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Advanced Marathoning by P&D Any tried the schedules?

86 watchers
Jan 2008
7:10am, 11 Jan 2008
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I'm using the P&D 18/70 schedule for Paris. It's a lot of miles and I sometimes feel like I'm missing out on some speedwork as the pace for most runs is quite slow. I'm sticking with it for now but having to get up very early for some 15 mile midweek runs!
Jan 2008
7:28am, 11 Jan 2008
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B Rubble
I'm on the same one Davie, also for Paris. I occasionally push the pace of the aerobic runs in the early weeks. The speed stuff comes in the VO2 max and LT runs later in the schedule.
Jan 2008
8:29am, 11 Jan 2008
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BR, I'm just used to doing 2 speedwork sessions during the week and lots of distance at the weekend from Hal Higdon plans. I'm going to stick to the plan anyway and we'll see how it goes. I feel comfortable with it just now.
Jan 2008
8:51am, 11 Jan 2008
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Does anyone else feel tierd at this stage in the week?
I train using a HRM and found yesterdays run really slow for that HR.
I have adapted teh schedule a bit cos I am slow so 14 mile midweek runs are not and option.
This week on tues I did 10 (6 miles pretty hard with running club, 2 miles WU 2 miles cool down on my own).
Wed I was quite tierd but did 9 miles at a bit slower than MP, legs felt slightly tierd but was surprised by pace/HR,

then yesterday just did 4 miles, HR was similar to Wed, pace slower yet it was less windy and it was a shorter run so really pace should have worked out faster for the same HR (due to cardiac drift)
Jan 2008
8:55am, 11 Jan 2008
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I really struggled to maintain a pace for a 14 mile run earlier this week, even though it was a pace I should really be able to do no bother. My recovery run yesterday felt a bit better and today I did 12 miles at the same pace as I struggled on Wednesday and found it very easy! I'm looking forward to the long run this weekend.

BR, out of interest, what pace do you do the aerobic runs at. I've been doing the medium and long runs at 8.00/mile. For my 8 mile aerobic run next week I was thinking of going about 7.00/mile or maybe a bit faster?
Jan 2008
8:59am, 11 Jan 2008
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If you are going to do long marathon paced runs, tapper for it, just like a race and take a day off after. These runs take a lot out of you. Also don't do them every weekend, you'll end up injured or over trained.
Jan 2008
9:01am, 11 Jan 2008
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Impossible is Nothing
Your general aerobic runs in the P&D plan are not hard runs, and your long runs are not easy runs. Just chill in the endurance meso-cycle and do the miles!!

For what it's worth I often find the midweek longish runs to be harder work than my long run at the weekend, don't know why - could be different time of day/work/level of eating in the day?

I would suggest you use something like Jack Daniel's formula to gauge training paces.
Jan 2008
9:22am, 11 Jan 2008
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At this stage of training how should a 10 mile MP run feel?

When we are talking about the general aerobic runs, the runs of 10ish miles, should they be faster or slower than MP?
Jan 2008
9:25am, 11 Jan 2008
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My current vdot suggest 8 minute miles for long/easy runs which is what I've been doing. It's just the <11 mile aerobic run pace that I'm not sure about and I can't find a suggested pace for this from the vdot resources I've been using. P&D describes them as 'steady' runs, and McMillan suggests ~6.30/mile for them which seems a bit fast.
Jan 2008
9:27am, 11 Jan 2008
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Impossible is Nothing
MP is quite fast pace in theory Hellen and P&D do not suggest doing much at MP at the moment, unless you really feel like it. Most runs will be slower than MP at the moment.

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