You've got to be thin to win?

18 watchers
Jun 2008
4:53pm, 24 Jun 2008
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Its ok as babyleaf in a salad but other than thanks.
Jun 2008
4:55pm, 24 Jun 2008
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FInders, you can always plant beetroots and stuff like that. I like mangetout peas and they should do ok so long as no sneaky mice eat the peas what you're planted. Rocket's nice if you like that sort of thing. Radishes can carry on being planted for ages yet too as can letti (plural of lettus you know).
Jun 2008
4:56pm, 24 Jun 2008
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I like spinach in a spinach and blue cheese quiche and young leaves raw in a salad... I quite like it cooked, and eaten cold with a drizzle of olive oil, some freshly ground pepper and seasalt on some hot bruschetta :-)
Jun 2008
4:56pm, 24 Jun 2008
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Not sure how close you are to me Finders, we're sort of west suffolk, near cambridge. I could always post some eggs to you if necessary, although they tend to be a bit squashy on arrival in my experience.
Jun 2008
4:57pm, 24 Jun 2008
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I love rocket and radishes too... :-)
Jun 2008
4:59pm, 24 Jun 2008
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excellent, you can come for dinner too then Hann! :-) Free range eggs, rocket on a bed of whatever else I've got growing.

Oooh one thing you can always do is buy small plants like peppers, corgettes etc from garden centres and plant those. Gives them a head start. I've got some nice hot chilli plants in the conservatory and I talk to them regularly. "Come on you bastards, grow!"
Jun 2008
5:00pm, 24 Jun 2008
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Arrr you are way away Bob - im on the North Norfolk coast. I thought you may be closer as you were at Dereham too :-)
I think i'll prob start with some beetroot then and radish. Mangetout also, the boys love that!
Cool, i know what im doing at the weekend now :-) :-)
Jun 2008
5:01pm, 24 Jun 2008
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LOL dr Bob!
I've decided my peppers are pants due to lack of heat
but they are in grow bags now so not portable
I may crack the grow bag into pots and bring them into the conservatory to bake instead!
Jun 2008
5:02pm, 24 Jun 2008
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pmsl Bob -hubby has loads of chilli plants in my ickle greenhouse contraption. He's nurturing them quite well actually and im impressed. We both usually lack patience in these areas, but im loving seeing it all coming along nicely. My carrots have proper carrot leaves now and i've got a few blueberries forming too.
Jun 2008
5:03pm, 24 Jun 2008
761 posts
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Do peppers like it humid EP?

About This Thread

Maintained by Big Al Widepants
Big Al Widepants is trying to lose weight because an article in Runner's World told him he could expect to knock 4 minutes off his half marathon time if he got closer to his ideal weight.

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