
Last on at 10am, 27th Jul 2024
M60 Midlothian
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About Me
A sprinter and occasional miler and cross country runner during my school years, I ran occasionally for exercise when I started working. Then I joined a gym and used the treadmill as part of my workout, only running outdoors occasionally. Wind the clock forward several years and a suggestion that I run a 10K race with my brother and sister lead to me finding and joining Fetch at the start of 2005 to keep track of my training. Looking back, I'm amazed I got round the route of the Balmoral Tartan 10K after so little training, but I kept going back and did it 7 times in a row.

A lot has changed since then, having gone from one race a year in 2005-2007, 2 in 2008, 4, including 2 Half Marathons in 2009 before I decided that training for my first marathon would require some extra motivation to get me out doing the longer training runs. I joined a running club and the long Sunday runs became a pleasure instead of a chore and I still look forward to every training run. But even while my running continued to improve until I hit the buffers in July 2012 and was out for almost two months with a knee injury, followed by over two years of further injuries and illnesses that curtailed any racing until November 2015 when I ran in my 'comeback' 10K.

Fast forward to late 2017 and I've almost completed my best ever year of running with PBs at every distance from 1 mile to marathon, (I ran two in one year for the first time). Looking forward to continued good health and an injury free 2018.
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Portobello parkrun, Edinburgh
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26th Jul
General 2.9mi 28:58
23rd Jul
General 2.3mi 23:11
16th Jul
General 1.2mi 20:41
15th Jul
General 1.1mi 17:20
14th Jul
General 4.2mi 1:09:14
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