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Advanced Marathoning by P&D Any tried the schedules?

1 lurker | 86 watchers
Oct 2010
1:59pm, 20 Oct 2010
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It's a book, Minni, Advanced Marathoning by Pfitzinger and Douglas.

There are various schedules in the book, but I found one online here: runningtimes.com
Oct 2010
7:04am, 21 Oct 2010
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Fenland Runner
Thanks and WOW, Mrs Jigs. I'm still making preparations to attempt the 55 mile week schedule, maybe I will be ready in 2012? :-)
Oct 2010
7:22am, 21 Oct 2010
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
This is the 4th time I have followed this schedule FR, I did find it very tiring at times when training for New York (2008) & Berlin (2009) but found my body was getting used to the mileage this year and it wasn't nearly as tiring, I adhere to the schedule as much as possible although I don't double up on the recovery runs as I am not willing to get up and run at 5am, instead I do a slightly longer recovery run later in the day.
Oct 2010
1:17pm, 21 Oct 2010
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Tempted to give the schedules a try again (I failed somewhat last time as I couldn't hit the paces...). Does anyone not think hitting 5,6,7 miles at HMP/10mile pace to be quite hard? One reason i'm slightly holding back is that I don't think I could do that - maybe I could run them off HR or hitting a slightly lower pace and ending up at that pace?!
Oct 2010
1:25pm, 21 Oct 2010
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Keefy Beefy
I think they talk thorugh using HR instead of pace in the book?
Oct 2010
1:30pm, 21 Oct 2010
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Yes, P.E., I find the tempo at HMP hard. I'm about 10s off the pace. But I figure it is still doing some good.
Oct 2010
1:34pm, 21 Oct 2010
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Bree and PtB, sorry, missed your responses. I forgot there were a couple of MP section Long Runs in there. I ended up doing 3 long runs with MP, I think - with 18 with 8, 20 with 12 and 20 with 15. I liked them. You're right PtB, I wasn't doing quite as high total mileage as you (and a lot of my runs were very random - races, hill runs, club runs at funny pace, doubles etc.) but the most structured things I did were MP in long runs and I feel like they really helped.

I quite like the idea that the 3:15 thread has suggested of LSRs at weekend and mid length MP runs (8-13 miles?) mid week. Probably your suggestion Paul?!

Good luck all P&Ders. It is *the* best overall book in my opinion. Well written, gives principles and theories to allow you to adapt the schedules but still adhere to principles etc. Really top guide. :-)G
Oct 2010
1:38pm, 21 Oct 2010
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They do KB yes I suppose thats a good key to it really as it gauges current fitness!

Thats good to know Bree thats it's not just me then
Oct 2010
2:15pm, 21 Oct 2010
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Naomi P
Righto, I'm wading into this thread having lost a ton of fitness over the past 6 months, and I like the science behind P&D. Am considering the 12 week 55-70 mile schedule to get me to Malta at the end of Feb.

Now, my problem is this. The first mesocycle is all about endurance and has next to no speedwork. I'm very doubtful that lots of miles alone will get my speed back and usually do 2 speed sessions per week when in proper training (1 x intervals, either 4 min on, 1 min off, or 1 mile repeats with 1 min recoveries for 10 miles; 1 x tempo up to 10 miles). They're my favourite sessions too so I'd be miserable without them. Would it ruin the schedule to replace the 11 milers with 8-10 miles of intervals do you think?
Oct 2010
3:44pm, 21 Oct 2010
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Naomi, whilst not following the P&D schedule this article here runningtimes.com might be of some use.

I know Ryan Hall (and others that train with him) tend to do a base phase, then a few weeks of 5k-10k work then into the Marathon phase. So coming from your big endurance base this might actually help you springboard into the second meocycle :-)

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