Chiropractors or Osteopath Help

2 watchers
Feb 2011
8:55am, 6 Feb 2011
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Well the placebo effect can make you relax and that works wonders for Range of Movement. If the therapy has a psychological effect I wouldn't knock it! The power of the mind is awesome....... except mine after 3 pints and a kebab... feeble springs to mind!
Feb 2011
9:22am, 6 Feb 2011
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I think I'm talking about a different placebo effect, I'm on about this one
Feb 2011
9:34am, 6 Feb 2011
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Hope Mrs J is on the mend soon. Personally I would try all avenues. I have been amazed since I started doing the PT stuff, how many people complain of bad backs when they come to me, but then say they haven't seen a doctor, chiro, Osteo, Witch doctor, Hypnotist or whatever. It seems the done thing to grin and bear it.

I do know Mrs L was in enormous pain after hurting her back the day after the Moonwalk last year. Despite our reservations she saw a local Osteopath and was sorted within 2 inexpensive sessions.

I do sometimes wonder why we are all so quick to debunk stuff we don't understand. Placebo effect or not, had crippling back pain, no longer have crippling back pain. I know what I'd rather have.

I would also re-iterate what others have said, regarding practitioners versus philosophy. Keep an open mind, all to often we tar everyone with the same brush. All Osteopaths or Chiropractors are not Witches or Charlatans, in the same way all Englishmen don't wear bowler hats and carry a copy of the times.

As with anyone providing a personal service, try to find someone else who has been to them and felt a benefit.
Feb 2011
9:39am, 6 Feb 2011
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Nobody is "debunking" anything, as I said I think people have an idea about what the placebo effect is that doesn't tally with my understanding of it.

However its not about peoplle being right or wrong, its about whether the evidence supports its effectiveness beyond placebo and to be polite, its "mixed"
Feb 2011
9:57am, 6 Feb 2011
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I agree Lums..loads of pain or no pain..I am not sure it is because i have relaxed, visiting an osteo can be far from relaxing :). the evidence, in my experience, is that it works for me and i dont have to inflict unnatural chemicals on body to gain pain/discomfort relief. are sports massages just placebos? i dont think you can ever truly determine whether something is a placebo or not, i.e. how can you distinguish whether the treatment has induced the effect or the mind?
Feb 2011
9:58am, 6 Feb 2011
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I agree, I am not advocating either side, my point was, if you have bad back pain, you ought to try and do something about it, either through traditional, or, alternative methods.

I would of course avoid anyone who says it will require 15 sessions, or claims it will help more than you are after!
Apr 2011
2:42pm, 21 Apr 2011
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i'd say Osteopath the reason being is that of my own personal experiences and would always recommend a Osteopath rather than a Chiropractor
Apr 2011
3:02pm, 21 Apr 2011
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Every 6 months or so I see a Mctimoney Chiropractor.

They don't crunch you but re align everything by what can only be described as gentle shaking.

Intial treatment,7 years ago,was 2 x 30 mins.Now I go once evry 6 months for maintenace,I could go once a year but every 6 months gives me peace of mind!

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Mrs J is currently training for VLM but has got to 9 miles and is really struggling with her back. I...

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