
12 watchers
Nov 2012
11:49am, 28 Nov 2012
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Well, to couneract some of the negativity I've put out on here (which was largely fuelled by a couple of really incomfortable moments whilst out running recently) I had a couple of lovely comments today. One guy on a bike yelled 'good going!' as I ran past and another female runner commented on being hardcore as I was running with a backpack. One of those days when the world felt lovely.
Nov 2012
11:49am, 28 Nov 2012
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Nov 2012
11:52am, 28 Nov 2012
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That's nice :) Friendly comments from folk that "get it".

I usually feel like a proper dimwit when I've shouted encouragement to a runner while I'm on the bike, because they're plugged in and aren't to know that what I shouted wasn't "get them knees up, fatso".
Nov 2012
11:53am, 28 Nov 2012
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That's nice :-)

The nicer people I meet tend to be elderly or older gentlemen. Apart from the Jewish gents who sometimes scold me for running on a Saturday.

Some women have a right face-ache on them, even when I smile and say hello.
Nov 2012
12:16pm, 28 Nov 2012
4,974 posts
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I would say that smiles and nice comments outnumber negative comments, scowling and fuckwits shouting stuff about 50:1 when I'm out running. And I live in Surrey, not known for being friendly :) I think the shitty stuff sadly has more impact, so it's nice to focus on the good stuff sometimes.
Nov 2012
12:22pm, 28 Nov 2012
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A guy on a bike cycled alongside me for about a mile once, chatting away, when I was on a long run.

It make me a bit uncomfortable tbh (being in a very isolated area), though I think he was just being friendly.
Nov 2012
12:25pm, 28 Nov 2012
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Some bloke ran up behind me and grabbed me by the shoulder, a few years ago, to tell me I shouldn't be running with headphones or I'd damage my ears.

I nearly damaged more than his ears, the daft bastard. Scared the cack out of me at 5:30am.
Nov 2012
12:41pm, 28 Nov 2012
252 posts
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A friend tempted me into running with the promise of food and wine afterwards ... I was really surprised that [a] I could run! and [b] quite like it. The first race I did was the R4L which I was assured wasn't a 'proper' race and many would walk it all ... and stop for ice cream on the way :-)

Maybe it's because I'm too old but I've only had bad comments a couple of times. If I had to face abuse every time I went out, I'm not sure I'd make it out the door.

And I quite like getting hot & sweaty ... it shows you're working hard. I agree with Fleecy [page 7?] "Namby pamby excuses for not exercising really piss me off, the people I admire most in the gym are the women built like heffalumps, bloody good on them I say! It must require a huge amount of courage to be many stone overweight and to exercise, but if it's the difference between having an early heart attack and getting diabetes or attracting a few funny glances, I know which one seems the most sensible option. " Well put I thought.

And the boys are braking through :-D boysbeatingcancer.com

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