Today's shopping list

4 watchers
Sep 2018
1:54pm, 4 Sep 2018
24,303 posts
  • 0
nothing - this is rare
Sep 2018
9:55pm, 4 Sep 2018
31,127 posts
  • 0
Milk full fat
Sep 2018
9:58pm, 4 Sep 2018
2,875 posts
  • 0
2 front tyres for DS

Porridge bag of mixed nuts and crushed almonds
Sep 2018
2:02pm, 5 Sep 2018
2,103 posts
  • 0
Sep 2018
2:13pm, 5 Sep 2018
39,099 posts
  • 0
Fruit and vegetables, but not peppers or sweet potatoes
Diet Coke
Smelly crisps

(eL Bee! got the blue-top milk yesterday because otherwise he'd have had to put soya juice in his porridge this morning, whereas I can tolerate a short dose of scurvy.)
Sep 2018
2:16pm, 5 Sep 2018
13,970 posts
  • 0
Angus Clydesdale
Milk, Marmite, Meat & veg for chicken stir-fry
Sep 2018
4:13am, 6 Sep 2018
232 posts
  • 0
Milk (for OH)
loo roll

Even in the Land of Milk and Honey people need to wipe their bums!
Sep 2018
7:32am, 6 Sep 2018
3,224 posts
  • 0
Eynsham Red
A bike.

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Maintained by Sigh
Sauce for fish

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