Jul 2012
5:30pm, 15 Jul 2012
12,975 posts
I did it, I just can't prove it
Jul 2012
5:31pm, 15 Jul 2012
26,990 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
If it aint written down it didn't happen
Then again JK Rowling writes a lot of shit
Jul 2012
5:34pm, 15 Jul 2012
12,976 posts
It says 400 Bad Request *sob*
Jul 2012
5:35pm, 15 Jul 2012
26,991 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Jul 2012
5:41pm, 15 Jul 2012
20,134 posts
I was supposed to run yesterday morning (impromptu club offroad session). I didn't, for a bit of family time. I've now got the end of the weekend creeping up on me, niggling in the back of my head saying "you've not run, you've not run, you've not run". Aarrgh. And I know I'll get out there, but it just then compresses all the other late weekend stuff I need to do before work tomorrow.
Jul 2012
5:44pm, 15 Jul 2012
26,996 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Anyone fancy a bit of
Jul 2012
9:49pm, 15 Jul 2012
2,977 posts
Wine Legs
It's not just my fiancé that does stinky farts. My future father-out-law does too. And we're on holiday with them in a small cabin for a week. Awesome.
Jul 2012
9:56pm, 22 Jul 2012
144 posts
Thankyou for making me feel like a bad mother you've now made me very sad and hurt me with what you said to me. And you're my husband :-((((
Jul 2012
7:45am, 23 Jul 2012
813 posts
wiener dog
I have had toothache since Friday and need to make a denstist's appointment, I hate dentists and am shit scared of having teeth taken out after the one and only tooth I ever had out took 4 hours to extract and was a bloodbath for 4 days plus it ended up being gouged/cut out of my jaw It's not fair I have a load of fillings and I look after my teeth and don't eat a load of sugary crap, but I know people who do and don't even brush their teeth everyday ( yuk ) and have no fillings
Jul 2012
8:15am, 23 Jul 2012
236 posts
Weiner Dog, chnage your dentist and get them to give you a sedative. You shouldn't have to put up with that.
10 weeks to Loch Ness marathon, training is going really well, yesterday I came down with a head / throat / no appetite lurgy. I know it will go in a few days but I have two races this week that I was really up for.