My (now-ex) husband used to do a bit of rough shooting on the local farms and one day came home with two pigeons. Whilst trying to keep them out of the cats' possession, he had the "inspired" idea to put them in the sideboard (old, very solid and thick wood). By the time he'd had a shower and a few drinks, he'd forgotten about the pigeons.
That particular cupboard door was not opened for several months....
I've just cancelled the holiday I've booked from work. I've eaten some cake to cheer me up, but it hasn't. I really wish I didn't have to go through this palaver every time we 'want' to go away.
A counter for the things you want to say but can't to save writing "There isn't" in front of everything in the other thread & sympthay givers don't have to point out they do want to say that
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