May 2016
7:15pm, 16 May 2016
486 posts
Me too - ride made it to strava but not to here. Thanks for mentioning it 😀, now it I can stop ferreting around looking for it
May 2016
7:34pm, 16 May 2016
228 posts
I hope this doesn't mean loads of duplicates to delete once it sorts itself out. And when Lord Fetch is busy sunning himself in Lanzarote too!
May 2016
7:40pm, 16 May 2016
1,809 posts
K5 Gus
After the server outage yesterday morning, he did mention that they were doing some server maintenance ( re-building RAID arrays, I think it was ) - hope they've not "unplugged" the Garmin link at some point and forgotten to "plug it back in". Probably just a coincidence.................maybe
May 2016
8:18pm, 16 May 2016
4,496 posts
Wish i'd spotted this before i went searching garmin connect to see what was going on.
Todays stuff is on strava but hasnt shown up here yet. Must be something thats been going on all day, as I'm using an edge 520 and uploading as soon as ride is finished. This mornings commute was uploaded before 9am and was on strava straight away
May 2016
8:19pm, 16 May 2016
189 posts
Same here, for what it's worth...tonight's run is on Connect but not on Fetch.
May 2016
9:11pm, 16 May 2016
711 posts
Same here. Glad it's not my garmin showing its age.
May 2016
10:00pm, 16 May 2016
29 posts
Whew ! Thanks folks thought it was just my problem ( good few hours wasted downloading Moxilla / new plug ins etc tho )
May 2016
12:09am, 17 May 2016
638 posts
So do we think our workouts are sitting a queue and they will come through eventually? Or should we manually upload them?
May 2016
6:35am, 17 May 2016
127 posts
My run on Sunday came through about 24 hours later. I did re-establish the link from fetch to Garmin connect using the link on the training log page, don't know if that made any difference.
May 2016
7:04am, 17 May 2016
507 posts
I'm sorry to say that it's still 'playing up'. *Sigh*.