Advanced Marathoning by P&D Any tried the schedules?
86 watchers
Jan 2008
2:46pm, 18 Jan 2008
2,361 posts
yes I thought that, I just did them at the end cos I have been really tierd so wanted to see how the run went and if I was feeling ok I would do them. didnt want to do them in the middle to find I had overdone it and was struggling at the end.
Jan 2008
2:48pm, 18 Jan 2008
370 posts
Thanks B Rubble. I think its more a laziness/struggling to concentrate than anything. Helen I do 5x100m halfway through and 5x100m at the end of my run.....splits the run up nicely. The main thing I gather is to be able to maintain good form through them so its more important that you aren't too tired for them. |
Jan 2008
3:16pm, 18 Jan 2008
199 posts
B Rubble
I believe that's right Widger. i was corrected by an experienced runner because I had been doing them as sprints.
Jan 2008
4:08pm, 18 Jan 2008
2,364 posts
so how are they meant to be done if not sprints. I have accelerated for about 5 or 10 secs then held the pace at a sprint for what I think is a bit less than 100m so that the whole distance is 100m as per the schedule
Jan 2008
7:51pm, 19 Jan 2008
201 posts
B Rubble
Hellen - maintain form, increase speed and don't overtire yourself. Striding rather than sprinting, I would guess that means slightly longer strides.
Jan 2008
11:52am, 21 Jan 2008
52 posts
Just entering this thread for the first time. I'm using the P&D "Up to 70 miles per week" 18 week schedule in preparation for FLM. All is going well so far. In relation to Strides, I read somewhere that they should be run at about 80% of full pace, focussing on good form (as has been mentioned). Key things are to stay relaxed, keep a high leg turnover, raise knees etc. I usually incorporate strides into the run, i.e. if schedule says 8 miles + 10 * 100m strides, I'll do 1 or 2 reps per mile and run at "easy" pace between reps. The overall pace is obviously quicker than target "easy" pace but it gets your body used to recovering between harder bursts which in turn can help with changes in pace, or hills, during a race. |
Jan 2008
11:53am, 21 Jan 2008
53 posts
p.s. I train by pace not HR, using Jack Daniels' VDOT tables for target pace.
Jan 2008
7:31pm, 21 Jan 2008
109 posts
Just started my training today, after a calf injury, so its slightly delayed. Im using 18 week upto 55 miles per week plan. Except I have got to start at week 17 as Im doing the Windermere Marathon on 18th May which I am hoping is 17 weeks from now if I've got my calculations correct! Just did 7 miles today at a slightly slower pace but missed out the strides as I didnt feel l too confident on my calf for the change in speed. Looking forward to the nice long mid week runs! |
Jan 2008
2:56pm, 23 Jan 2008
422 posts
| There's a link to an Excel spreadsheet that I found that will calculate all the training paces you need. Just fill in the info at the top and put in a recent race distance and time and it'll populate the table and calculate predicted race times for other distances. I'm using the middle easy pace for my long runs, and the moderate for my shorter aerobic runs. The threshold paces for different lengths of tempo run are quite useful as well. |
Jan 2008
3:05pm, 23 Jan 2008
374 posts
Stephen that is an interesting way of doing them. On Monday I did my 10x100 spread over the run 3x100m at 3 miles 3 at 6 miles and the remaining 4 at 7 miles. I let myself recover fully between each 100m either with a short walk break or very slow jog.
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