Jan 2008
10:16am, 11 Jan 2008
2,974 posts
hellen - 4hrs may be tough but for sure you can set a BIG pb....aren't you around 9:30mm for MP?
Jan 2008
10:19am, 11 Jan 2008
2,294 posts
hi homer, are you following these scedules? 4hours is 9.06/mile, My best was 10.12/mile There is no way I will do 4 hours, that is a very long term goal though I would like to beable to do close to 4.15 though One of my friends who I usually beat in races did 4.22 so in theory I should beable to do that given the right conditions
Jan 2008
10:37am, 11 Jan 2008
402 posts
My MP is my goal pace and also most race predictors suggest I can get that goal based on my most recent 10k times. My vdot from Jack Daniels tables is 54 which predicts 2:58:47 for the marathon and my MP as 6:49/mile.
Jan 2008
10:54am, 11 Jan 2008
415 posts
Impossible is Nothing
I would hate to be someone who restricted someone else's goals, given that we're all capable of a lot more than we can imagine, but looking at more recent race times 4:10/4:15 might well be a sensible goal Hellen. Consider certainly using that as MP, but keep an open mind on the goal time until the end of march (but don;t decide it on the morning of the race!).
Hey Daviec - looks like you're in that horrible position of a just sub-3 prediction! All the best!
Jan 2008
10:57am, 11 Jan 2008
2,295 posts
Recent short race times are prob not a very good indication. I did a HM in dec which I didnt race, knew I wasnt going to PB so jsut took it steady, could have gone faster but decided there was no point! Then the 7 mile race was just a few weeks after my marathon so I didnt go for on that either. So I dont really have any proper recent races to go by. I am doing a 6 mile race on sunday though which I am planning to give it my all on.
Jan 2008
11:33am, 11 Jan 2008
2,975 posts
I wimped out of the P&D this time round though I will be using it for Abingdon (my 3:30 attempt). I am using something between the HH Inter II and Advanced I.
But hellen - you need to get a good HM under your belt - see where you are now
Jan 2008
1:18pm, 11 Jan 2008
403 posts
IIN, it's a nasty position to be in. Especially as my marathon times tend to fall a bit short of the predictions. Hopefully I'll use it to motivate myself during the last miles as I'll have no room for slowing down if I want to get my sub 3.
Jan 2008
12:48am, 12 Jan 2008
101 posts
Hellen. Im sure you will be able able to it below at least 3.15 according to your hm pace and a bit positive thinking. I think you give yourself abit of a hard time when really you shouldnt. You do a very decent mileage consistently and willing to train hard. Are you trying the hr ranges which P & D advise rather than Parkers ? I am thinking about hr training for this myself if I cant sort out what pace Im supposed to be running for certain runs.
If only P & D had said what pace we should be running for general aerobic days!
Jan 2008
8:43am, 12 Jan 2008
2,984 posts
Isn't is just a comfy pace Ian? i.e. whatever works without getting too tired but not as slow as LSR
Jan 2008
9:20am, 12 Jan 2008
2,296 posts
Ian, I hope your 3.15 was a typo and was meant to be 4.15!!!!
Yes, I do train with a HRM, P & D say 67-78% for LSRs, mine tend to be around 73%, which is around 10-10.30/mile depending on distance and route. P & D also say LSRs should be around 90s slower than MP ( I think), so if I do the HR they say then I am not doing the 90s slower thing et vv!
Yes, I think GA runs are a comfy, is comfy differnt to easy though?!!! For me I would say that 9.30s are nice and comfy if the run is around an hour. A 2 hour run at that pace is not hard but the last few miles are not as comfy as the first few. Also 9.30 is faster than my planned MP of around 9.45-10 so this is why I am baffled!!!!