
5 watchers
May 2017
7:13am, 10 May 2017
21,624 posts
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Dave A
A few long efforts, plus 2-3 shorter ones pushing into double figures has helped.
Jul 2017
10:46am, 10 Jul 2017
21,710 posts
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Dave A
After 5 this morning I'm on 1730. Training to walk a 50 mile ultra has helped. As has not much running. I should pass last years totsl of 1744 tomorrow.

My plan is to start running again after the ultra so walking might take a nose dive.
Aug 2017
11:10am, 15 Aug 2017
21,757 posts
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Dave A
That's the 2000 mark passed this morning. I'm not expecting to make it to 3000. I have started running again since the Lakeland 50.
Dec 2017
11:29am, 5 Dec 2017
21,866 posts
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Dave A
How are we all doing with the 1000 target?

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Maintained by Pegg
Has anyone else signed up to the Country Walking #walk1000miles challenge for 2017?


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