Oct 2008
6:07pm, 24 Oct 2008
1,541 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
oceanspirit - what are you trying to get tpod to do? We've already got him signed up to Edinburgh...
Oct 2008
6:17pm, 24 Oct 2008
4,478 posts
i'm trying to get tpod to do Reading Half.
So far the list of things he gets if he does Reading is: tootsie rolls, tootsie pops, blow pops (lollipop with gum inside) and some brownies. But he would get them at both wokingham and reading.
Oct 2008
6:22pm, 24 Oct 2008
1,542 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
He is weak. He will give in eventually...
Oct 2008
6:27pm, 24 Oct 2008
2,367 posts
Haddi :-)
what like you YP, but forgot you just need to be pissed Ankle hurts today, tried to jog 100 yds not good went swimming and managed a mile which i'm well chuffed at of to take kid to there swim training at swim club speak later, be good
Oct 2008
6:35pm, 24 Oct 2008
4,884 posts
Kev Scone
when and what is this snakey thing you talk of?
Oct 2008
6:40pm, 24 Oct 2008
1,544 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
at the running. The swimming sounds to be going well though.
Might turn the computer off in a bit. I needed vino collapso for a recipe and the rest of the bottle is calling me...
Snake Lane is february twenty something - but I'm doing the Great North West half that day so won't be joining in the fun
Oct 2008
7:36pm, 24 Oct 2008
1,547 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
HLS - let me know if K is coming on Sunday. I have supplies and might have time to knock up some minty feet tomorrow... No jelly babies though unless I get to the shop.
Oct 2008
8:21pm, 24 Oct 2008
2,408 posts
bro in law is trying to talk me into Reading
if there are OS brownies there........
..... it would be rude not to!
Oct 2008
8:33pm, 24 Oct 2008
117 posts
Sheffield Half - I'm in! Hls I'm blaming you.
Oct 2008
8:34pm, 24 Oct 2008
2,324 posts
at the moment yp she is staying with dad but that could all change at a minutes notice (been known to happen before), sod K I will have the minty feet they were well yummy!! Mind you, in the interests of the mile, perhaps I should persuade you to do some trophies instead (3no miles, 1no backwards, 4no relay, 1no 100, 1no 400 so that would be 10 trophies in all this time)