Eastleigh 10k

  • Rated 78%
  • 10k
  • Road
Entrants (34) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Berni A good race, as always, even better with a PB. Hedge End Running Club 41:04 41:04 42:00 41:04 76.20
blonde&proud Had terrible preparation for this race (started a new job the day after and worried about it all weekend!), should have done better! Unaffiliated 48:00 48:00 48:00 62.26
Blugirl Another PB - very pleased! Hardley Runners 48:11 48:11 48:29 48:11 61.90
CaniRuna Thought I held off at start but still did sub 6 min first mile.  Suffered on incline at 3km and never really recovered maintaining 6:30 pace there on in.  Breathing is fine, there is just no speed/kick in the legs so a little disappointed to not get closer to my PB of 38:37. Stubbington Green Runners, Royal Navy AC 35:27 37:26 39:00 39:30 68.43
Chich Will be helping Hendo get under 45 minutes but will leave him with a mile to go to get a PB Stubbington Green Runners 42:51 44:32 42:59 44:32 62.00
chriscou Unaffiliated 46:15 53:54 57:59 46.36
chumleywarner Wonderful race - perfect weather conditions, bit of a breeze but nothing to heavy. Hard going from 7 km, not a great deal left in the tank for a final push either..a PB by over a minute!! Southampton AC 39:05 39:05 39:59 39:05 69.16
Crossy81 52nd place Southampton AC 34:05 34:14 35:00 34:14 77.12
Dina Mo Would love to get sub 49 but will really have to see how it goes on the day..... 

Have to say...i felt like puking all the way round!! Stubbington Green Runners 48:25 48:25 48:30 48:25 62.27
Doug2 Hardley Runners 51:08 51:08 51:08 56.67
fleety Fareham Crusaders 40:50 43:30 43:50 43:30 60.71
forest plodder Great conditions, but got a stitch 2k in and never got rid of it. Totton Running Club 53:39 57:46 56:00 57:46 61.06
Franky Unaffiliated 45:17 47:02 48:30 47:02 59.17
GameOver Unaffiliated 45:01 45:28 49:00 46:45 56.47
graz Unaffiliated 38:57 41:43 41:43 70.04
Hectors House Stubbington Green Runners 43:28 44:31 46:30 44:31 69.37
Hendo Have a bit of that! Unaffiliated 42:32 42:32 43:00 42:32 62.64
Lil Roadrunner City of Salisbury A & RC 49:50 49:50 49:50 59.63
maria_musttryharder! Unaffiliated 59:12 59:12 1:00:02 50.63
mattyguk Hedge End Running Club 43:22 49:04 49:59 50:38 52.83
Mr Guy Unaffiliated 41:28 45:25 45:25 58.22
RFJ anything is possible, at the mo, feeling carp...... A year ago at 14st plus I did this in 41:04, in a fit good state.

Today, at just under 12 st ina very fit and heathy state, destroyed that time and my PB in the process by 53 secs.

I knew I was running well, but have shouted it from the rooftops as wanted to really see what I am capable of with out pressure of expectation.

The conditions were perfect for today and a large field of 2000 too. So to the off (after nearly fogetting my chip timer)..doh

1k - 3:48 and feeling good, too many people around though
2k - 3:48 happy with this, still very busy
3k - 3:53 get boxed in several times on the inside, bad move, move to outside
4k - 3:57 and hill time, not much so work hard and push
5k - 3:40 and down hill, mmmmmm lovely 19:08 5k and inside a PB
6k - 3:41 flat and the foot goes down and start to overtake like mad
7k - 3:42 as 6th k
8k - 3:44 catch a large group and push on, know PB is in the bag, aiming for sub 38 now...
9k - 3:41 there is still power in the tank, so it gets used and push on and on
10k - 3:33 no head wind so reallyy open it up, take plenty on the finish aproach, get caught once and finish

2nd home for club

37:32 Chip time a PB of 53 secs and feel there is still more to come.

so 3:32 better than last year, am I happy, UNDER STATEMENT OF THE YEAR   
Swindon Striders 37:32 37:32 39:00 37:32 72.99
speedy rob Wasn't sure about my time since doubling training after Christmas, but 4.04 per Km felt easy and I pushed on afer 20.28 at 5K (the hill slowed me a bit), with the second 5K in 19.50.  I'm very pleased that my extra training is paying off, and everything felt close to perfect on the day. Andover AC 36:40 40:18 41:00 40:18 70.17
Speedy2 Alton Runners 36:35 36:44 37:00 36:44 74.58
squall88_uk Fareham Crusaders 39:35 39:38 39:50 39:38 66.61
SuperCaz Portsmouth Joggers Club 55:54 55:54 55:54 53.75
SuperSooks Winchester & District AC 39:24 40:05
taekwonlou Unaffiliated 41:25 41:25 43:00 41:25 65.85
The great dollop Unaffiliated
The Plodder Ran 20 miles the previous day so pleased with my time. Victory AC 54:03 55:34 55:52 56.41
TimmyM pace judged well, 58th out of 1600, 5th in club Southampton AC 34:17 34:17 35:00 34:17 77.01
Tone Stubbington Green Runners 37:15 37:33 37:33 71.98
Uncle Elvis A new personal worst! Haha. My first race back since undergoing surgery last year, so I didn't race as such. Kidlington Running & AC 49:01 50:20 55:00 55:59 47.43
Wayner Stubbington Green Runners, Team Feat 34:37 37:35 37:35 70.24

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