Spring Watch

1 watcher
Mar 2016
10:48am, 3 Mar 2016
12,683 posts
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I have just been buzzed by a bumble bee.

The pond is full of frogspawn.
Mar 2016
10:49am, 3 Mar 2016
11,712 posts
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crocus, daffs, cherry blossom
Mar 2016
11:52am, 3 Mar 2016
8,545 posts
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It's going to snow tonight. Fish ate all the frogspawn in January here.
Mar 2016
1:20pm, 3 Mar 2016
First-time poster!!
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2 bees and some fresh green hawthorn leaves out in fhe morning sun
Mar 2016
4:12pm, 3 Mar 2016
877 posts
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Welcome to Fetch Meadowboy. Spring is still to really hit us in SW Scotland. In fact, its bloody freezing. :)
Apr 2016
9:31pm, 12 Apr 2016
31 posts
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I'm now listening for my first cuckoo,bto tracking says they are getting close now last year was 20april

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Maintained by ChrisHB
I have just been buzzed by a bumble bee.

The pond is full of frogspawn.

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