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Things you want to say and can, probably for a bit of sympathy or attention but theres no one there whos listening.

1 lurker | 57 watchers
Aug 2018
9:50am, 4 Aug 2018
16,435 posts
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I am not at parkrun. I am at home because the car would not start due to a flat battery. I precipitated this by flattening the battery by leaving the electrics engaged in the Tesco car park on Thursday. I had also at some point tidied the jump leads out of the boot (fortunately, a bit later, the people in the car opposite returned, had jump leads and gave me a start). But I was somewhat frayed by then, and overheated whilst stuck on the first nice day in a week.

Additionally, I dropped my mobile face down on the concrete floor of the greenhouse late yesterday, which appears to have finished it off screenwise.

Been awake more or less since half six, which was not the plan. No urge just to run by myself. Could take the bike out, but I'm not feeling very accident-proof at the moment :-(.
Aug 2018
3:08pm, 4 Aug 2018
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Oh dead Dvorak, that sounds like a crap 24 hours. Sometimes the best thing is just to go back to bed, go through a sleep cycle and start all over again.
Aug 2018
3:08pm, 4 Aug 2018
5,640 posts
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And of course, that was meant to say 'Oh dear'. I hope it's not *that* bad ^^^
Aug 2018
10:04pm, 4 Aug 2018
16,438 posts
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Well, it seems to be for the battery death.
Aug 2018
4:29pm, 7 Aug 2018
64,524 posts
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So this is a strange one. I have just searched through Fetch looking for somewhere to post this.

The chap on the left is one of the reasons I am not a complete failure in life as he saw my potential and encouraged me to take a job when I was 20 years old.

He died this year aged 61 and for the last 6 months or so I have been troubled by life/work and a WTF I may die tomorrow dilemma.

So I ask you good people, should I remove the picture so I don't have him pop up and talk to me?

I know life goes on and we live it but I wonder am I living it right ?
Aug 2018
4:44pm, 7 Aug 2018
748 posts
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Oscar the grouch
Hi Gobi. This is my first visit here and what a post to start with... but I would suggest that if this chap was an inspiration, find a way to let him carry on being that to you. Find a way to commemorate and enjoy the successful career/ way of life that he espoused.

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
A counter for the things you want to say but can't to save writing "There isn't" in front of everything in the other thread ;-) & sympthay givers don't have to point out they do want to say that ;-) :-)
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