weeks time.  Ran so hard I nearly yakked at the end!  Enjoyed the race and the PB streak continues:-) Lonely Goat RC 57:56 58:23 59:00 58:54 52.76
Glen Bulb Cambridge & Coleridge AC 40:27 40:27 40:27 65.87
JaneW Cambridge & Coleridge AC 54:00 54:00
Jiffy Quite windy on airfield, pleased with time again. Unaffiliated 38:35 43:43 44:15 59.86
KoughKandi 1st 10k. Unaffiliated 51:04 51:53 1:10:00 1:02:12 51.06
lulumall Unaffiliated 53:12 53:12 1:00:00 53:12 55.86
Marts into wind 1st 5k so neg split (19:18/18:38). pretty pleased as course best although 1 min slower than 10ks last mar/may. Will get back there though. great PB's for E'o and jeremy. Well done to Gem* for 1st 10k and super time. finished 21st of 551 and 6th in age group Werrington Joggers 35:44 36:22 37:45 37:56 70.00
Morriaty Eastern Veterans AC, Riverside Runners 39:55 41:33 41:33 73.36
Mrs F Quite an undulating race, and windy on the day, so the outward run on the airfield, which is slightly uphill was hard work - but on the return tried to use the wind amd slight downhill momentum to the best advantage. The last 2k incorporated a nasty hill on the return and the last km was very hard work! Unaffiliated 1:00:13 1:08:36 1:10:00 1:08:36 48.04
paulhalford Very windy, but I was rubbish nevertheless. Werrington Joggers 32:37 35:04 34:40 35:45 74.28
Ricardo Not planning to go mad on this one as still nursing a slightly dodgy knee. But since this is my local race I figured what the hell. Unaffiliated 41:22 43:17 50:00 43:59 61.11
spenny Unaffiliated 41:57 41:57 42:02 63.64
thorneygeoff Thorney Running Club 42:41 44:05 45:01 67.71
Trotters Werrington Joggers 39:30 42:40 43:11 63.94

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