small, cheap 10kms

3 watchers
Dec 2017
6:22pm, 17 Dec 2017
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Cheeky Chops
Hi everyone,

a few years ago I did a one off, small, local 10km. Kind of back to basics, low budget, low cost, open roads (Quiet), run by a family.

It was great fun and I would love to do more of these kind of races... I am looking for ideas on other races like this - I am based near Bristol, but happy to travel. Preferably 10km, but maybe 5 miles, or even half marathon :) Come on Fetchies, what you got?

Dec 2017
6:36pm, 17 Dec 2017
290 posts
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Not sure if it is a nationwide thing bit the National Trust do a free 10km once a month at some places. Worth a look!
Dec 2017
6:58pm, 17 Dec 2017
291 posts
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Looks like there is a Bristol venue
Dec 2017
8:00pm, 17 Dec 2017
6,989 posts
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Keep an eye on the race finder section of the site because all sorts of races get listed there.
I don't know much about the Bristol area I'm afraid, but in my part of the world East Anglia/Essex many of the local running clubs still put on relatively inexpensive (ie perhaps a tenner or less to enter rather than double that or more that big organisations want) races.

We have a Friday Five mile series in our part of the world in the summer and I think they are about £12 to enter for affiliated runners but you don't have to be a club runner to take part - maybe there is something similar in your part of the world?
Dec 2017
8:17pm, 17 Dec 2017
1,195 posts
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Near Bristol, you say:
Dec 2017
8:26pm, 17 Dec 2017
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Welcome to fetch cheeky chops
Dec 2017
9:27pm, 17 Dec 2017
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Deck the Halls Daisy
I've not done the Hangover 10k but Weston AC do the Christmas Cracker 10k every year (it was held today) and that's always a very well-organised event.

The trouble with a lot of races in Gloucestershire is they fill up ridiculously quickly. However if you're looking for a fast mostly flat course come the Spring, keep an eye out for the Berkeley 10k (Dursley Running Club) in May.

Oooh, hang on , just spotted that entries are already open for that (I've just entered!) here: See you there perhaps!
Dec 2017
9:46pm, 17 Dec 2017
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Surrey Phil
I'm the Race Director of a small, cheap multi-terrain 10k in the Croydon area. Roughly 7.5 km is tarmac/pavements and 2.5 km is woodland trail and bridleway. Our first race was in 2015 and we usually have 70-80 entrants (maximum would be 150). The entry fee is £8 affiliated, £10 non-affiliated with £10/£12 on race day although I will be getting these prices confirmed in the New Year.

Next year's provisional date is Sunday 1 July. Finishers receive a medal and goody bag.

We can do this be not closing roads, not using chip timing and having the support of the local church and high school. At the end of the day, all proceeds are donated to charity.

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Maintained by Cheeky Chops
Hi everyone,

a few years ago I did a one off, small, local 10km. Kind of back to basics, low budg...

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