Dec 2011
5:04pm, 19 Dec 2011
119 posts
Doctor in Waiting
Fingers crossed for you Liliaicha that it's not.
I do have a stress fracture - x rayed last week. Appt with the orthapedic consultant tomorrow. Hoping he / she will say just rest.
Dec 2011
5:06pm, 19 Dec 2011
6,699 posts
DiW - just hoping I can get it xrayed before Xmas so I know one way or the other!
Dec 2011
10:24am, 20 Dec 2011
5,499 posts
Stander Claus
REALLY pissed off with my employers now. For the previous 8 Christams's that I been here everyone gets the same Xmas bonus, but not now. I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't for the fact that I've been working my fucking socks off solidly since July because of the takeover.
Wankers. Actually going to look for different job. Don't like the changes happening here.
Dec 2011
10:33am, 20 Dec 2011
1,786 posts
I'm pissed off with my work too.
We have to have people here between christmas and new year. I've done it this for the last 2 years so feel that I should get the days off this year. Instead they decided that names in a hat is the fair way to decide and typically I don't get the days off. There are people who had the time off last year, live a couple of miles from the office and are just staying home for Christmas. I have to travel back 230 miles from Norfolk on boxing day. Again.
Dec 2011
10:35am, 20 Dec 2011
7,109 posts
That's a bad cough you're developing there OysterGrinch...
Dec 2011
10:44am, 20 Dec 2011
5,501 posts
Stander Claus
I reckon that's at least a 3 day in bed cough.
Dec 2011
12:44pm, 20 Dec 2011
7,110 posts
I'm dripping blood on my car
Dec 2011
12:47pm, 20 Dec 2011
3,539 posts
That should help keep people out of your way
Dec 2011
12:47pm, 20 Dec 2011
5,507 posts
Stander Claus
Not another murder victim that you have got to get rid off James?
Dec 2011
12:49pm, 20 Dec 2011
7,111 posts
shhh stander