Inbetweenies - not skinny, not fat, need to lose around a stone ...

113 watchers
Aug 2023
10:22am, 26 Aug 2023
4,748 posts
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Extreme weight loss this week - 6.75 lbs lost since last Saturday due to a nasty bout of food poisoning! Definitely not the way I would have chosen to lose weight. I know that realistically I’ll put a bit back on once I’m eating normally but I need to be mindful over the next few days about what I eat so hopefully that will continue long term as well.
Aug 2023
10:35am, 26 Aug 2023
25,743 posts
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That is drastic weight loss, lin50. I hope you are recovered now.
Aug 2023
10:39am, 26 Aug 2023
2,213 posts
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Wow! That sounds nasty lin50. Get well soon.
Aug 2023
10:48am, 26 Aug 2023
3,089 posts
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Wowser that really sounds nasty-recover well,
Aug 2023
11:06am, 26 Aug 2023
4,750 posts
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Today is the first day I feel ‘normal’ although still very tired. Will definitely be taking it easy for a few more days!
Aug 2023
12:34pm, 26 Aug 2023
1,159 posts
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lin50 - that was a lot of weight to lose, you must have been really poorly.

Hope you're able to enjoy some food now.
Oct 2023
8:45am, 8 Oct 2023
2,763 posts
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Morning - on the weight graph does anyone know how to change the start date default on the graph?
14 Jan
8:14am, 14 Jan 2024
1,433 posts
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When you return to strava after a couple of years off and update your profile to realise you were once 35lb lighter.

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weight loss

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