Dec 2011
6:45pm, 20 Dec 2011
7,116 posts
I would have been really annoyed if I took the day off work today to wait for a delivery that hasn't come.
Dec 2011
11:21pm, 22 Dec 2011
7,118 posts
My shopping trip the other day was successful as I managed not to bludgeon anyone with my shopping basket. The shopping basket I had to settle for as I didn't have any pound coins to buy a trolley with.
Dec 2011
11:44pm, 22 Dec 2011
11,296 posts
The car is at the station. I can't drive it home. I will have to pick it up tomorrow.
Dec 2011
11:46pm, 22 Dec 2011
5,526 posts
Stander Claus
Pissed MissC?
Dec 2011
12:33am, 23 Dec 2011
11,297 posts
Not spectacularly, but quite.. and enough to not be able to drive the car home. Which is annoying in the morning.
Dec 2011
10:55am, 23 Dec 2011
7,119 posts
The Yodel delivery driver came just AFTER I got out of the shower JOY TO THE WORLD!
Unfortunately it wasn't my new toy which I was expecting on Tuesday and still hasn't come.
Dec 2011
5:39pm, 23 Dec 2011
17,476 posts
eL Bee!
So you said you would drop the girls off at Lancaster at 6:30 and you haven't left Brum yet. I knew you would and this little ruse to get me to drive further South has failed.
The girls will text me when you leave, and I'll saunter down after that
Dec 2011
7:32pm, 27 Dec 2011
3,800 posts
A Partridge In A Palm Tree Phoenix
Is it wrong to want the in laws gone now !! We're so tired and need a holiday after a holiday
Dec 2011
7:45pm, 27 Dec 2011
1,813 posts
Not wrong at all. Entertaining is hard work and you can't relax properly in your own home.
Dec 2011
12:25pm, 28 Dec 2011
1,816 posts
My body is confused that it's half 12 and I haven't put any beer or pringles in it, only cereal and fruit.