Edinburgh Marathon 2017

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May 2017
9:11am, 29 May 2017
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Well done for getting there, Perfect Organism. I did the Edinburgh Marathon in 2012, and it was just so damned hot... looks as if yesterday was the same. It's taken me five years to start thinking about doing my next one!
May 2017
10:11am, 29 May 2017
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Crikey, PO, I thought I had a bad race (3:54 off a 3:35 target). This is why I prefer autumn races - train through the heat and have a nice cool race, rather than the exact opposite.
May 2017
10:21am, 29 May 2017
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PO well done!! Can't have been easy in that heat. 4:24 is an awesome time. Wear that medal with pride 🏃🏻🏅x
May 2017
10:28am, 29 May 2017
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Perfect Organism
Thanks everyone :)

That's a good point Weean. We ran Berlin a few years ago, training through the summer which was brutal. But it means that as you say, you either have a nice cool race, or are slightly more conditioned to the heat if it does turn out to be hot.
May 2017
1:11pm, 29 May 2017
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Well done folks.

I had a a great easy stride until the late teens early twenties when I honestly thought I had heat stroke, it all went to pieces after that with a walk/run to enable me to finish strong. My first thought across the line was "i'm never doing that again!"

Running with no shade for three hours was hellish, thankfully it had clouded over after that.

My training runs just didn't allow for acclimatisation.

May 2017
7:02pm, 29 May 2017
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Typical, today's weather would have been much kinder, if a bit breezy. I really liked the relaxed atmosphere whilst still having that big race feel, always someone to chat to along the way. Lots of loos at the start & the I liked not being penned in with barriers once you were in your colour zone. I was on for a pb & running well, felt strong, but I knew the heat would take it's toll at some point & it fell away as we turned back through the grounds of the house & hit the ash track & then the hot sun as we hit the tarmac again. Had enough to hold it together in the last hour but at 3.46 I missed a pb by 2 mins, but more than happy. I think I will take the advice of an autumn marathon next, but I loved my EMF experience & we are now enjoying a few family days in the city.
May 2017
7:41pm, 29 May 2017
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Too warm in Scotland, that's bad luck, get yourselves to Stirling next year for their marathon. Apparently tougher but more enjoyable.
May 2017
2:56pm, 30 May 2017
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I was very impressed by the organisation at the weekend... As someone who hasn't done the race in a good few years, it was pretty effortless from the moment I received my number to picking up my baggage at the end. Start and finish were well organised and signposted, loads of loos etc.

I found it a bit frustrating at the start with limited space to get past people as everyone settled in to their pace over the first 3 or 4 miles, was often having to run on the pavements. Not sure if that's just par for the course for a bit marathon, but seemed like a lot of people had started further up the field than maybe they should have.

Support was great all along the route but the weather was brutal in places, much hotter than I thought it would be and less of a breeze than the forecast had suggested.

Well done to everyone who ran and turned out to support.
May 2017
6:11pm, 30 May 2017
686 posts
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Perfect Organism
Yeah I thought the organisation was tip top. Such a relaxed start with no rushing around, urinals for the guys, freeing up the loos for the girls, no congestion, I thought the organisation was great.
May 2017
8:28am, 31 May 2017
3,609 posts
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Had a fab time in Edinburgh, just too busy to internet :)
mixed bag for us - Relay team did a bit over what we hoped, but done in 4:13. First 2 legs according to plan, I did the out and back from Port Seton enjoying the views but not the heat! How is it uphill both ways? Lots of folks struggling in the heat, was happy to get to my changeover. Where I found my husband who'd done 10-14 miles of the marathon with a groin strain and stopped :(
Leg 4 had ankle and heat problems and had to run walk...
Little brother however looked strong passing through before we had to get a bus and finished in a mighty 4:28:02 in his first marathon. Very proud of him, somehow the heat didn't bother him! He had wanted 4:30 so all good.

Bit of touristing and back home, staying long enough for BA to sort themselves out.

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Maintained by Perfect Organism
Just entered the 2017 Edinburgh marathon so I thought I'd set up a forum for it so we can take thro...

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