Wymondham 20

Listed by EarlyRiser
  • Rated 79%
  • 20mi
  • Road
Entrants (22) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Bettsy Norwich Road Runners 2:06:59 2:06:59 2:06:59 72.44
brucie13 Muddy Mucky Munkeys 2:39:14 2:48:52 2:50:00 2:48:52 54.70
Buddha Unaffiliated 2:44:05 2:44:05 2:47:30 2:44:05 58.69
EarlyRiser Will race this hard but not all out. Easy split to remember. 7:30 minute miles for 20 miles! POST-Race. Well I let this one go. First lost PB since last summer. :-( to all who bet on me. The last five miles did it for me, until then all hunky-dory. Blog later, analysis later, bath now. But a great race all the same! Unaffiliated 2:35:21 2:35:40 2:30:00 2:35:40 65.64
Forest Faerie Thetford AC 2:51:44 2:51:44 2:51:44 61.25
Gandhi A PB. which I wasn't expecting.Very happy. Coltishall Jaguars 2:58:15 2:58:15 2:58:15 62.80
hayleybrewis Foot sore from turn 1, numb from about mile 6-11, sore again thereafter :-( At least I got round. Great to see everyone :-) Saint Edmund Pacers 3:16:48 3:16:48 3:15:00 3:16:48 54.80
I shot the sheriff Marathon Pace Unaffiliated 2:39:08 2:48:45 2:50:00 2:48:45 54.48
john_n Bishops Stortford RC 2:35:11 2:35:11 2:40:00 2:35:11 60.59
kiki.d Target 3:02, actual 3:07. Very pleased with my first outing at this distance. Despite my worst fears my legs didn't fall to pieces. Managed to maintain pace for most of race, last couple of miles very tough but I got there. Could have done with the finish being a tad closer to the start especially as we didn't really know how to find our way back. Saffron Striders RC 3:07:00 3:07:00 3:30:00 3:07:00 57.15
LEECE Lowestoft Road Runners 3:37:00 3:37:00 3:45:00 3:37:00 46.62
LiamS76 Went off too quick, racing in a big group - could still see the lead car in the distance at 6 miles!!
Paid for it a bit in the last 2 miles, but a PB is good Bishops Stortford RC, Walden Tri 2:13:47 2:13:47 2:12:00 2:13:47 68.16
mariewos Great Yarmouth Road Runners 2:57:51 2:57:51 2:57:51
mile muncher Thetford AC 2:53:23 2:53:23 2:54:00 2:55:20 60.96
Mrs Gandhi Coltishall Jaguars 3:25:53 3:25:53 3:25:53 62.21
nikchapman VEGAN RUNNERS UK 2:36:51 2:54:32 2:54:32 52.38
Richard Day Stowmarket Striders RC 2:41:39 2:51:36 2:52:48 52.82
Smudger 3 The slower lioness Surviving myfirst ever 20 miler would be good.Just going to enjoy the race and see what happensxxxxIve did it i survived.Maybe would have liked about 10mins faster but over the moon as have never even walked 20miles before so wow wow and double wow:-):-):-)xxxx Ryston Runners AC 3:46:59 3:46:59 3:30:00 3:46:59 47.09
Smugbloke Nice - felt good too.  First outing in my new FETCH top and soon approached by some of the other guys doing the race.
Tri-Anglia 2:28:08 2:32:20 2:45:00 2:32:20 61.72
stu8 also aiming for mara pace but will prob go out to quick and fall apart like a clowns cars at the end :) - very lucky with weather sort of :) blue sky and sunny bit of a breeze though :P :) as predicted out to quick and fell apart abit but still happy with time :) Thetford AC 2:15:46 2:15:46 2:15:46 68.03
Tattooman Unaffiliated 2:16:01 2:16:01 2:16:01 67.22
wayne700 Unaffiliated

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