Expo - your day/time

6 watchers
May 2019
10:26am, 1 May 2019
21,736 posts
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Have enquired about the price of a small stand in previous years. Can confirm it’s extremely high - I think maybe about £3k for the smallest size, and that doesn’t come with any WiFi for demoing online stuff, nor any provision for getting stuff in and out.
May 2019
2:33pm, 1 May 2019
112,199 posts
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It used to be huge thoug. And with Marathon Talk Live*, too.

(*Marathon Talk is a hobby podcast - like the Fetch podcast except with occasional cameos by fading soap stars instead of repartee and banter)
May 2019
2:39pm, 1 May 2019
28,065 posts
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♪♫ Synge ♪♫
I used to find Tony Audenshaw's contributions really funny. I must admit that I haven't kept up with MT over the last couple of years, so haven't really heard him since he was sadly widowed.
May 2019
2:40pm, 1 May 2019
7,850 posts
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Synge, I found it wasn't as good as previous years but it's still one of the better Expos (albeit that I went on Wednesday). A better experience than another Marathon Major, Tokyo, which was out of doors in the rain. Berlin had a lot of stands but I didn't like that you had to go past every one of them to get your number, as I'd had to do in the year I ran it. At least with London you can get your number and chip right away.
May 2019
3:17pm, 1 May 2019
31,229 posts
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Boston was pretty awesome Beccs (you've done Boston, I'm sure?) Hoooge! :-) G
May 2019
3:19pm, 1 May 2019
112,202 posts
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London Tri expo used to be good - but then so did the FLM one.

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