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Aug 2012
5:05pm, 28 Aug 2012
494 posts
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I'm on week 12 of my marathon programme. Going well so far, but I'm pretty sure that this weeks long run (20m) isn't going to happen due to family logistics.

However, I reckon I can get a 10m run in to work, then a 10m run home. Same day.

You reckon this would do as a replacement?
Aug 2012
5:13pm, 28 Aug 2012
808 posts
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Mmm, better than nothing I suppose. Would this be week 12 from a 16 week plan? How many long runs over 16 miles have you done so far? how long until the marathon? Perhaps you've done enough long runs already?
Aug 2012
5:19pm, 28 Aug 2012
495 posts
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16 week programme- 5 weeks to go.

3x20 milers done. On the programme, there's 1x20m and 1x22 left before taper.
Aug 2012
5:22pm, 28 Aug 2012
48,474 posts
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Ade - not the same mate, find a way to do the 20
Aug 2012
5:24pm, 28 Aug 2012
3,016 posts
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Set off an hour and a half earlier for work and do a 20miler on the way to work? Or you could do it coming home instead - but that's probably more difficult with family stuff.
Aug 2012
5:29pm, 28 Aug 2012
809 posts
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Aha, ok I think you can safely miss out this long run and do your 2x10. Its all about getting used to running on empty legs for long slow runs, so the 2x 10 aren't optimal. So long as you do the 22 miler which should be next weeks long run, you should be fine. You would have hit 4 out of 5 which isn't bad at all. Of course the more the better, but there is a case of even taking it easy this week and just doing 10-13 miles or so for your long run.
Aug 2012
6:46pm, 28 Aug 2012
496 posts
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Cheers for the advice all. I'm just going to bite the bullet and get on the road dead early and get it in before work

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Maintained by Ade1973
I'm on week 12 of my marathon programme. Going well so far, but I'm pretty sure that this weeks l...

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