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Garmin 305 Tips - Article Updated and Group Created

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Feb 2010
12:46pm, 7 Feb 2010
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More of a Tortoise
thanks, will try later :)
Feb 2010
7:19pm, 8 Feb 2010
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More of a Tortoise
OK - here's a pretty picture of my HR and pace:

as i'm coming back from injury and am generally a fat bastard, i would have expected my HR to be above 140 the whole way round so i'm open to all suggestions for getting it to pick up the proper HR
Feb 2010
9:15pm, 8 Feb 2010
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Uh huh. Weird. OK, either you are much more fit than you realise and you have a resting heart rate of 40 (and if so I am jealous), or there's something a bit wrong here. That sudden jump up at about 3.25 miles looks odd too. You're getting some, but not all the signals from the hrm by the look of it, but it doesn't look as though it's only working late on, or stopping working when the battery packs up completely.
Try resetting the 305 and re-pairing it with the hrm. Might be worth trying wearing it on your back instead of your front (if you try it on your back, you should wear it upside-down). But I still reckon a duff battery is the most likely reason, so if those don't work, get a new battery - Boots will have one.
Feb 2010
9:59pm, 8 Feb 2010
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More of a Tortoise
trust me, i'm nowhere near fit enough to have a resting heart rate on 40 - i would probably assume i was verging on death :)

thanks for the advice, i'll give the top tips a go
Feb 2010
8:37am, 9 Feb 2010
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paul the builder
"if you try it on your back, you should wear it upside-down" - ?? I had no idea there was a right way up? The Garmin logo has pretty much disappeared off the front of the plastic part in any case, and I just throw it on whichever way it comes to hand. Always on my front. So I must be 50% one way and 50% the other. I never have noticed any difference though.
Feb 2010
9:00am, 9 Feb 2010
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pretty sure there's no difference which way up it works.

interestingly my 305 HRM had exactly the same problem - always seeming to read low - whereas my 301 was always OK. I just gave up on it in the end seeing as I only wore it to gauge fitness after a run rather than to HR train during the run. I'll keep watching for any amazing insights...
Feb 2010
9:13am, 9 Feb 2010
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I've seen it recommended many times, idea being that the left electrode is still on the left side of your body & the right on your right. I don't know enough about ecg detection to say whether that makes sense or not, but with the trouble MoaT's having, it seemed a good idea to be as detailed as possible. But if you see no difference, it probably doesn't matter.
My 301 was OK but dropped the signal at the faintest hint of interference (there were spots I ran by with things like electricity substations where it would lose signal every time without fail); the 305 was bang on so far as I could tell, though the only time I checked it by counting pulse was resting. Certainly wasn't low then.
The 310xt forums are full of people complaining about how bad the new soft monitor is.
Wonder if both flanker and MoaT have duff straps?
Feb 2010
9:40am, 9 Feb 2010
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My HR strap had a glitch the other day too - it gave me a heart rate of 36 which then jumped up to 86 which is much more closer to my real heart rate.
Feb 2010
9:44am, 9 Feb 2010
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Badger, I suspect mine was a duff strap - they're common and garmin swap them out readily if you complain.

I didn't even bother buying the strap for my 310! it's just more weight to cart around (and I have plenty of that already!)
Feb 2010
9:46am, 9 Feb 2010
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Neither did I! I still have the strap from the 305 and when I want one, that will do the job just fine.
Does your 310 forget what time it is when it's switched off?

About This Thread

Maintained by fetcheveryone
So I can be a bit more effective in sharing any information on use of this device I have created a group and updated the article which is here: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=142 Feel free to join and you will be kept informed when I have updated the article or learned something new that will enrich your experience of this lovely gadget.
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