Taper q

2 watchers
Oct 2013
1:04pm, 11 Oct 2013
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paul the builder
I would do a decent taper for a HM - if it was my 'A' priority race. And then I would tailor that whole week towards the race.

But it isn't your 'A' race (and it never is mine, either). But I know what you mean about a) wanting it to go well for the confidence boost, and b) being able to use a well-executed raced HM to set (or fine-tune) your marathon target pace.
So my approach is usually continue with normal marathon training plan up to Tuesday or Wednesday of the pre-HM week, then substitute the Thursday session either for an easy 5-7m, or maybe a very light race-pace session. Say 4 x 800m at HM pace, nothing that's going to take much out of you. And I'd not run the day before the race either (but some folk *like* to run the day before a race, even their 'A' race, so that's more a personal thing).

Having just re-read your post - I don't think I would do my LR on Tue/Wed on the race week, but definitely OK the week before. If you could shift the LR forward by a day or two, then I'd do that then too.
Oct 2013
12:50pm, 20 Oct 2013
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Well, for the record....I had quite a strenuous weekend (hard run and then 2 days hillwalking), the intended midweek run was delayed to Thursday by a passing typhoon so I only did 4k hard in 12k total. I certainly felt bouncy enough for Sunday's race, though I didn't do very well basically because I'm not yet used to running hard after a hot summer of slow jogging. So I didn't learn very much, other than that I'm not ready for racing!

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Maintained by jda
I've got a HM in two weeks. However, my main aim is a full marathon in 7 weeks. I think my training...

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