Brighton 10k

Listed by Mikuro
  • Rated 73%
  • 10k
  • Road
Entrants (60) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Alopex Chuffed!  And may have gone sub 42 had it not been for the conditions UKnetrunner 42:48 42:48 44:30 42:48 63.15
anne23 The watch said less than 53 minutes for the first 10k of CP10, so 51 seems reasonable to aim for now. UPDATE: forget that, if I can do 5km in less than 23 then I should at least try to go under 50 for this. Unaffiliated 45:14 49:06 49:52 49:06 60.58
atrain247 Liss Runners 44:50 46:50 46:50 56.89
benno Unaffiliated 46:23 50:06 50:06 53.39
Biggsy Wiggsy Bloody hell this was cold and really really Windy!! Bet my MP so very happy would have been quicker but struggled with breathing 1:26:03 1:26:03 1:50:00 1:26:03 34.81
BobParr Unaffiliated 49:14 57:58 57:58 47.63
brighton_lee Unaffiliated 41:42 46:48 46:48 56.41
brookso Unaffiliated 40:00 46:00 46:00 57.48
Bul Pretty confident for a pb as long as there isn't a lot of seaside wind ** UPDATE: Bloody Wind! Clapham Chasers 33:14 34:51 34:30 34:51 76.00
Buster_Girth Considering conditions and minor injury, delighted with time, although curse missing out on my predicted time by one second (hoping chip time might rectify this, but doubtful). Went through halfway 20 seconds behind pace so managed to claw this back in a strong headwind.
EDIT. chip time rounded up to 55.02. Damn Unaffiliated 42:50 55:02 55:00 55:02 48.04
carlbob London FrontRunners 40:53 44:22 44:22 59.50
Chevy Unaffiliated 42:14 50:30 50:30 52.45
Cookie Fantastic run, especially as I raced hard yesterday. 4 mins slower than last year but my fastest run since injury and inside 7 min/mile. Things are coming together. Ranelagh Harriers 39:10 41:23 43:18 63.27
Coxy Apple Would like to get PB here. Hercules Wimbledon AC 47:16 47:16 44:59
Damo666 Striders of Croydon AC 36:44 38:09 38:09 70.45
Deliboy Bromley Veterans AC, Sydenham Wheelers CC 39:09 39:09 39:09 67.46
Dips Brighton & Hove Women's Running Club, UKnetrunner 50:56 52:45 53:21 61.77
Enka Unaffiliated 58:00 58:00
forest plodder Very windy and cold - into a headwind for most of the second half. Luckily had 2 friends to help pace me, so got a PB! Totton Running Club 53:39 56:03 58:00 56:03 62.20
funkin Anything sub-40 would be great considering recent injuries and training. Ranelagh Harriers, The Stragglers RC 38:55 38:57 39:59 39:32 67.17
Ghengis Redhill Distict Royal Mail AC, Striders of Croydon AC 41:35 47:03 1:01:06 44.84
Ginger N Bimey loads of my PB, I'm not sure it counts tho as I used the strong wind coming from behind to fly to the 6.5k mark then held on during the return leg and went for broke in the last 2k. It was cold and very windy but very satisfying to finish sub 43! Beckenham RC 36:05 42:57 45:00 42:57 61.47
Helegant Aimed to be 5 minutes quicker than the Herts 10k.  Achieved 8 minutes faster, so well pleased.  The headwind was hard work. Unaffiliated 1:06:58 1:11:56 1:15:00 1:11:56 47.36
Hollywoof! First me and the race history... 

- we always go there.
- we always get PBs.
- the sun always shines...

Now the excuses... 

- The weather forecast was awful - the rain held off but the sea showed how windy it was... 
- It is only a week since that marathon PB and my legs are a tad tired...
- Have I mentioned that it was cold?

Now the race report...

- Sat in the car feeling cold
- Knew my PB was somewhere near 41:50 so set my Garmin up to monitor 4:10
- Strangely they let us join the race start from the start - so I ended up near the front (normally I'm way back)
- Then we're off...
  - 4:01 - into the gale - surprise myself
  - 4:01 - turn around - wind on our backs - this is nice
  - 3:59 - almost tripped up by someone who's cutting their way through the pack - give them a good shove out the way.
  - 4:07 - up the only hill on the course
  - 4:04 - make it to the official 5km mark in 20:03 - a new PB :-)
  - 4:07 - the odd wind gust coming in from the side - but I'm still cruising
  - 4:14 - at 6.5km we turn around and yowzers - there's the wind and it's strong
  - 4:32 - I love this wind...
  - 4:43 - actually it's not fair to blame this just on the wind... my legs were also complaining... and my mind wandered off a little - spent far too long waving and shouting to racers coming the other way...
  - 4:00 - that's more like it - down the only hill on the course and also putting some effort in

End result... 00:41:52... And then fish and chips and a beer :-)... And then the rain really arrives!

Some post mortem... I've just discovered my PB was 41:45 - really I could easily have beaten that today despite the marathon legs - but at least I got a new 5km PB and it felt quite easy really (maybe because it was mainly wind assisted?)... if anything, the only lesson I learnt was that I shouldn't take these shorter races quite so unseriously... (but then, that wouldn't be fun?) Unaffiliated 41:45 41:52 41:52 63.64
Icedancer Striders of Croydon AC 52:28 52:28 52:52 61.71
JeyChick Don't know how but managed a PB by 10 seconds. Only 10 seconds!, but felt good to acheive that with that bonkers wind. Unaffiliated 43:13 43:13 43:13 70.03
John66 It's going to be close to a PB although not done much training.  50/50 chance I reckon.

1:00:42 - woo hoo - 5 mins quicker than Reading

Woo hoo! Barnes Runners 58:44 1:00:42 1:05:00 1:00:42 45.49
johnny-the-eagle Went out a little too fast but managed to keep it going through the stong, cold headwind in the last 3.5km.
Over the moon with the time (PB) - could struggle to beat it in the future but would hope there's a sub 45 minute 10K somewhere deep inside! Crowborough Runners 44:31 45:25 48:00 45:25 61.77
JoPamSam 4th time of running this race and really want to get under 50mins for the first time.  TENTATIVE Runnymede Runners 50:11 50:11 49:59
Kaz D Unaffiliated 56:30 57:12 59:00 57:12 51.96
kink bunny i cant believe i did so well with that wind wahoooo.
maybe i should race without my garmin more often, but i don't think i should start in the 35 minute section again woops!! it was too late when i realised why the woman had 35 written on a bit of cardboard box.i tried to keep over to one side so i wasn't in the way, naughty me not paying attention. VEGAN RUNNERS UK 52:48 52:56 54:00 52:56 56.25
Kirsty What a lovely day out at the seaside. What is potentially a very dull course goes by in a flash, I think mainly because of the aspect of being able to see faster and slower people along the way and cheer on friends. Also I like looking at the sea. Missed my pb due to the 'slightly windy' weather, but am happy with time. In fact I had loads of energy towards the end, it was just hard battling the wind! Lots of fun afterwards, eating chish and fips and playing on the pier. Thank you rain for waiting til the afternoon. Team Bushy 46:52 46:52 47:13 63.44
Lady Sol Anstey Amblers and Runners 58:20 58:20 58:20 50.94
less bounce Unaffiliated 1:07:42 1:07:42 1:07:42 47.31
Lottie140 Very hard Dulwich Park Runners 58:00 58:00 1:10:00 58:00 55.72
LTW Northbrook AC 56:55 56:55 56:55 55.37
mackfly going for PB.  Should be OK if the weather is not either chucking it down or windy.   

Great race,  the head wind at the turn made for a tough last 3.5k  but just held on for my first sub 40min .   Unaffiliated 37:45 39:02 40:45 39:59 66.90
mildmanneredjanitor Freezing cold, very windy, geat atmosphere and a PB. Nuff said! Unaffiliated 54:03 54:03 1:00:00 54:03 49.49
ninjaman Got to try and break the 40 minute mark. Well i almost did it. Running into the wind for the last 3.5km did for me. Still i felt pretty good and almost caught Simon on the line. Striders of Croydon AC 37:30 40:21 40:00 40:21 70.08
PlodderK Very windy and bitter cold with blustery off shore wind Wadhurst Runners 39:03 45:17 45:00 46:26 70.53
Ploddington Bear slower than expected... I put it down to the horrible head wind on the way back from Hove (nothing to do with not having trained hard enough, oh no!) 
Unaffiliated 56:44 59:00 56:00 59:00 51.52
Puffing Bertie Well i did better than i thought i would..........but the wind in the last 2 miles was evil. At least the rain held off for the race, not so when we wanted to go shopping !

HEY i just realised ...........I got a PB :-) whoopie :-) ;-) :-) Unaffiliated 53:43 53:46 53:46 58.62
RatRace Despite the wind I blew my 10k demons away. 
Felt good, prob means I should've gone quicker.
Happy anyway... but I still despise this distance... Unaffiliated 39:18 41:51 41:51 63.18
Runningmachine Wadhurst Runners 41:20 42:12 42:45 71.92
Serendippily FERC 58:00 58:00 58:00 52.66
shineyheadmike very windy!! glad the rain held off though as we might have all ended up with exposure.  PB but was hoping to beat 45, oh well there always another day!! Brighton & Hove City AC, Portslade HedgeHoppers 44:08 46:07 46:07 62.83
slow downs Unaffiliated 41:52 45:35 45:35 57.92
Snapstinget The wind got me. But still faster than Croydon. Oh, and maybe the 5 k the day before? We will never know. Went thru 5k in 23:21 (same time as I did yesterday) but heading back into the wind from the 6.5 k mark was just too much. I just hope betting is done on pbs and not predictions! My time may be a second or so out by the way. I'll put in the official time when the results go up. Unaffiliated 48:54 48:54 48:00 48:54 62.33
SooWoo Wee County Harriers 45:29 49:23 49:23 61.85
Spiggot Unaffiliated 45:04 55:37 55:37 53.43
SteveX Windy and cold but my last race before Luton marathon. Left calf felt a bit tight so went carefully in the latter stages. Striders of Croydon AC 42:30 42:30 43:21 67.40
streatham stroller Excellent very pleased with my run . . . Herne Hill Harriers, Road Runners Club 43:19 43:45 44:59 43:45 64.12
The great dollop Unaffiliated
tinx Heathfield RRC 51:43
touche turtle Hailsham Harriers 44:42 48:08 48:08 63.45
Tpod Shiny new PB! Unaffiliated 51:30 51:30 55:00 51:30 51.26
Trophywife Watford Joggers 40:08 46:06 46:06 64.59
Vin Rouge Striders of Croydon AC 38:40 41:38 41:38 65.81
WineRunner52 Road Runners Club 43:16 47:12 48:30 49:22 62.83
wizlyn Not the sub-38min I was hoping for, but then *that* wind put paid to that: boy(!) did that turn @ 6.5k take it out of me!! Happy though with the time and the effort, which, while not exactly comfortable, felt pretty controlled :-) Serpentine RC 38:01 38:14 38:14 77.88

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