Happy birthday Jigs

3 watchers
Mar 2018
4:00pm, 14 Mar 2018
32,241 posts
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Happy birthday Jigs! cake :)
Mar 2018
8:20pm, 14 Mar 2018
33,504 posts
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Happy birthday Mr J - hope you enjoyed your day and jaunt up the mountain!
Mar 2018
8:23pm, 14 Mar 2018
14,036 posts
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Thanks everyone :) Yes, has been a good day with some cake. Nearly got to spend the night in a car park, which would have been posted on the mundane thread.
Safely back at sea level now.
Mar 2018
8:26pm, 14 Mar 2018
8,988 posts
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Missed this nearly. Happy birthday to you! Sounds like a great day. xx
Mar 2018
8:29pm, 14 Mar 2018
12,256 posts
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early bird
Happy birthday 🎂🍾
Mar 2018
9:07pm, 14 Mar 2018
5,234 posts
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Happy birthday! That volcano is magnificent but I'm glad you didn't have to spend the night there!
Mar 2018
9:29pm, 14 Mar 2018
8,357 posts
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Watford Wobble
Sounds like a great day Jigs. Stuck in a carpark ehh ;-)
Mar 2018
11:24pm, 14 Mar 2018
15,683 posts
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Happy birthday :-)

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About This Thread

Maintained by Watford Wobble
Happy birthday Jigs,

Hope you have a lovely day and may the cayke be lovely.

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