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Advanced Marathoning by P&D Any tried the schedules?

86 watchers
May 2008
3:07pm, 6 May 2008
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Marathon Lads
I do hope i 'm not intruding here - don't know much about running really :) :) :)

I for one don't and never have gone by schedules - though i hear they are good, and for those that do and enjoy them - best wishes to you

I just don't get much time for anything now-a-days

4 marathons so far this year - 3 maybe 4 more to come ! LMAO :)

but i'm not compleaceant, i know it has to be treated with respect
May 2008
3:16pm, 6 May 2008
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Juicer > You should keep tired legs moving as the blood flow will help remove and "bad stuff" from the muscles. This will aid recovery. Just don't push it too hard. I don't really suffer with DOMS to the extend that my legs feel heavy. I always keep moving after races & hard workouts. I walk to & from work (2 miles each way) every day so that helps too as it's pretty much non-impact
May 2008
3:40pm, 6 May 2008
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Impossible is Nothing
Agree with SP.

And of course don't forget compression socks/shorts/tights as well.
May 2008
10:09am, 7 May 2008
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What about this 'general aerobic' pace that the endurance phase builds? I see it's described as just 'banging out the miles' pace. I would imagine that's probably near to my current marathon pace, but not my target one.

I recently ran a 4.10 (9.30 m/miles) marathon without training specifically for it (though with lots of endurance training for another longer event). I'm hoping that with targetted training I can get this down to under 4 hours (<9.09m/m). What sort of pace do you think my general aerobic runs should be?

Cheers all, it's like having personal trainers :-)
May 2008
11:44am, 7 May 2008
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I take GE to be faster than LSR pace but prob slower than MP. Having said that I often did my GE runs the day after a hard session (due to time contraints) so they tended to be more at LSR pace as I was tierd.
May 2008
11:46am, 7 May 2008
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I think next time round, if I dont do the GE the day after the tempo run I will try to do some of the GE at MP to get used to running at MP, so I might do a WU and CD at LSR pace then a MP bit in the middle so the overall average pace wil be between MP and LSRpace, but I felt MP runs were lacking from the schedule so thats why I want to do that
May 2008
1:37pm, 7 May 2008
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hellen - you should work in IT!
May 2008
2:00pm, 7 May 2008
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B Rubble
WU & CD?
May 2008
2:00pm, 7 May 2008
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Impossible is Nothing
May 2008
2:01pm, 7 May 2008
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Impossible is Nothing
Lol at WU by the way BR!!

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