Dec 2011
12:57pm, 20 Dec 2011
7,112 posts
You know, OysterGrinch, in this cold weather, it would be a shame if your car battery packed up 230miles from home, on boxing day, in the arsehole end of nowhere that is Norfolk. It's hard enough finding any amenities on a normal day out there...!
Dec 2011
1:00pm, 20 Dec 2011
3,540 posts
and then they would have to call someone in who lived locally who'd scammed the time off in the draw
Dec 2011
1:06pm, 20 Dec 2011
1,788 posts
That is a good plan but I'm too honest for my own good and would just feel bad about it.
Last year one of the other unlucky ones 'slipped and hurt his back' so couldn't make it in and was branded a lying scumbag by the me and the other unfortunates who were in.
Dec 2011
1:08pm, 20 Dec 2011
18,663 posts
Raptors Claws are coming to town
That's the problem, isn't it? You wouldn't enjoy the time off because your conscience would be haunting you, AND your colleagues would be suspicious and would remember ...
Dec 2011
1:18pm, 20 Dec 2011
2,790 posts
See, if you're not nice and have no conscience whatsoever, everything comes down to a two-state world: can I be arsed to do this or not? Sociopaths have it easy.
Dec 2011
1:28pm, 20 Dec 2011
7,113 posts
Conscience? What's that?
Ok how about "I have worked the last two Christmases. I do not and will not work this one. By law I am not required to work bank holidays. All this sh!tty company is take, take, take. You'll have to find someone else to work those days. I will be in Norfolk and I am not travelling over 200 miles back. Find someone else to do it this year. If you have a problem with that, we can go to an Industrial Tribunal"
That should do it. Add a few mother f***ers in for effect.
I think I need some sleep.
For the record, I have worked plenty of Christmases.
I was on call one boxing day. Not a problem, we never, or very rarely got called out.
Guess what? I got called out. Had to deliver a car out to somewhere near Birdlip. Then had to get a taxi back to the workplace. The regular taxi firm the company had an account with wouldn't go out there so I ended up with a metered cab and a cabbie running double time who didn't go above 50mph. I had to get him to take me to a cash machine so I could get the £60 to pay him.
It took months before they paid my money back.
If there's some give and take then fine but when it's take, take, take, f*** 'em mother f***ers.
Need sleep.
Dec 2011
1:38pm, 20 Dec 2011
2,791 posts
*wild applause*
And breathe.
Dec 2011
1:54pm, 20 Dec 2011
1,789 posts
I'm sure that would make me feel better James Wouldn't work though. I don't have to work the bank holidays just the three days inbetween. All annual leave requests are subject to cover and management approval. I work for a solicitors practice and they're aware of what they can and can't ask me to do. I'm working the days I'm just not happy about it and I don't think it's fair.
Dec 2011
2:12pm, 20 Dec 2011
3,542 posts
When they do the draw next year just take a shotgun into work and act a little off the wall
Dec 2011
2:20pm, 20 Dec 2011
7,115 posts
Maybe ask for a rule that no one does it on consecutive years then?
I was trying to keep the shotgun thing a secret