4 watchers
Jul 2023
10:38pm, 23 Jul 2023
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Message from my friend:
She can be asked to be referred to Psychiatry-Uk as part of her right to choose, they will agree a shared care pathway with her GP. Psy-uk has all the details in their website. Good luck
Aug 2023
11:24am, 23 Aug 2023
2,076 posts
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Anyone got good advice on sensible training adjustments when starting on adhd meds? Concerta 18mg fwiw.
Oct 2023
12:40pm, 1 Oct 2023
2,078 posts
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Surprised not more chatter in this thread. Is it still taboo / stigma?

36mg now, small changes happening that I think count as progress. Training still on back burner really.

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About This Thread

Maintained by Derby Tup
Someone I know is being referred by their GP for ADHD. Apparently, and not surprisingly, there is a very long waiting list (six years?!) to be seen

Has anyone on here any experience please of private companies who are legit and recognised by the NHS?

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