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Could we please have a Parkrun thingy in the training Category

8 watchers
Apr 2012
9:58pm, 16 Apr 2012
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Fenland Runner
And how would you organise that when it is "a not for profit organisation that helps to organise free weekly"
Apr 2012
9:59pm, 16 Apr 2012
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Fenland Runner
Like I said, if you class it as a race, that's your prerogative.
Apr 2012
10:22pm, 16 Apr 2012
653 posts
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I'm a bit confused. Are we saying, because it doesn't mention the word race in a sentence that is on an FAQ, that it therefore isn't a race?
Apr 2012
10:24pm, 16 Apr 2012
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Actually, totally ignore that post. I'm very bored this evening and this is the kind of discussion that clearly is going to have different answers to different people, and it really doesn't matter one iota anyway. Please disregard!
Apr 2012
10:25pm, 16 Apr 2012
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Even if you ignore the fact that it’s timed, surely anything with 'finishing positions' therefore qualifies itself as a 'race'. :D
Apr 2012
11:10pm, 16 Apr 2012
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It's a race as far as I'm concerned but really what difference does it make ? Call it what you like folks !
Apr 2012
11:21pm, 16 Apr 2012
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It's a good thing, whatever it is.
Apr 2012
12:21am, 17 Apr 2012
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Everyone starts at the same time on the command of a starter, the stopwatch is started at this time, when they come in their time is recorded, they are given a finish position disc, they hand this in with a barcode that identiifes them and these are collated into results which are published on a website very promptly.
The Gwent League Cross Country League operates along very similar lines as we never wear race numbers (except if a championship is held in the race), I have never paid to run in the Gwent League, therefore Gwent League Cross Country races are not races either. As proof of their non-race status they appear in the results section of Athletics Weekly and Power of 10.
The pretence that Parkruns were "Time Trials" was dropped when Run Britain fully recognised them but I presume that this silly wordplay lingers on for reasons to do with people who don't want to be "competitive" - oddly enough in my experience these are generally the most competitive people you will meet but don't have the talent to match.
On the other hand I have known people to pay silly money to run in "races" on courses that are claimed to be 5 or 10K and are not remotely close and no results have ever been seen.
I still want to know why my lunchtime runs aren't on Power Of 10.
Apr 2012
1:11am, 17 Apr 2012
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The "not a race" thing is purely to avoid parkrun having to pay the uka insurance thing, particularly the unattached runners levy.

As slickster pointed out earlier, it's a nonsense when runbritain/po10 won't accept results from ARC insured races, but will from non-insured parkruns.

Mind you, it's a real pain to get them to include FRA insured fell races (who insure fell races for uka) - unlike road races, they don't automatically do the results, you have to input them manually and even then, they only put up whoever submits their results, rather than the full results. UKA don't recognise fell running as "real" running sometimes. I get the feeling that they havea similar view on ultra running as well.
Apr 2012
1:30am, 17 Apr 2012
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The Saint, maybe you could start an organisation, officially measure a course and invite other people along. Lunchtime Running Championship (LURCH).

sLickster - The Event Director and Run (or race) Director are different roles - overall responsibility/ on the day responsibility. Also, I think that formally referring to run (rather than race) directors and reports is a fairly recent (last few months) thing.

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I know your busy at the moment Mr Fetch but thank you if we can
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