
4 watchers
Jan 2012
3:48pm, 19 Jan 2012
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little girl lost
My shins are really painful when I run. Do I need different trainers? I have a pair of Brooks at the moment. These were purchased on the basis of professional advice.
Jan 2012
4:35pm, 19 Jan 2012
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Lyra OK
Hello and welcome to Fetch! :)

Sorry to hear that your shins are giving you grief. Sounds like shin splints to me. Alas, having trainers professional fitted doesn't mean an immunity to injury.

Shin splints are pretty common - especially if you're new to running, I certainly had it on and off when I started. Don't be downhearted, it can be resolved, but be patient and don't be tempted to run through pain.

Hopefully someone will be along to give you some proper advice on what you can do about it soon.
Jan 2012
4:47pm, 19 Jan 2012
65 posts
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I was plagued for about 18 months with shin splints partly my fault as I tried to come back too early. I had to stop skipping and join a gym to use a cross trainer for a few months. I then had to build my miles up again gradually and try to change my running style while changing to less cushioned footwear. It seems to be working so far and I have had no sign of them re emerging. I did go to my GP aswell and got referred to a Physio.

I had good core excercises from the physio but the professor consultant told me I could never run again and I should become a rower or a cyclist. He was abit of a dick and after being discharged and me maoning to my GP he then said I would benefit from injections along the shin but they can't do that from whitechapel or on the NHS.
Jan 2012
4:48pm, 19 Jan 2012
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Mark J
I used to suffer from these really badly when I first started running. Horrible pain.

The cure: take running slowly initially and as above, don't be tempted to run through the pain. Take a couple of weeks out and do some cross training/cycling in the meantime to keep your cardio levels up/building. Trainers are a potentially massive reason too. Having the right shoes, fitted properly for your first pair at the very least is a must. Made a huge difference to my shins. Also, and here's a contentious one for some people, my shin splints virtually disappeared over night by wearing compression socks. Yes I did say overnight, they were that good.

Welcome to fetch and enjoy the running.

Jan 2012
4:52pm, 19 Jan 2012
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Naive Steve
Welcome Little Girl to Fetch (that sounds very patronising, apologies), I've got the same problem at the moment and have been advised to seek gait analysis. Is this what you did in the first place when choosing your trainers? Anyway, I'd wait for someone more qualified to come hopefully come along and profer their advice...but personally I seem to tick at least half of the reasons not to run given in the nhs advice from Lyra, so I there seems to be little hope for me

Hope you don't mind if I lurk here hoping to catch some of the advice that may be along?

And good luck with the running, I hope you find a solution
Jan 2012
5:51pm, 19 Jan 2012
2 posts
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little girl lost
Thanks everyone. I am new to running. I started to improve my stamina for my Tae Kwon Do.

I'm planning on going back to the shop for further advice. I recall having this problem many years ago.

I like the sound of the compression socks!
Jan 2012
12:02pm, 24 Jan 2012
4 posts
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little girl lost
Update on the shins.... they appear to be resolving on their own!
Jan 2012
3:07pm, 24 Jan 2012
47 posts
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Swimming very good for shin splints - also 'running' on the spot in the shallow end. Gait analysis should help, footwear & socks make a big difference. Good luck!
Jan 2012
3:28pm, 24 Jan 2012
17,522 posts
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eL Bee!
Shin splints occur in the main because of something we are doing in our running.
The two main issues are: landing with your ankle ahead of your knee with your foot dorsiflexed (toes pulled up towards your knee) and your weight (eccentrically) stretching the tensed tibialis anterior (the muscle in the front of your lower leg) as your foot is forced lat on the ground;

and landing with your ankle ahead of your knee and the ankle rolling in with the muscle that controls that resisting it (can't remember it's name, sorry) an so being eccentrically stretched.

Stop these from happening and painful shins won't develop
Dec 2019
12:24pm, 14 Dec 2019
First-time poster!!
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Shin splint is a pain that new runners often suffer. So, if you are a new runner, the best way to avoid shin splint is to run slowly first and increase your mileage gradually.<a href="">read more</a> about shin.

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My shins are really painful when I run. Do I need different trainers? I have a pair of Brooks at the...

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