New Year Box Hill Knacker Cracker 10k

Entrants (14) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Deenzy Wimbledon Windmilers 39:27 39:27 1:00:07 44.96
emdee 100 Marathon Club 39:25 44:53 1:16:07 34.74
Gymfreak Datchet Dashers 42:25 46:46
hatstand Unaffiliated 42:44 1:09:23 38.27
Jock Itch Datchet Dashers 34:25 35:07
Kimmy Unaffiliated 53:58 1:02:45 1:43:00 28.88
Lemmy Dagenham 88 Runners 41:20 57:42 1:29:03 31.01
Liliaicha Trail Running Association 49:08 49:45 1:16:20 40.22
Maclennane Overton Harriers & AC, R2D2 Hash House Harriers, Whitchurch Hampshire Adventure Race 46:25 1:25:19 31.05
Mr Woo Striders of Croydon AC 40:06 1:16:09 34.87
pschof1802 Unaffiliated 53:26 54:01 1:32:18 33.91
Shiny72 Unaffiliated 37:25 38:45 1:00:00 1:03:34 42.28
SuzyWoo 1st race of 2010!! Loved it!!:-) great race, great scenery, fab marshalls n goodies at the end :-) Ran together as a team of tutu fairies making it more fun!! Orpington Road Runners 39:27 41:54 1:16:25 38.90
Treacle Why oh why am I even thinking about this?

Update:  Glad I did it, but OUCH!  Forgotten how hard it is.  A PW for 10k by some margin, but fully expected! Unaffiliated 52:29 1:27:17 35.18

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