Political Philosophy

13 watchers
Apr 2016
12:29pm, 11 Apr 2016
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There were several answers to the question Binks. You even answered it yourself when you admitted that you change your baby's nappy clearly against their will :)

The bottom line is that the wisdom of an individual is probably not as complete as the wisdom of consensus and so although personal freedom is important, compulsion is ok in some circumstances.

The definition of the tipping point between upholding personal freedom or taking it away to achieve consensus goals is roughly measurable via democratic process.

Nobody here can say exactly what the tipping point is or should be as different people have different values.

I value the environment very highly and think it often outweighs personal freedoms. I fully appreciate that someone who values personal freedoms more than I do will have that the other way around and I won't get my way on the environment.

I can live with that.

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Maintained by Binks
An idea for a thread, something I like to read about lots is political theory and it's come up quit...

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