Barrow 6 - LRRL Winter (1)

Listed by Boycie
Entrants (27) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
_j_ Barrow Runners 49:58 49:58 49:58 58.01
Ally2 First mile in 5:18 but felt fine with undulations until turn at mile 4 and the wind slowed me down and I got a stitch. In group of 4 at that point then dropped 1 and got dropped by other 2 but in mile 5 caught 2 up the final hill but was left in final 400m. First 3 16:45 2nd half: 17:53
Good race know I can run quicker without the wind and came 14th so starting to mix at top end and feel top 10 can be achieved this season. Notts AC, Hermitage Harriers RC 29:51 34:40 35:00 34:40 73.44
Beccals considering my recent lack of running it is ok, but would like to improve.  Still had energy and puff left so perhaps I took it too tentatively.  Hope to do better.  Unaffiliated 49:26 50:57 50:57 57.30
Boycie Weather conditions were unfortunately not in favour of running quick times. Most guys were about 30-40 secs off of previous year's times as a result. Was going well at 4m marker (23:15) but unfortunately the combination of the hill and the gale force wind, meant by last two miles were pretty slow :-( - that said I am well happy with a 34th place, my best finish in the LRRL to date...

Definite PB in the Weston Prom 5m on Thursday - 4th race in a row that I have sub 29:45 at a 5m split! Exmouth Harriers AAC, Barnt Green Chuggers 34:19 35:53 35:20 35:53 70.98
Broccers Pleased with this as coming back from injury. Took all the hills in my stride and even managed to keep going against the wind from 4 miles onwards.

Was 101 woman so aiming to improve on this throughout the league, Barrow Runners 49:15 52:07 52:00 52:07 55.03
clifford not been running too good just lately, will be an effort to get below 49: Update: Disappointed not getting under 49, though the cold i have affected my breathing and the last 2 miles was against the wind and up the hill. Hermitage Harriers RC 48:00 49:07 49:00 49:07 52.26
Coatesy Hermitage Harriers RC 42:39 42:39 42:39 59.80
Deanomite Ran a contolled race. Used Garmin for 1st time which helped.
Really pleased with PB as the last part of the race was running into a very strong wind and uphill.
Felt I could have gone a bit quicker but wanted to save my energy for the hill. Hermitage Harriers RC 41:45 47:52 48:00 47:52 54.49
Firestarter Bugger...!!!! Really wanted to murder that 40min race time....still can't get past it !!! Hill in the final mile took too much out of me, managed a bit of a sprint finish and got the Vests on the way in but too little too late unfortunately. Oh Well just have to do better at Markfield... Hermitage Harriers RC 37:15 40:44 40:44 67.54
Hannah_B Holme Pierrepont RC 48:24 48:24 48:24 59.30
Happy as Larry Unaffiliated 33:27 39:39 37:59 39:39 64.82
hellen found last 2 miles really hard running into the wind and the last hill was a killer but pleased with my time 100 Marathon Club, Barrow Runners 40:07 51:33 51:33 56.42
ironman Birstall RC, Leicester Triathlon Club 37:52 40:21 40:45 40:21 65.07
Jakey Leicester Triathlon Club 31:50 38:32 41:00 38:32 67.32
JoO OMG! Hermitage Harriers RC 1:10:36 1:10:36 1:07:00 1:10:36 43.05
JovialGnome Unaffiliated 55:26 1:02:56 1:02:56 46.34
mpkay Barrow Runners 39:45 39:45 39:45 64.05
philpell Unaffiliated 36:25 36:25 36:25 69.92
Racin Snail Race report in blog(can't be ar*ed to type it all up again;-)) Hermitage Harriers RC 35:47 37:43 37:43 67.91
Rich963 Tough conditions in places - the wind in your face up the hills from 4.5m to the end particularly.  2.15 slower than last year, so need to have a good go at training hard over the next few weeks months. Stilton Striders RC 38:15 40:30 40:30 62.87
Robbo Barrow Runners 41:40 43:57 45:00 43:57 65.60
ross52477 Did not feel the best after little training in recent weeks.  Barrow Runners 40:10 44:51 44:48 44:51 56.77
Stewey 100 Marathon Club, Roadhoggs Leicester AC 41:50 44:38 44:38 64.24
tangledfeet Sorry, strong headwinds ruined my chance of a fast time. Maybe next time... Ivanhoe Runners 35:20 35:49 34:55 35:49 76.81
The lone ranger Fleckney and Kibworth Running Club 37:21 37:42 37:42 68.17
ThorntonRunner Very disappointed - was hoping for 39m, achieved 40:27. Struggled from mile 3. Wind didn't help, but that doesn't explain the full effect. Unaffiliated 39:34 40:27 40:27 69.13
wildebeast hope to do it if the cold lets me very disappointed with my run tight chest and unresponsive legs but hey ho Hinckley Running Club 37:00 40:50 40:00 40:50 64.76

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