Calf injury

2 watchers
May 2022
10:53pm, 28 May 2022
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Hi all I had an calf injury 4 months ago was told last week to start gentle 100 mtrs at a time no more than 5 over 5k to start with. Calf is a bit better now but whole body feels achy and general tiredness in legs, missing the running but can hardly do 5k walking as legs so tired any advice to try get them working again so I can get back out again.

Cheers norrie.
May 2022
10:33am, 29 May 2022
32,930 posts
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Welcome to fetch

If you have had 4 months off exercising then you will feel this way
Going from nothing to 5k even walking is a lot
I’d definitely say do more frequent but shorter walks even 1/2 mile morning and night to get your legs used to it again

Nice and easy does it
Also try pool running

What exercise did you do during the 4 months?
May 2022
6:50pm, 29 May 2022
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Hi had four months of running but still have an active job (gardener) and still walking,along with exercise bike to keep fitness up.
May 2022
12:52pm, 31 May 2022
42,462 posts
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Aching all over seems strange. Tired legs makes sense, just need to pick the running up gradually. Will be fine a couple of weeks, I'd think.

Calf itself is my biggest concern. Each time I restarted, I re damaged it - tear or strain. Carefully does it! I also have Achilles issues related to the calf, I think?

Best of luck. :-) G

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Maintained by Mario.
Hi all I had an calf injury 4 months ago was told last week to start gentle 100 mtrs at a time no more than 5 over 5k to start with. Calf is a bit better now but whole body feels achy and general tiredness in legs, missing the running but can hardly do 5k walking as legs so tired any advice to try get them working again so I can get back out again.

Cheers norrie.

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