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Advanced Marathoning by P&D Any tried the schedules?

1 lurker | 86 watchers
Jan 2008
10:02am, 4 Jan 2008
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I can add my support to the P&D schedules too... Followed absolutely to the letter for London a couple of years ago and now use it as a guideline as I mistakenly believe I know better now and do more of my own thing!
Jan 2008
10:20am, 4 Jan 2008
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B Rubble
I'm using the P&D 18 week 70 mile schedule for Paris in April. Started using it for Leicester and found it worked. I try to do the main sessions and drop/cross train some of the recovery runs if I have to.
Jan 2008
10:20am, 4 Jan 2008
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Just wanted to lend my support too. I used the 18 week / 70+ mpw for my last marathon in Berlin 2005. Worked a treat, took over 8 minutes off my PB. However, like Yazoo, I now have the mistaken belief that I know what works best for me so am using it as a guideline on the build-up to London this year.
Jan 2008
10:36am, 4 Jan 2008
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The more I read from you lot, the more convinced I am to follow this now. I was thinking that I would do an 18 week plan. Before Luton I easily managed a couple of 60 mile weeks, would I be right in thinking that I should maybe aim for the up to 70 mile per week scheldule, dropping back if it proves too much for me?
Jan 2008
10:44am, 4 Jan 2008
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can you tell me more about this book ie:
its full name

where to buy it
and whether i can use it to get back up to fitness afer injury on say a 20 week program as in starting now for Edinburgh.
Jan 2008
10:46am, 4 Jan 2008
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Jan 2008
11:04am, 4 Jan 2008
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Thanks KS

Happy ney year to you too and long time no see how you been/
Jan 2008
11:17am, 4 Jan 2008
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Red Tomato
are there any sample weeks to have a look at? are there lots of doubles and things?
Jan 2008
11:30am, 4 Jan 2008
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I am doing FLM08 and still dithering about what sort of plan to follow!!!
I like the P & D one (18/55) and what he says makes a lot of sense so I have been doing some medium long runs in the week. However, my prob with the scheule is the days the runs fall on. I can only really do a medium long run on a tues and wed due to other things I have on.

as an experiment I tried doing some MLRs on tues and wed in dec, total for the two days was 18-20 miles, that was ok but since the tues run was quite hard (6miles with running club plus slow WU and CD on own), wed run was quite slow (which I suppose is ok) then thur when I did my speed work I found it quite tough. My other option for a MLR is sat which then brings you to the question of should I follow HH?!!! to be honest I dont like the idea of my whole weekend being taken up with running (I am quite slow so 10 on sat and 20 on sun takes a lot of time!).

what do others think about doing MLRs on tues and wed then the shorter runs on thur and fri with rest on sat? I will not follow his plan to the letter cos there is no way I can do a 14 mile run midweek as I am quite slow.

RT, as you have prob gathered from what I have just written, P & D are big fans of having MLRs in the week, 2 of them generally which are 8 miles upwards peaking at 14 (but not two runs of 14, I think the week when you do 14 the other one is about 10)
Jan 2008
11:44am, 4 Jan 2008
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Hellen I think the whole premise of P&D is the '10 steps hard, 10 steps easy' so what you are saying about the MLR'S Tues and Wed with shorter recovery runs Thurs, Fri makes sense.......but then as I've said I haven't managed to follow this programme yet lol :-)

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