Oct 2012
4:09pm, 12 Oct 2012
13,394 posts
He he!!
Oct 2012
8:20pm, 12 Oct 2012
9,201 posts
runner duck
bad dino
Oct 2012
9:48am, 13 Oct 2012
4,318 posts
Squirrels: when you run away from me when I'm not chasing you or even looking at you, it makes you look like narcissists. Believe it or not, I have reasons to be on the pavement that have nothing to do with you. It's not all about you, squirrels.
Oct 2012
10:38am, 13 Oct 2012
21,896 posts
I share an internet forum with someone who talks to squirrels.
Oct 2012
10:40am, 13 Oct 2012
4,322 posts
Oct 2012
10:50am, 13 Oct 2012
21,897 posts
Talking to random cats, dogs, sheep and waterfowl is, of course, perfectly legitimate
Oct 2012
5:35pm, 13 Oct 2012
6,239 posts
Oysterboy, that made me chuckle!
I missed out on a run on the WHW today due to feeling a bit off. Thought I'd go for a run near home, but slept all day instead. And am now sitting in bed in a fleece and with my duvet, hot water bottle and a flask of tea and am still soo cold. I really mustn't fall ill! (And I'll be outside all day tomorrow to marshal at a hill race.)
Oct 2012
8:49pm, 13 Oct 2012
976 posts
I didn't really stub my toe going up the stairs this morning and it is not nor so sire that I am not now going to be able to run tomorrow.
Idiotic injuries 101
Oct 2012
8:51pm, 13 Oct 2012
977 posts
* "so sore." Unfortunately it has not been knighted.
Oct 2012
7:07am, 14 Oct 2012
2,682 posts
If I do all the things I plan to do today I'm not going to have time to fall asleep on the sofa after lunch. I may fall asleep in the cinema instead.